Monsters review

Monsters review

i tried different Monsters archetypes this patch and i am still struggling at rank 17. The ladder is full of NR overtuned decks. Either armour decks that are anti- weather by default or machine decks that get max value playing against us due to the fact that most of the monsters cards are similar or close in strength. Anyone facing the same problems? It look like Monsters are slightly behind this patch.
how are you faring with ur monster deck till now?
I just remembered how 4-5 months...or so ago, people used to complain how monster faction is somewhat OP due to its wildHunt+ weather decks or Swarm + triss deck or its ConsumeDeck (i.e Elder deck)
& Now all of those decks are dead... there is not a single combination i could come up with to win against NL or NG decks (with people of similar Rank to me i.e 26) using a pure monster deck
Though i did had some level of success using deck made of moreNeutral cards than Monster card in my deck.
but for now i won't advide anyone to play Monster, its waaay to much underpowered in its current condition (which i hope eill be fixed in the next patch)
Well i tried a relict monsters deck which i found the best and most fun to play between all the archetypes in the faction ( except some hybrid consume form which supposedly doing fine on ladder )
the idea of the deck is playing fiend ( 8 strength which increases to 11 strength if you have a relict cards in hand.
relict cards are : fiend , crones , morvudd , woodland spirit...
the second type of cards are cyclops+ rot fiend combo. High strength units that helps you remove ley cards from opponent board while damaging an entire row also in the process.
in round 2 and 3 you will have a grave yard full of 11 strength fiends 10 strength cyclops ( after it kills a rot fiend) and crones etc for your ghouls and katakan to shine ( 15 strength ghouls and 16 strength katakan)

3x fiend
3x cyclops
3x rot fiend
3x ghoul
1x harpy ( for woodland spirit)
1x foglet( for woodland spirit and dagon)
1x archgriffin ( for weather removal)

silvers are crones of course ( for the relict tag) morvudd ( relict) katakan and toad prince.

My golds are woodland spirit ( with harpy and foglets a 22 pts play) , caretaker , regis higher vampire and draug ( synergizes greatly with the deck as u use a high strength unit from your graveyard and a low unit from opponent graveyard . Sometimes you get a 18 pt play if you chose a fiend from ur side and a 1 pt strength unit from opponent side)

it is the best monsters deck i played so far in this patch . Its only weakness is mainly merigold hailstorm as lots of ur unit are high strength and locked to melee row . Igni and succubus can cause some annoyance too but you dont meet them as much as hailstorm now .
Update about the deck.

At the end of last patch the deck started to struggle at rank 18. Now after the hotfix and the change to NR armor and to merigold hailstorm , the deck is doing great. I reached rank 19 and i am half way through to rank 20. i have a 70% + winrate against king bran , the strongest leader in this meta and the one with the highest overall winrate by far. i am only struggling a bit against dagon swarm with the renew of woodland spirit + yennefer combo in round 3 .

I never encountered anyone playing this deck . So no one is tecking against it.

PS: Succubus is the MVP in this patch!
I'm level 13 in Gwent. I outplayed balista and catapult spamming guy that rage quitted when I was defeating him, lol.
Even though I'm not a veteran of card games, ffrom my observations the strongest point of the monsters, the weather, is also its weakness. Somehow they don't synergise exactly well compare with other faction.

In particular, the wild hunt deck lacks Silver Wild hunt based cards, only one currently.
Also, some additional bronze cards that synergize with whether I feel necessary.
By the way, I forgot to mention that, since the cards are no longer bound to a row, then after you played frost, your opponent just place next cards on another row. Then what?

Let's take for example the wild hunt deck. There is only one card that Synergizes with row witch on the enemy side, Carantir. WoW. So how do you move? You wait for your opponent place some cards on the same row? As if he doesn't know that Monsters decks are weather and curses based for the most...

Weather is ticking damage, we can't wait too long to place these cards.

So, cards that turn enemy cards on weather rows become the most useful today. So we have the drowners that serve this purpuse, yes, but they ain't WH deck.

If you get my point, the focus is having cards Jotun and drowners that can make Weather cards your deck efficient.

Based on these considerations, the Drakkar ship has no longer place in my WH deck. I wish they rework this card as silver being there only one silver wh card in the game.
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Ic3Purple;n10087521 said:
So we have the drowners that serve this purpuse, yes, but they ain't WH deck.

The Wild Hunt is just a tag, like Elves or Clan Dimun. That doesn't mean you cannot combine it with other cards (tags) and that also doesn't mean there is no synergy between them. Saying everything has to have matching tags is limiting your perspective.
*Ahem* moonlight *ahem* I don't want to sound arrogant or disrespectful but if it isn't working for you, you aren't doing it right. I've been playing fanatically with this deck ever since the new patch was launched. Used nothing else apart from it and the winrate is impressive. It is almost as powerful as NR Machines and NG Spies, my 2 most powerful decks. Solid game plan, deck thinning tools, consistency, synergy AND a powerful finisher, you couldn't ask for anything else. Sure it's not the perfect deck but it is quite impressive, interesting to play, and in my humble opinion, only a matter of time before some streamer/top player discovers it and the meta becomes full of it :)

List I use, if you want to try it:

Woodland Spirit

Weavess, Whispess, Brewess

3x Moonlight
3x Siren
3x Werewolf
3x Alpha Werewolf
First Light

I am surprised I've only come across one of those decks. It has yet to let me down :D
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4RM3D;n10089021 said:
The Wild Hunt is just a tag, like Elves or Clan Dimun. That doesn't mean you cannot combine it with other cards (tags) and that also doesn't mean there is no synergy between them. Saying everything has to have matching tags is limiting your perspective.

Right. I'm actually using the drowners and the next mentioned into my WH/Weather-based deck. However, besides Crarantir, Jotun and the 3 Drowners there are no other alternatives to move rows for monsters factions.


I believe some additional cards that work with rows like the previous mentioned. And the Idea of adding some more WH based cards is go give back a solid purpose on the current meta at the Drakkar ship.

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ser2440;n10090231 said:
List I use, if you want to try it:

Woodland Spirit

Weavess, Whispess, Brewess

3x Moonlight
3x Siren
3x Werewolf
3x Alpha Werewolf
First Light

I am surprised I've only come across one of those decks. It has yet to let me down :D

I cant wait to try more monster compositions like yours :) I'll try out your deck someday once I get the cards. It is just that... I do love to play with WH, and it is also where i'm investing all.


I cant wait to try more monster compositions like yours :) I'll try out your deck someday once I get the cards. It is just that... I do love to play with WH, and it is also where i'm investing all.

The monsters deck always appealed to me :) that and NG. I didn't use consume too much but the Wild Hunt deck is one of my oldest and most used, I ran that even in the closed beta (ok granted, it was OP then :p guilty xD )

I've recently heard of a hybrid frost/moonlight though, and I can't wait to put that to the test :)
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