Keyboard control oddities (and suggested fixes)

Keyboard controls are pretty good, but there are a few things that could use a little polishing...

Currently, we can't remap the key for "holster weapon". The default is double-tap-ALT = holster-Weapon, which is problematic as single-tap-ALT is switch weapon and it's far too easy to miss the timing for a double-tap and unintentionally switch weapons. How about hold-R = holster-weapon? The worst that can happen is that you accidentally reload a weapon, which I don't think would bother anyone. ;) Accidentally switching weapons is bad though, and timed/auto-holstering a weapon (like was added in patch 1.3/1.31) is very immersion breaking as you're constantly holstering/unholstering. (If you've drawn your weapon so that you have it at-the-ready, there's probably a reason for it... :p You might relax and lower your arm slightly after a while, but you're not going to put the weapon away entirely while there's still a threat nearby.)

Switching from Cyber-arm weaponry to ordinary fists also needs some improvement. Currently, if you hit 4 to switch, it always goes to the cyber-arm weaponry, and there's no way to select ordinary fists with just a keypress. How about if you're using weapons 1/2/3 and you hit 4 it goes to the cyber-arms, and then for each additional press of 4 it ping-pongs back and forth from fists→cyberArms→fists→cyberArms? That'd be a lot more intuitive.

Crouch-toggle is fine, but there's a related problem in that when you're toggled into the crouching position and walk over uneven terrain (like and air-conditioner, cables, piping, garbage, etc), it sometimes causes V to stand/crouch/stand/crouch/stand/then re-crouch... which removes the dark vignette from the screen for a split second each time you stand, causing a disturbing flicker. Why not tie the vignette to the key-toggle rather than the player-animation, so that the vignette stays active/dark even if V stands for split second while moving over rough terrain? :) That flicker is really nasty and must be fixed. :)
I fully agree on holding R to holster is the way to go. Other games are doing that and it just works.
Like you said. I've switched weapon so many times instead of holstering... Sigh...
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