Looking for Opponent Screen still Visible During Match

I will file a report officially on this, but I ust ran into a weird error and I am not sure if this is the way ots always happened or not.

Created a new NR deck and played a game in Seasonal with no issues. I then proceeded to try the same deck in ranked and what occurred is this...

...game took a long time to find an opponent apparently, and I'll explaing the apprarently. The match never opened for me, and was still showing that is was searching for an opponent when the coin appeared, with its chains. At no time did my deck appear, nor was I offered a chance to swap out cards.

At the same time, I am still seeing the searching for an opponent message and the card is still rotating.

I finally manage to get out of the game only to find that I have been assigned a loss for the match, and acquired 60 experience for it. Wtf!
Why should I be penalized for a match that for me never opened. Is this some kind of hack?

Please let me know if this has happened to anyone else...


In cases like this, a screenshot would be really helpful. You can indeed report it, if you want.

PS. Post moved to technical and updated the topic to better reflect its content.
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