As I mentioned in the past, Judy is an emotional train wreck, has way to many red flags. Two major ones is Judy likes to fix other people problems as to avoid her own. Also, she tends to run away, again to avoid dealing with her own issues.
The dive Judy wants to do with Valerie, seems to be pure emotional manipulation, by syncing herself to Valerie in the hopes to project and sway Valerie. After, if Val excepts and returns Judy's affections Judy works on their brain dance. If Valerie rejects Judies advances she does not even deal with the braindance and typically, she runs away by leaving NC. I know Judy leaves NC if it is Vincent, after the dive, but being Vincent is male, changes the dynamic. Makes one wonder why Judy even does this with Vincent, other than it was easier on programing the story to keep it somewhat in line to Valerie rejecting Judy's advances. In other words with Vincent being male, or Valerie rejecting Judy's advances, Judy gives up on the project.
One thing is for sure, even if Valerie and Judy become a couple within 6 months to couple of years Judy will leave Valerie, despite the 'happiest part of <Judy's> life' message left on Valerie's phone, Judy is just way to emotionally unstable.
As for Judy's relationship with Evelyn..... based on the dialogue, and emails. Judy and Evelyn were a couple, which did not work out (Evelyn is incapable to bond due to being a doll)..... what a surprise there (not). Then Judy links up with Maeko (sp?), that fell apart, more on Judy's mental instability, than Maeko''s inability to bond.
If you have Valerie (not right in her mind) romance Judy, and Valerie takes the Nomad ending, Judy pretty much admits to Valerie while travelling to the tunnel, she and Evelyn planned to 'run off in bliss' like what she doing with Valerie.
The dive Judy wants to do with Valerie, seems to be pure emotional manipulation, by syncing herself to Valerie in the hopes to project and sway Valerie. After, if Val excepts and returns Judy's affections Judy works on their brain dance. If Valerie rejects Judies advances she does not even deal with the braindance and typically, she runs away by leaving NC. I know Judy leaves NC if it is Vincent, after the dive, but being Vincent is male, changes the dynamic. Makes one wonder why Judy even does this with Vincent, other than it was easier on programing the story to keep it somewhat in line to Valerie rejecting Judy's advances. In other words with Vincent being male, or Valerie rejecting Judy's advances, Judy gives up on the project.
One thing is for sure, even if Valerie and Judy become a couple within 6 months to couple of years Judy will leave Valerie, despite the 'happiest part of <Judy's> life' message left on Valerie's phone, Judy is just way to emotionally unstable.
As for Judy's relationship with Evelyn..... based on the dialogue, and emails. Judy and Evelyn were a couple, which did not work out (Evelyn is incapable to bond due to being a doll)..... what a surprise there (not). Then Judy links up with Maeko (sp?), that fell apart, more on Judy's mental instability, than Maeko''s inability to bond.
If you have Valerie (not right in her mind) romance Judy, and Valerie takes the Nomad ending, Judy pretty much admits to Valerie while travelling to the tunnel, she and Evelyn planned to 'run off in bliss' like what she doing with Valerie.