Kegs Drop-rate Analysis (Premium, Silver, Gold)

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Opened 16 kegs, got 1 gold and 3 silvers, seems fine to me. Can't really claim there's a lower drop rate of something just from personal experience, I'm afraid. Not unless you've collected data from both before and after patch with equal (and high) amounts. Those adding up kegs over multiple accounts are skewing the data even more. In my personal experience I've opened 192 kegs since open beta on a single account, and got 19 golds. That's one gold every 21.333 on average. Opened 16 kegs this morning and got 1 gold, so that's actually better than average. On the other side of that, I've opened 30+ kegs weeks ago and got no golds. In conclusion that must mean OMG PROBABILITY WAS LOWER BEFORE THE UPDATE HIT!!!!!!!!!

See how you can use statistics to your advantage just by turning things around a little?
Have you guys changed drop chance of Legendaries and Epics? because this is the 1st time I have opened 19 kegs and my friend has opened 18 and we have gotten 0 golds and 0 silvers. jus bunch of premiums...
Anyone else like this?
Vyse_Shimazu;n10212472 said:
Servers are most likely overloaded. In my case, second keg I opened was refunded, however i believe i kept 4 standard pick cards, no 100% sure. Also, people are reporting unusually low rates on Gold/Silver cards, since the premium weekend, so make your mind up in advance if you want a higher CHANCE of better cards, or certain animated cards (I Believe that the choice rare+ cards are always premium)

Merchant got 2 golds from 19 kegs on stream about an hour ago. Ofc, this doesn't mean that chances aren't lower than usual, but I think that's merely a subjective opinion.

Personally I got a silver from the second keg I opened (then I had to stop due to the issue mentioned in this topic).
Got like 6 Premium Silvers out of 15 kegs at work. But I guess will hold up opening all I have at home.
masterring;n10211622 said:

I have opened 33 kegs, and Cougar 19 kegs - 52 kegs No single Gold

So it seems you get the premium but drop rate on Gold is 0 percent or maybe 0.001 percent

In 33 KEGS - 4 Silvers

You have just been unlucky. I got a premium Iorverth: Meditation on my 16th keg.
20 Kegs opened and I got a premium silver. Not a great series overall BUT
any single one of my last pick were premium (including my silver as stated above) is that a new "feature" or me being incredibly lucky on the movy department?)
Can't wait to open my kegs tonight :).

masterring;n10212282 said:
120 Kegs - No legendaries?????
That's super harsh. Normally it's about 1 every 20 kegs in my experience. I doubt it's some conspiracy though ... just really awful luck. Here's hoping lady luck gives you one in each of your next seven kegs over the weekend. You're due!
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GenLiu;n10214022 said:
20 Kegs opened and I got a premium silver. Not a great series overall BUT
any single one of my last pick were premium (including my silver as stated above) is that a new "feature" or me being incredibly lucky on the movy department?)

It's the premium keg weekend. From now and until the weekend (not sure exactly when it ends), every single keg you open will have a premium as the final choice. It's damn awesome. xD
LOL - the only "Gold" card I got was Vreemde (he was the least useless choice between the 3 offered to me in a keg) but that's the only "Gold" I got
Treefeed;n10215732 said:
3 Golds(2 premium) 8 Silvers (3 premium) - not so bad from 17 kegs.
That's usually the drop rate for new(er) players. I had the same when I was low levelish. This however changed drastically for me. (and I am pretty sure that this has nothing to do with bad streaks).
So opened 34 kegs and now 3 won today from daily and rank up. It's total 37 (2 or 3 of them was deleated from my account cause of that bug - i hope support will refund that). Before today patch i had like 15-20 kegs opened w/o legendary. So my streak is 50-55 kegs opened without even 1 legendary card. That some ridicoulus shit. I was always so unlucky with kegs (1 legend every 30/40 legs) so i had hopes maybe finally today when that cool premium promotion and finally i will get maybe some luck.
Imagine my disapointment :(
masterring;n10212282 said:
So adding to two account now three more accounts. Thas 6 accounts and total is

120 Kegs - No legendaries?????

Someone screwed probability chance in code or is it intentional. Still no single person responded it got legendary

My first 2 Kegs: 1 Epic + 1 Legendary...I think, you are really unlucky today...FeelsBadMan...
After a rather bad Midwinter patch keg opening, ( 58 kegs, 2 golds and a handful of silvers ) today i got lucky. I opened 15 kegs and got 2 golds and 5 silvers. Then i played some games, opened 5 more kegs and got 3 silvers. My new premium piglets make me smile. :)
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