You had a misconception of what the character background would be and took the fantasy to far.. Man you will always be a nomad if you act like one the whole game.. Choomba I'm fresh off Borderlands 3, Mortal Kombat 11 and AC Odyssey.. Am a hardcore player - Cyberpunk is the best game out rn - for those who are innately attracted to this universe.As it is right now, CP is in no way, form or shape a great game. The narrative of the side mission is pretty good, and the story (main plot?) is also kinda cool in my opinion, but the game itself! Has a long way to go, before i would even call it a good one. I have no problem, seeing this turn into the masterpiece they made it out to be. But there is a long road ahead for that to happen.
I dont doubt that you are enjoying it, i am to a certain degree too. But calling it great, well you should raise the bar a bit.
My initial tought when i started to play was "Holy shit, this is it", and then my 15min as a Nomad was over. Only to be greeted by a weak ass montage, completely ruining a perfect opurtunity to get to know the City alongside my new found friend Jackie(Inbefore this gets pushed as DLC).
Sure this game has some bugs and minor glitches that can be ignored, but there is something else quite profound off about it, and i honestly dont think it can or will be fixed. PLEASE CDPR prove me wrong, i dare you, i double dare you!
I play some preem polished games yo and I know CP is extraordinary because of the sum of its parts... And because I haven't left since day one.