Lawsuit is happening sad days ahead

i think CDPR will be alright with that lawsuit. Maybe it will make a dent but they should be able to recover quickly
You both missed what I’m saying. Yes, they lied to everyone. Yes it’s outrageous that they mislead us and had us buy a product that hardly met even the most basic of their promises.

However, the investors don’t care about that. The investors were lied to about the state of the game. That’s where the lawsuit is coming from. If the investors were told “yeah it’s not quite what we sold it as, but here’s what is going on...” this lawsuit wouldn’t be here.

We’d get some PR salve to smooth rustled feathers, a few freebie dlcs, and then everything would go on. It’s not the fans these companies care about.
Unfortunately you are so correct. We all need to stop pre-ordering games from these companies and wait for reviews to come out BEFORE we throw down cash anymore. I'm going to do that, as much as the hype gets me to do it everytime.
You both missed what I’m saying. Yes, they lied to everyone. Yes it’s outrageous that they mislead us and had us buy a product that hardly met even the most basic of their promises.

However, the investors don’t care about that. The investors were lied to about the state of the game. That’s where the lawsuit is coming from. If the investors were told “yeah it’s not quite what we sold it as, but here’s what is going on...” this lawsuit wouldn’t be here.

We’d get some PR salve to smooth rustled feathers, a few freebie dlcs, and then everything would go on. It’s not the fans these companies care about.
I got what you were saying but I just can't agree that lying to your customers is of no consequence and I don't believe all investors are automatically Mr. Big Moneybags cartoon villain types just looking to screw over the public either. Its in investors best interests that companies are relatively honest about their products with customers.
It's not sad at all, they made mistake now they will have to pay for it and if they go bankrupt then another corporation will take over.

Guest 4354978

You don't really understand how these kinds of lawsuits actually work .....

Here's basically how this will play out, the Hedge Funds and other Big Investors (AKA extremely wealthy people who don't like losing money or being lied to) will kick out pretty much all of upper management, put several of "their Guys" on the Board of Directors and basically seize control of the corporation leaving the founders Minority Investors with maybe one Token Seat on the Board and a figurehead with no power in Management ......

They won't run the company out of business nor let the game flounder because there is way too much money at stake and money to be made ..... However I expect that CP2077 online MP will end up being another money grubbing money grab but it won't really matter because all the Fanboys/CDPR Cult will justify it anyway because that's how Fanboys/Cults always work ..... Just like so many of them justify all the lies we were told by Upper Management and the founders ......
Fuck....That shit you say is heavy...but true. Is that how companies like EA and Ubisoft became what they are now? taken over from the inside? if that be true we are in serious trouble. i can see why investors were so scared of Ubisoft releasing Rainbow Six: Patriots because it was targeting THEM as the "bad guys" (imo they should have released it so it will remind them of their..."mortality" they may have influence, power and are untouchable but at the end of the day they are still mere mortals of flesh and blood. also the whole legacy mentality that they believe in is completely useless a few years down the line NO ONE will remember who they were and what they did)
Lawsuits aside, it's Sony that's going to bury CDPR if they can't be convinced to put this game back up on their store after a reasonable effort. It certainly won't help with sales of future CDPR games. It's a huge revenue source.
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