Minimalistic Wishlist

Minimalistic Wishlist

After the latest (positioning) patch the game feels more balanced to me. It feels more balanced to me because i have been watching closely the Decks people are making and using and i see a lot of variety at the moment. META means Most Efficient Tactic Available and now it feels more of, Tactics Available and i consider that healthy.

Having said that, this is an ongoing process, refining and balancing the game that is. Now it feels to me it is getting closer and closer to the after-wipe META, were everything will be permanent and the decisions and choices matter. In any CCG the most serious issue is that of the F2P versus the paying gamer. The one who has access to all cards from day 1, and the other that has to invest in time and patience beyond reason almost to catch up.

Then, it is important to smooth that experience and to do that the F2P player needs options.

- Campaign mode. Opportunities to get cards/scrap via PvE.
- Dailies, in the form of Quests or challenges and merely by "Play/Win X amount of games/rounds".

- UI refining. At certain levels you get some Gold cards for Free. When someone goes to "Collection" and hovers over a card, the tooltip should tip him/her not to craft that one because he/she will get for free with, patience.
- Hovering over a card should also show the Base Strength. (In general i don't like using 3rd party software...Gwent tracker has that feature.)
- Further refining of the transition and loading screens. They take way to long for a CCG.
- Further investment on bug fixing. (My game still freezes/crashes constantly).

I know many Devs don't do it but perhaps even a Roadmap of what's to come and is planned. Overall the game now, and not before, feels in it's most healthy state. I am saying this cause i see many people rushing into conclusions, famous ones. "This or that is now bad". And i see other, less famous YouTubers making a huge variety of working Decks. The moral of this is, play and experiment for yourself. Contributor or not, famous or not, they are there just to give a hint or an idea. That's my suggestion to people in general but above everything, this is a game of patience in the end.
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Good points. Those are some of my concerns as well. Especially the question of whether the game will be a heavy pay to win like Hearthstone.
DonRade;n8264610 said:
Good points. Those are some of my concerns as well. Especially the question of whether the game will be a heavy pay to win like Hearthstone.

I know not a single CCG that is not P2W. This is a big subject for some, even controversial but a dictionary can resolve any issues as what P2W is and not as an individual translates it. CCG's are inherently flawed exactly because one can pay to have ALL cards on day one and many just can not even if they wish. What balances this is the investment in time and patience from the F2P player, nothing else.

MM ofc. does not take into account that a Deck or an Account has payed 1000 Euro already or whatever, so that's why i am concerned if the game after the wipe will have enough PvE content to make the time investment count. I hope it will and i know CDPR are working hard on many issues on the game atm. I just hope PvE will be there when the after-wipe content is finalized.
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