Mod request - Fog removal

Mod request - Fog removal

Has anyone ever thought of a mod that JUST removes the fog? As in, no lighting changes like STLM or ULM etc. Just getting rid of that blue fog. Would be awesome for those like me who like vanilla lighting and want to keep it, but dislike that blue fog hiding stuff in the distance.
I'm pretty sure ULM lets you remove the fog without changing anything else.

Yeah but it's a pain to install and last time I used it it caused all kinds of bugs and glitches and even occasional crashes. I had to redownload the game. All those gigs.

So if someone could make a mod just dedicated to simply remove the fog that'd be great.
Yeah you can use ULM for just remove fog. Works great for me.

Read post above. I won't run the risk of having to download the entire game again.

Seriously, instead of having to install such a complicated mod like ULM, wouldn't it be a lot more practical to just make one that works like STLM, where you just put it in the Mods folder and that's it? With the only difference that it would just remove the fog without changing the lighting?
1. Put modKNGULM in your mods folder
2. Copy ulm_menu in C:\GOG Games\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc
3. Script merge

Like any mods.

Thats it. You can't break your game, its just not possible.

We could have a mod that removes just the fog, but the installation process will remain the same.
We need a menu for choose value of fog, because no fog at all is very very ugly.
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I use ULM just for the fog removal as well. Have used it for 100+ hours of gameplay without issue. There is NO discernible performance impact. The reason is because the fog doesn't actually improve performance, it just masks the relatively lower-quality distant LOD meshes. As such, sometimes distant islands look unnaturally barren, but I think it's a good trade-off nonetheless.

  1. Install ULM
  2. Set envBlend to 0 (in the in-game mod settings)
  3. Enable Turbo Mode
  4. Change Distance Fog Density to whatever you want (0% to disable the fog entirely)

Following those steps will ensure that the mod will not mess with any other weather/lightning/environment effects at all and will effectively function solely as a fog-remover.

I have a problem with ULM (redux): when I use witcher senses, the fog reapears... and I have to reload ULM to remove the fog again.
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