Kerenzikov issue.

Basically, if you're dodging or moving left or right while in slo-mo with Kerenzikov, your bullets trajectory aren't accurate. You also can't see where your bullets are going. They don't travel with a slow motion effect either. The only way to test this is with bullet impacts in walls. The bullets go to the left or right of your sight depending on which way you're moving, instead of going straight. So it's essentially only usable if you're dodging forward or backward. Thing is, the Sandavistan cybermod actually has accurate bullet trajectory which I don't understand. The bullets also have a slo-mo effect applied to them as well so you can see where they go. And this Kerenzikov issue also applies to when you're sliding and shooting to the left or right of you. Anyways, this is a really annoying issue because I really wanna use Kerenzikov.
I don't know if it's an issue/bug :(
It is still installed on all my V, but don't realy use it. As you said, not really good with guns (so difficult to hit something). On the other hand, it's really useful for "beat on the brat" with low body stats.
Very easy to dodge with Kerensikov and have a short reload :D
I've got a similar setup. Legendary Kerenzikov with Epic Nanorelays (and a Legendary Dynlar Sandevistan too just for pure cheese value). Given I get 5.5 seconds of bullet time per activation, I tend to wait it out and only take the shot(s) after the dodge completes.

That's not too bad for me because I tend to use it for dashing around corners and scoring a cheap headshot on whoever was waiting for me on the other side. My other common use is for rushing/flanking enemies who have taken cover. In both cases, I want to have finished the movement before I shoot anyway.

If I'm feeling particularly lucky, I've started trying to judge the bullet trajectory by eye mid-dodge. It's a bit silly I've not thought about dodging forward/backward before. Overall though, yep, I noticed the same kind of thing. Mid-dodge, my rounds weren't quite going where I was aiming.
Yeah, I actually posted a thread on this before but those two mods are broken. Karenzikov breaks melee where you can't combo and Sandevistan breaks overall ballistic trajectory of any projectile weapon. Each round should go forward with zero horizontal force applied. You need to lead a moving target, you do not need to lead a stationary target, however in wacky CP land you do.
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