Long time between game start and card exchange screen

So, when the game is loaded, you know who you meet, you are taken into the game. Before CC, the cards would always appear quickly for you to look at your hand and do the redraws etc. Then, in the next update AFTER Crimson Curse, something changed, in some cases, in a very few games, there would be a long break between coming into the game, and the cards being shown. Like a 3-5 second lag.

I thought very little about this issue, but since the last update, this issue has gotten alot worse. Now there is frequently this 3-5 second lag from the game ready screen, to the hand and redraw screen. Luckily this does not affect the timer, you still get the full time to redraw.

But it is somewhat annoying, and I'm having issues seeing how this could be just me. Anyone else have this issue?

I say 3-5 seconds, it might be more actually. Might be 5-10 seconds, not exactly sure, never timed it.
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