Master Mirror decks

Did anyone build a deck around Master Mirror card?
Which leader did you use?
Which cards did you find the most useful in such deck?
There was a lot of discussion around this card some time ago. Personally I tried it in an Assimilate deck and a Monster deck. In the First case I had a moderate success, in the second I kind of failed, but might retry in the future.

In general you have to keep in mind a few things with Master mirror:

- you want sacrificeable bronzes, mostly 4p
- You need a faction whose Legendaries are strong and low effort (don't require synergies)
- you don't want said legendaries
- you need to protect him somehow
Personally, I run it in a Ciri Dwarf deck with the Forge. It's not a solid "winning" card by any means, though. Can't tell you how many times it created Aelirenn for me... But it's fun meme deck


Forum veteran
I've tried it with SK sacrificial vanguard - that is the best leader to control what cards you have in your right side, but you still have little control on what's on your left and its gonna get transformed, you have to use mulligans to control that side.

But as a faction, SK has a lot of legendaries that aren't very useful in most situations, so it might not be the best faction for it. And at 6pt, i wouldnt worry about MM being removed, at least not in 1 turn.
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