Milling spare cards when I have premium

hi all!

Is there any way to automatically mill the duplicate cards that we have when we already own a premium of those cards?

i know in hearthstone we have the command extra that displays preimium and non preimium so you can mill what you want.

i want all scraps that i can get to craft more cards

thanks for the help
This would be super useful! It's so much clutter right now..

I'd love to see that the button MILL SPARE CARDS would take into account the premium cards you have, for example if you own 2 bronze premium cards and one standard version of said card, the standard should be milled.

Or if you have 2 standard bronzes plus one premium, keep one standard in order to have 2 of them, mill the other one.

And I think it's super annoying that you cannot get rid of the STANDARD version of the basic set, even after you have the PREMIUM equivalent. Instead of having 3 nice PREMIUM witchers side by side, you get 6 cards..

Gwent is still a CCG, as such the goal should be to collect the best cards, not be forced to see and scroll through the standard equivalents that you already have in PREMIUM version.

My 2c..
I've always thought that it would be better if the Mill Spares button was changed to a Show Spares button, i.e. acting just like any other filter button in the collection manager. That would then give you a view of all the cards you owned that had extra copies that could be milled as spares.

The case where Standard plus Premium copies gives effective spares could be incorporated here too with an include / exclude option.

Once you were at the view of all your cards that had spares, you could utilize the other existing filters to narrow down the cards shown and then either hit a button to mill all shown (just the extra copies), or manually mill just the individual cards you wanted to. The number of scraps & powder to be gained could be shown here with the confirmation button as per current behaviour when you press Mill Spares.

Whilst they are doing this, I would also like them to expand on the filters and sorting in the collection manager. They could add a Rarity filter as a start. It would also be nice to have sorting by extra criteria than just Provision Cost, e.g. by Base Power, by Rarity, Alphabetically. Both ascending and descending. Preferably with multiple levels of sorting. If multiple levels of sorting is deemed too much work to implement, then default to selected sort option plus alphabetically.

I'd also like them to go back to showing the actual number of copies owned, not "9+" if we have 10 or more copies. Why hide information?

A lot of these facilities would have been more useful when full mill for changed cards was still a thing and people held onto their spares, but there's no reason not to have them anyway. If full mill for changed cards becomes a thing again, it would also be nice to have a filter button to show just those cards when appropriate.
I've always thought that it would be better if the Mill Spares button was changed to a Show Spares button, i.e. acting just like any other filter button in the collection manager. That would then give you a view of all the cards you owned that had extra copies that could be milled as spares.

Yes, that would be very useful indeed. Some more sorting and filtering options would be quite handy.

But I'm more concerned with the view of collectible cards in DECK BUILDING. It's really cluttered atm.. Don't you think think?
And the logic behind what's considered to be 'spare cards' is kinda wonky.

The STANDARD duplicates column can plough right off. Maybe one day you get to own all the cards, in PREMIUM versions. Why still sieve through the STANDRADS then?
Someone posted about deck building issues with mixed standards and premiums on Reddit recently and Jason Slama said that they needed to have a think about the current implementation. Doesn't sound like quite the same issue as you raised, but sounds related. Anyway, here is the link for what it's worth -
Also I think premium and normal cards should be shown as one card not as two slots in the collection. When I have a card in premium ofcourse I want the premium version in my deck. Its annoying to make either the view on where you see both: premium and standart cards or testing both (premium and standart view) to see if i have a card in my collection or not.
I know some people may like to have both standard and premium versions of a card (probably? Surely there is at least one person),
but for myself, and I'm wagering most others, I don't need to have any standard cards once I have 2 premiums of it.

Can we at least have an option that counts the TOTAL number of a card, and gives priority to premium versions?

So if have 2 standard and 1 premium, you'd mill it down to 1 standard and 1 premium.
If you ever collect 2 premium, you'd just always mill standard versions away.

1. It would unclutter the collection page when browsing through "owned"
2. It helps with collecting scraps quicker.

A simple checkbox in the milling window would be awesome.
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