MOD Request, Wolf Gear collar clipping fix

MOD Request, Wolf Gear collar clipping fix

This clipping really does destroy the awesomeness of this gear in my opinion. Not sure if I'm the only one who finds this very disturbing. I tried looking for a mod that fix the collar from clipping, couldn't find some, tried to request in nexus mod to make it, no response

Is it still possible to fix the clipping through modding? Well I don't know how to mod but is someone else there or here who can fix this? Please I really love this gear, I just don't want to watch Geralt's chin clipping to his collar everytime he turns his head

Please I really need a fix for this so badly, I've been asking for it for a long time but no one seems to notice it. collar.jpg


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On some armors, the collar moves away when Geralt turns his head. Would it not be possible to make something like that for the Wolf gear?
-_- I am dying to see those collars on the wolf gear to be fixed/bendable, I've seen a topic here who post the same concern back at 2016, I just don't get it. Why haven't this been addressed yet? Yes I know 1.31 is the latest and last version and they failed to address this even if its a small issue or very easy to fix which they didn't even mind fixing it. I've post this topic everywhere, nexus mod forums, reddit, W3 facebook group, and now here, still looking for someone or wait for a fix mod for this. Please anyone out there, help :(
LukeSparow;n8504590 said:
The collar is bendable but not that far.

Oh, hey there.
Well maybe not but at least it can bend like the gears of Witcher 2 Mod.
I'll send a screenshot (Maybe tomorrow) to show how I think the wolf gear will bend too.
Yeah but making the Wolf Gear bend like that will involve rigging the collar, giving it collision and a number of thins I probably can't comprehend. It's quite complex. I guess they succeeded on doing so with the W2 Gear though, unless the imported models already had that functionality.
It's been several weeks since I posted this, still continue to ask anyone but still no response? Please someone help, I know this issue may be a small thing that some may ignore it but still there are people who look forward to fix the collars. Anyone still active here?
It's been several weeks since I posted this, still continue to ask anyone but still no response? Please someone help, I know this issue may be a small thing that some may ignore it but still there are people who look forward to fix the collars. Anyone still active here?
Yeah, but tbh I don't know if the mod actually works for me because I can still see some clippings. I've sent him a PM concerning about the mod. Hope he can still update it and continue to improve. I wish the collars could bend similar to his Witcher 2 Gear mod that has armors similar to Lambert, Eskel's armors with collars that bend very well.
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