Love the game, Hate the camera :D

Love the game, Hate the camera :D

First off, let me say that I absolutely love this game. I've already put in close to 100 hours, and feel like I could easily put in another 100. The visuals, story telling, art direction, music score, and combat system are almost all perfect. There are ofcourse a few flaws, some of which have not yet been addressed by the patches released so far. In particular the more frustrating ones are related to the combat system. As others have already mentioned, the auto-sheathing and auto-drawing of the sword in combat is an absolute pain, and much like the movement system I really wish CDProject would add an option to disable it. Then there's the fact that you can't parry unless Geralt is in the proper combat state which makes it impossible to deflect arrows from archers who are far away. But by far the most frustrating thing in this game for me personally, and not just in combat, is the camera.

Often the camera will be overzealous with its built in collision system (I don't really know what else to call it), meaning that if a 'solid' object like a tree or a wall comes in between you and Geralt, it will often jump around to an odd angle or zoom in far too close, at times making it impossible to see whats going on. This is particularly noticeable when moving or fighting inside a building or any other tight space, which can be very perilous in combat.
Now I understand why the camera shifts position when an object comes in between the camera and Geralt; the object would block your view otherwise, however I think the camera system could be improved by simply limiting the amount of zoom that occurs when the camera shifts, or otherwise by introducing a transparency function on any object that gets between the camera and Geralt.
Another minor but annoying issue with the camera, is that when inside certain interiors or caves, Geralt will automatically slow down to a walking speed, and the camera will zoom right in as if he was over-encumbered, for no good reason. You can still jog with the sprint button, but the movement feels stiff and unresponsive, and worse still when the camera zooms in, its not a proper over-the-shoulder viewpoint. Instead the camera is centered far too much, meaning you get a nice view of Geralts back, but not much else. Even if the devs simply shifted the view a little bit to the right in order to create a proper OTS perspective, it would be a major improvement. A better solution still would be to stop this bizarre movement mode from initiating in the first place.

I implore the devs to perfect this awesome game by addressing these issues in future patches.
Totally agree. Love this game.
Have put in around 240 hours and only in act 2.
Probably 40 of those hours are forced reloads due to being sentenced to death by auto sheath. Pretty hard to kill a feind with your bare hands.

The camera is a big problem fighting indoors or even a bandit camp where there is lots of obstacles.
Would be great to allow us a custom fov or transparent walls. The npcs become transparent when in the way of your camera, might be a bit tricky to do technically with a game already built, but transparent walls would solve a lot of problems.
Agree, especially when you want to move the camera round to look at your surroundings, nope, can't because the limits they put on the camera orbit are too restrictive. It would be nice if they gave us the reason for such tight limits. It's especially bad when swimming.
So restricted on boats especially.
Skellige has such great scenery above eye level, its a shame you cant see it on those long voyages between islands.
New Camera mode, closer

I think, a new camera mode could be a good idea, a camera closer to geralt like near to his right shoulder, like the "overburdened camera" as an option, to watch the environments and npc's closely

I'd love it. And I don't think it should be difficult to implement.. but it's probably going to be a mod, all it needs to do is just lock the camera on the one for interiors, right?
Yeah, I made a thread asking for the same thing, and it seems there are many others. However I don't think they will implement it unless thousands cry out for it. I actually travel overburdened sometimes, and I find it much more immersive. I never understand why 3rd person games don't implement camera options, people like to play in different ways.
I have found the camera to be awkward at times, too.

But the biggest camera issue for me is the forced auto-center. I want to be able to look around at the beautiful world without it yanking me back to straight ahead!
Camera Zoom levels - devs, PLEASE consider this...

The forced camera zoom levels (or Field of view) in TW3 really bothers me. I feel that it is absolutely ESSENTIAL to be able to fully control zoom levels within a reasonable range for such large games as this, in order to provide a comfortable gameplay experience. And since everyone's needs are slightly different, it is even more reason why I believe CDPR should fix this.

For me personally:
- The default camera is too far. Ideally, I would like something between the current default zoom level and the Witcher sense/indoors/overburdened zoom level. Surprise, surprise; like it was in the initial demos they showed of the game in 2013.

- Indoors camera zoom level seems absolutely senseless to me. It makes navigating confined spaces even harder, not easier. It also detracts from the intended seamless transition from outdoors to indoors environments.

- Zoomed out combat camera also detracts from the immersion for me. I want to be zoomed in closer. I do NOT want the zoom level to change when I go into combat.

- I want to be able to change Geralt's horizontal orientation by moving him slightly to the left or to the right of the screen; I want to have the choice which shoulder to look over.

The solution to this as far as I'm concerned would be to have a static FOV that does NOT change depending on the situation. Instead, I would have FULL CONTROL over the zoom level within a reasonable range, i.e. without breaking the visual integrity of the game.
(And NO, I do not want to use CheatEngine, it is not working very well in this regard and I really don't think I should have to run an extra program just to enjoy the game the way I want to)

I am pretty sure this can easily be implemented by CDPR. I have looked through all the config files but I can't find any way to change the default camera behaviour.
So I implore you, CDPR, PLEASE listen to this request like you have listened to all the other requests we have made. Please make this an option in The Witcher 3.
I dont think I'd use a close up OTS camera, but the option should be there. So should the ability to zoom out, this I would use.

This game, for me, beats Skyrim and all other open world games like it hands down. The one place it doesn't is the camera.

I wonder if its not getting addressed because console controllers have maybe run out of buttons?
  • Mouse Wheel Zoom
  • Adjustable Field of View
  • Adjustable Camera Distance (sets how far you are allowed to zoom out)
  • Adjustable Camera Height
  • Option for Over the Shoulder (for those that use it) or total X,Y,X coordinate settings for the camera.
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