Matchmaking Issues

Alts-Gamer;n8830860 said:
Level means nothing. He can be a complete noob at 100 lvl while you can be a top-10 player with your 15 lvl. Matchmaking works with your MMR, not level, I think.

It works with MMR on ladder for sure, casual has a different system though I'm notr sure how does it work.
In casual level seems to matter a lot. I'm level 20+ and I'm facing a lot of people in a similar range (many of them with rank above 10). I don't play ranked myself, since I dislike playing meta decks. But yeah, mostly I'm facing pretty expensive decks in casual - so no, casual is not necessarily that easy.
Rammyp;n8830920 said:
It works with MMR on ladder for sure, casual has a different system though I'm notr sure how does it work.

You may be right but I am not sure about it. I never face somebody lower than 2 ranks in casual. They still count in MMR.
Alts-Gamer;n8831060 said:
You may be right but I am not sure about it. I never face somebody lower than 2 ranks in casual. They still count in MMR.

Maybe so, than it explains that rank difference, since you never lose ur rank even by dropping to much lower MMR. Theoretically its possible to be rank 21 with 1000 MMR, thus being matched with players ranked 6-8.
TheDyingScotsman;n8805420 said:
Fact is, right now Ranked is for either the elite (good players but also those good players are privileged as they received a ridiculous amount of kegs, making it nigh on impossible for newbies or even experienced F2pers to win a match), or ppl who think they're awesome because they netdeck.

I never netdeck, i started playin in Open Beta.. Never spent a dime on this game.. I use a unique NR deck with 39 cards in it.. I am rank 10.. Guess your theory isn't so valid....
I'm lv 18 rank 12 and use my own consume monsters on ladder since OB release just because I love the archetype. So if you really take your time and adapt to what you are seeing on ladder you can make your own deck work.

When I play casual I'm usually matched with lower level/lower rank players because I only play junky funny builds on casual to chill so my MMR is very low there.

If you only play casual and you are good at it you will be qeued against good players and most of then have good decks, so you need to step up your game or your deck if you want to have a better win% as the mmr system although separeted, has the same model on both modes.

Can someone explain the logic behind matchmaking in casual?

The last few days, casual has been swarming with ranked players. I mean, the majority of my matches are with people who are rank 10 or above. It's not that i mind losing, because i lose often anyway, but playing against those people i often lose without winning a single round. That forces me to play for much longer, in order to reach the 2nd tier daily reward and get enough ore for 2 kegs. I started playing Gwent since the OB and i'm new to multiplayer gaming, so i don't know how things work. So, what's the deal? Should i expect to be pitted against much stronger players all the time from now on?

And, let me tell you, playing against a 17!!! rank player, with their Dagon weather spamming deck,barely losing by a point and not even getting a gg, was a whole other level of warm fuzzies.
The rank doesn't matter in casual, only the level matters. And also not much i have played against people + lvl 30 and i'm 23. I think that once you are more than lvl 10 you can play against almost everyone.
Casual ranking is weird. 3 days ago i was matched against below avarage players, levels 10-15 and ranks not above 10. Easy grinding, but not realy fair. After hitting rank 12 it evens out and matches are fair. I guess rank is taken into acount and there is some sort of a group you're put in, but it could also be level (also hit level 20 around the time).
this game is shit once you start facing people who paid for all the cards. It was fun in the early levels, when it was fair. Very quickly this game devolves into whoever spends the most money wins.
I' m well aware that level doesn't say much, or even rank until a certain point. I'm level 35/rank 6 and i've lost by people level 10/rank 1.
Level 35: i didn't reach that level in a week or something. It doesn't automatically mean i'm an awesome player, i just played a lot.
Rank 6: That was weird. At some point ( around L10 i think, i don't really remember ) i thought i should try ranked mode, out of curiosity. I played a match and boom! "you're Rank 4". I thought, ok, this is not so bad, so i played a few ranked matches every day ( for the rank up goodies, not the rank itself ). I managed to get to rank 6 and then loss, loss, loss and barely any wins. I haven't touched ranked mode again. Technically, if you dropped rank when you lose points, i should be rank 3 or 4.

