Kaedweni Sergeant + Gold Card

Kaedweni Sergeant + Gold Card

Not sure if this intended or just a bug but basically Kaedweni Sergeant's flavour text reads "Choose a Gold unit on either side of the battlefield and convert it to Silver." So I turned Eredin into a Silver after he was played onto a board with Biting Frost.. "Set the strength of all non-Gold units on both Melee rows to 1". Surely he should have been set to 1 seen as he lost his Gold Status. Other non Gold cards jump down to 1 when played on a board which is weathered.
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That would make sense. Unless Eredin is like othe wild hunt and immune to frost. I don't know if this is the reason just speculating.
See, I was thinking that too but it doesn't say on the card after being turned to Silver "Immune to Frost effects" - it just says the same flavour text (Play Eredin). I did something similar with Ciri using Commanders Horn on her and it buffed her, in the melee row too.

I guess if this is supposed to happen maybe in the text for Eredin add "Immune to Frost"..?
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