"Killing in the Name" Intelligence Requirements?

Hey all!

So, I was leafing through the official guide today and my eyes happened to scan the little infobox for a quest called "Killing in the Name"; now, I'm nowhere near doing this quest and thus would ask for no spoilers, but the box did say that one needed some points of intelligence to progress the quest. I went and looked online and while I was able to get various numbers for an optional thing at the end of quest, I never found a number required to get to the end.

So, my question is: What are the intelligence requirements to get to the end of the quest, or is there not one? Likewise, are there any other quests with an intelligence requirement to get and/or complete? I'm planning on sticking at Intelligence 3 for my current run but, if a quest needs intelligence to complete, then that changes things.

I don't remember if these access points have INT skill requirements. For me, it "only" require enough buffer size (so a good cyberdeck).
(If I remember, the last access point require at minimum 5 "codes")
As far as i remember, there is no int requirement to complete the quest is an optional check at the end but you will not fail the quest (call it flavour if you want). I think that in the whole game, there is 1 check that can block an optional quest and its body 4 the requirement.
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