The point is, someone who is level 10/rank 1 may suck or may be the best player in the world. On the other hand, someone who is whatever level/rank at least 10 ( maybe even 8 or 9, but let's say 10 ) and above, i don't think it happened by accident, they have to know what they're doing. So, constantly being matched against such players is unfair, or the game is confused and overestimates my skills.

fodare;n8907910 said:
this game is shit once you start facing people who paid for all the cards. It was fun in the early levels, when it was fair. Very quickly this game devolves into whoever spends the most money wins.

This has nothing to do with what i asked. And the plain truth is, yes it helps to have better gold and silver cards, but owning all the cards doesn't automatically make you the better player.
For the record, i'm a f2p NR player and i'm missing only 5 neutral golds, 4 NR golds ( 2 of which suck anyway), i have plenty of good silvers and almost all the bronzes. Also, i have scraps for 3 golds or 2 golds and a few silvers, so i can build a new deck, maybe ST. Thank you CDPR for all the extra post-patch scraps.

fodare;n8907910 said:
this game is shit once you start facing people who paid for all the cards. It was fun in the early levels, when it was fair. Very quickly this game devolves into whoever spends the most money wins.

Not really sure about that... I have been able to hold my own with starter decks against some pretty crazy Golds when I first started on PS4. Shackles helped, but just knowing the current meta and styles of each deck felt more important than even a beefed up Tibor or Reaver Hunters.
It's a heavily strategic game which is why I love it over any other CCG out there!

As for OP, Casual is more for testing decks out I feel. If I can beat a couple of higher leveled and ranking opponents, than I head to rank. Rank does somehow feel a bit easier when you first start out.
The motive i think is that a new patch has hit and people don't want to lose ranked points in testing new stuff.

From what i know casual has a hidden MMR and ranked has a visible MMR (ranked points). What i don't know is if this Hidden MMR still changes when you play ranked or is only calculated in casual matches.
fodare;n8907910 said:
this game is shit once you start facing people who paid for all the cards. It was fun in the early levels, when it was fair. Very quickly this game devolves into whoever spends the most money wins.

I haven't spent a dime so I feel for your issue but it's not true for everyone.

People who paid will have more access to cards but if you put your efforts into one good deck there isn't any reason you can't hold your own with it.
Matchmaking In Normal Games

I'm curious if anyone knows how normal matchmaking is determined? From my experience, at least after this patch, it seems completely random. I've been matched against quite a few people in the 2.8 - 3k range since the patch, and people who are under 1k in rating without having any major changes in my rank or win rates. Having such massive swings in matchmaking seems extremely unfair for those on the lower end, especially new players. I get that this is not ranked matchmaking, but it seems like games should at least be somewhat fairly matched between players.
There's matchmaking in normal games? I call BS. It got super-bad after the latest patch. Getting matched against players twice my level, stack decks, it's fkng bs.
Hey there,

I am currently rank 9, started at rank 6 and am experiencing some matchmaking issues (at least it feels like it). Every f*** time i am getting closer to an uprank i get opponents that are 3 or more ranks above me. Like wtf.. why am i rank 9 if i get to play against far higher ranks all the time. Is this a way to keep guys from upranking too fast? and if so what for? this does not make any sense imho
Better matchmaking for casual games

I understand it's not ranked, so matchmaking will not be on the same level of fairness. But, it seems pretty silly that at 1700 MMR in ranked I am being matched up against people who are 3700MMR. I'd be fine if this was an occasional occurrence, but almost 50% of my games in casual end up being against people who have 1k+ higher MMR than I do. This is really discouraging because not only are they presumably better at the game, but also because they should have access to a considerably larger card pool.
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