Let's talk about the first impressions from the closed Beta

Let's talk about the first impressions from the closed Beta

Just a place to discuss all the problems,thoughts and bugs you found while playing the Beta in the first days.

The most obvious bug:

Priestess of Freya has a game-breaking bug: It appears that quite often when you re-surrect a card it will be placed on the opponents side of the battlefield! I saw that quite often and it happend also to me, that I either lost because of this card, or my oppoinent lost because he gave me his strongest card without a reason...

"Monster ability is OP!":

I usually don't confirm things like this after 1 day of playing, but I have to really agree with the people that the Monster Ability AND Eredin together is really really really stronK :D :

Example, what I saw in many games:

Turn 1: You play Geralt
Turn 2: Your Geralt survives, you win the round
Let's say you have Eredin,Geralt and 3 other minions on your side. Then you STILL have a 40% chance to get one of these strong golden cards with 10 or 12 atk. "for free" in your next turn

Turn 3: It happend. Your Eredin suriveved. 10atk on the board while both players have 1-2 cards on their hand. Hard to catch up ;-/

So why not make it non-golden cards only? In Gwent every bit of strength matters and your heroability (as Eredin) + fractionability basically give you 10 strength for "free" 2 turns in a row :p

Why can you have only 1 scorch card in your deck but more than one from "Lacerate"?

I don't really understand why this card is not a golden card like scorch,too. Scorch CAN be really strong, if your enemy has the strongest unit(s) on the board and you play it.

However the card Lacerate feels stronger in most situations. You can ALWAYS hit one lane for -3. You can't hit your own cards and it always works where you want it to have. A limitation for max. 1 for this card is in my eyes fair.

How about drawing 1 card in turn 2 and 2 cards in turn 3 ?

I feel like the games would turn way more fun this way. What we see in most of the games now, is:

Turn 2 starts. Both players have around 6-7 cards in their hand and get +2. Which means they have around 8-9 cards for Turn 2.

Turn 3 starts. Most players have only 1-2 cards in their hand and get +1. Which means they have 2-3 cards for Turn 3.

Now I was thinking about this for a longer time, why not swapping it up? Give 2 cards in the last turn, so you have a higher chance to get an actually good card, beause right now all players battle for turn 2 and then pray to get a sick card in Turn 3.

I might be wrong, but this just felt like it would make more sense. Why giving us +2 cards in turn 2 when we already have 7 cards in our hand?

What do you think boys and girls? :smile:
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