[Modification] Witcher 3 Script Fix v1.32 - Keybinds, fixes and improvements.

Pre-release post: Modification is not yet complete. Release in 1-2 weeks, depending on schedule.

Actually, 4 years old, but I only got around to completing expansions now, so decided to fix all the bugs in this thing (old post): https://forums.cdprojektred.com/ind...need-feedback-suggestions.66005/#post-2185142

Besides obvious control, item and consumable fixes/improvements, this modification allows you to play without using the Radial and Hub Menus, and provides instant access to signs, quickslots and consumables using dedicated hotkeys.

Added Keybinds:
- Consume Food
- Throw Bomb 1
- Throw Bomb 2
- Use Pocket 1
- Use Pocket 2
- Fire Crossbow

Merged Keybinds:
- Submerge / Sheathe
- Mount / Dismount
- Halt / Summon Horse

Improved Keybinds:
- Select / Cast Yrden
- Select / Cast Aard
- Select / Cast Igni
- Select / Cast Quen
- Select / Cast Axii

Sign Improvements:
- Signs may be cast instantly using the 'select' key, instead of first selecting and then casting them separately, or using the radial menu.
- Signs have 1 second cooldowns to prevent multiple activations of the same sign accidentally, unless a different sign is cast.

Weapon Improvements:
- Crossbow 'stance' (tap once to activate) has been removed to prevent awkward movement, weapon selection, double-reload and activation issues.
- Weapon switching now requires 2 hits with the wrong weapon, instead of 1, except when only 1 type of enemy is nearby, to prevent weapon cycling issues when fighting mixed mobs.
- Weapons will now automatically switch from fists to swords when fighting enemies, if required, unless weapon auto-switching is disabled.
- Weapons now can only be sheathed automatically or by pressing the 'sheathe' key, not the 'draw' key, to prevent weapon cycling issues in combat.

Consumable Improvements:
- Food and alcohol consumption are now randomized and accessible via a dedicated keybind. They no longer need to be 'equipped'.
- Food consumption is now on an override only basis. Only food of higher quality will be consumed, if one is already in effect.
- Consumable potions now have cooldown timers equal to 50% of their duration, and will calculate levels properly for the purposes of overriding effects. This was actually completely broken in the original game.
- Consumable (edible) food and beverage items will now display a message with the name of the item which was consumed.
- Alcohol/cat potion fade in/out effects increased to 20/10 secs, respectively. Alcohol effect durations were increased to 40 minutes (game time).

Horse Improvements:
- Jump now only needs to be pressed once while on horseback. Previously, it had to be pressed twice within 0.2 seconds.
- Pressing 'jump' while stationary will now cause your horse to stand on its rear quarters. Previously, was bound to 'decelerate' for 0.2 seconds.
- Now possible to instantly switch from gallop back to canter in combat. Previously, this action had a 2 second timeout value upon activation.
- Horse and boat mount/dismount hotkeys are now bound to a dedicated key. Some were previously selectively bound to 'interact/use'.
- Trophies will no longer be automatically equipped on the horse when looting the corpses of legendary beasts and monsters, except when none is currently equipped.

Movement Improvements:
- Double-tap to dodge keybinds were removed to prevent combat movement issues. Use the 'dodge' key instead.

UI Improvements:
- Escape no longer needs to be pressed twice to exit menu screens, and the intermediate console 'hub' menu has been removed, when using a keyboard controller. They are still enabled while using a gamepad controller.
- Loading screen music is now adjustable and introduction loading screens may be skipped entirely.

Item modifications:
- The Camerlengo's Trophy now provides +12% gold +2% xp from humans and +2% xp from monsters.
- Geralt of Rivia's and Ravix of Fourhorn's Crossbows are now both relics.
- Plan to make a few minor NG+ horse item stat changes to provide more cosmetic options.

Vanilla bugs fixed:
- Potion/Consumable level and effect override calculations; the code which was there never worked. Completely rewrote effect logic.
- Auto-switching now works correctly, in all cases, and will always select the appropriate weapon in combat. Auto-switching from fists to sword never worked in combat; due to a conflict with fist fight logic. Completely reworked logic.
- Crossbow double reload/activation bugs due to ranged stance lock, because of a possible 1-liner sheathe bug of questionable import; as if the stance was the result of some [un]fortunate error.
- Manual horse trophy transfer never worked, due operator logic bug, and unnecessary for loop. It is still possible to obtain 2 copies of some trophies by looting the corpse before the quest dialog triggers (ex: Grottore).
- Bag of Grain, Jar of Honey, Rotten Meat (Rotting Flesh), and Werewolf Meat inventory tag/class errors, which conflicted with edibles (consumables) such as alcohol/food and the 'mod_food' tag.
- Severe lack of PC mouse/keyboard bindings, due to consolitis effect. Fixed a slew of movement, combat and horse control issues.

Complete before release:
- In rare cases involving quest NPCs, cannot auto-switch from fists in combat.
- Crossbow stuck in fire/reload animation on boats, re-examine the reload functions.
- Fix horse sign activation, previously working, now broken.
- Pressing ESC briefly shows the 'hub' menu, while the 'close' or panel buttons do not.
- After some cutscenes, theGame.witcherLog.AddMessage() stops functioning (vanilla)?

Known/Unknown Issues:
- Vanilla Ciri Special Attack bug which causes access violation at location (address) 0x80 (null pointer exception), nothing I can do about this one for now, exists in the base game: https://forums.cdprojektred.com/ind...-violation-0x80-ciri-special-attack.11031866/
- If you want something fixed, post it below.

- Was busy with work, but progress has now resumed. Currently disentangling the mess that is GetMostConvenientMeleeWeapon().
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