Modding Help: How do you animate monsters walking out of portals?

Hello! How can you open portals of wild hunting? To NPCs do not just appear, but leave the portal?

ebe62_520na_ochup__479_ (1).jpg

I will be very glad to any help! Thanks!
Not sure if I'm understanding your question, exactly. What's supposed to be happening there is the portals are being opened by the Wild Hunt. Kiera will shield you from the cold (White Frost) coming out of them, and you protect her while she closes each one. The Hounds of the Hunt will pop out of the portals and attack in waves.

So, just keep Keira safe.

(EDIT: Whoops -- point to @eurEKA_24 -- got in there while I was working through the threads! :p)
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I want to write a mod for streamers so that you can make the interactive stream.

I need to spawn different creatures, but their appearance does not look riveting. I would like them to leave the portal (maybe there are other ways?).

Sample code:
function spawnMobs (nam : string, optional quantity : int, optional distance : float)
        var ent, spawnPortal : CEntity;
        var horse : CEntity;
        var pos, cameraDir, player, posFin, normal : Vector;
        var rot : EulerAngles;
        var i, sign : int;
        var s,r,x,y : float;
        var template, spawnPortalTemplate : CEntityTemplate;
        var horseTemplate : CEntityTemplate;
        var horseTag : array<name>;
        quantity = Max(quantity, 1);
        rot = thePlayer.GetWorldRotation();  
        rot.Yaw += 180;      
        cameraDir = theCamera.GetCameraDirection();
        if( distance == 0 ) distance = 3;
        cameraDir.X *= distance;  
        cameraDir.Y *= distance;
        player = thePlayer.GetWorldPosition();
        pos = cameraDir + player;  
        pos.Z = player.Z;
        posFin.Z = pos.Z;          
        s = quantity / 0.2;          
        r = SqrtF(s/Pi());
        template = (CEntityTemplate)LoadResource(nam);
        for(i=0; i<quantity; i+=1) {      
            x = RandF() * r;          
            y = RandF() * (r - x);      
                sign = 1;
                sign = -1;
            posFin.X = pos.X + sign * x;  
                sign = 1;
                sign = -1;
            posFin.Y = pos.Y + sign * y;  
              spawnPortalTemplate = (CEntityTemplate)LoadResource( ' # Portal # ' );  // This Open Portal
              spawnPortal = theGame.CreateEntity(spawnPortalTemplate, posFin, rot );
            theGame.GetWorld().StaticTrace( posFin + 5, posFin - 5, posFin, normal );
            ent = theGame.CreateEntity(template, posFin, rot);


            ((CNewNPC)ent).SetLevel( RandRange(thePlayer.GetLevel(),thePlayer.GetLevel() + 3) );
Ah! Now I think I get what you're asking:

You wish to mod portals into the game that will spawn enemies on demand. However, the way they spawn into the world isn't very appealing. You would like them to actually walk out of the portal, the way the Hounds of the Wild Hunt do during the quest with Keira.

Is that right?
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Ah! Now I think I get what you're asking:

You wish to mod portals into the game that will spawn enemies on demand. However, the way they spawn into the world isn't very appealing. You would like them to actually walk out of the portal, the way the Hounds of the Wild Hunt do during the quest with Keira.

Is that right?
Yes, we right
Alright -- updating title for clarity. Hopefully, someone will have some knowledge on how to do this. :)
I know how to open a portal, but I cannot find a .w2ent file with a portal model
Play an opening animation like this:
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