Looking for opinions on some cards

Hello everyone....I am a relatively new player and I am using a Mystic Echo Harmony deck posted in meta snapshots by TLG and Aretuza with some variations because I don’t own all the legendaries and some different bronze cards because they make more sense to me for my deck...Now I have space for 1 final card with 6 provisions left for my deck and would like the opinion of this wonderful community on the following cards.... Trained Hawk, Hawker Smuggler, Half-elf Hunter, Crushing Trap and Braenn P.S I already have 1 Trained Hawk and Hawker Smuggler in my deck... Thank you in advance!!!


Forum veteran
Isn’t Trained Hawk 5 provisions? Smuggler is an excellent choice. Usually it would be removed and playing another Smuggler will trigger harmony prod again. Half elf hunter is also good since it adds a harmony unit to the board. Crushing Trap can give you huge power swings in a long round (but susceptible to artifact removal). Braenna is a 7 for 6, but 3 pings means nothing to this deck (unless you also have GIgni and want to align) and it won’t trigger harmony too.
Of the choices you presented, I would go with Crushing Trap or Half Elf. Smuggler is a good choice, but in this poison meta going tall is not going to help much.
Hard to be sure without seeing the rest of the deck, but I'll say go with the Hunter if you don't have one yet.
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