In this thread, I'd like to discuss the IMO three most broken weapons in CP77. This is hoping that the game will be balanced in the next big patch. IMO the current balance is broken and trivializes the game even on very hard and even without any educated attempts at optimizing a build. Before I start, I'd like to say that many factors contribute to the brokenness of weapons in CP. AI is one of them. Scarcity of strong enemies is another. General brokenness of the game and half-finished state of the game mechanics is also a factor.
Here is my top 3 broken weapons (or weapon categories including bonuses) that should be nerfed asap:
1. Buzzsaw. Wall piercing without charging, with many hits per second and with silencer. This weapon is absolute ridiculousness. It does not highlight enemies through walls but with things specced up you can just spray blind and kill everyone in 360 degrees. Or use Ping - just in case cyberdeck builds needed more options at non-interactive, casual disposal of enemies. There is an iconic assault rifle that functions in a similar way but it's only accessible very late in the game, and Buzzsaw you can get right at the start.
2. RT-46 Burya (or Comrade's Hammer). Tech Revolver piercing cover without charging. As soon as you get high crit chance and a good crit dmg bonus, it one or two shots everything through the wall (Comrade one-shots everything just like that). Absolutely broken. In fact, poor AI makes all tech weapons kinda broken but these two don't even need charging, nor do they have any accuracy penalties to make up for piercing cover.
3. Silenced revolvers (Overture but also Nova, and their iconic cousins). The out-of-combat perks and bonuses to silencers make this a one-shot weapon very early in the game (that on top of - I surmise - broken armor mechanics; EDIT: enemy armor in CP is a lie, it doesn't exist, the only thing affecting player dmg on enemies is dmg multipliers from lvl difference - same for everyone with a different set of numbers for all robots - and enemy resistances for dmg types). Bad AI and trivial stealth mechanics on top of the reflex cybernetics (broken cooldowns deosn't work) make silenced pistol game play rather banal. Very early in the game, even headshotting stops being a must since 1) crit chance/dmg scaling is broken 2) you can two-shot anything to the body (and very soon even one-shot).
(Also, on the margin, silencers in CP function mostly as dmg multipliers. There is little pratical difference between using a silenced weapon and a non-silenced weapon. Very often, enemies get alarmed either way whether line of sight is affected or not.)
Many people complain about the brokenness of melee weapons and they are absolutely right. It would seem that melee playstyle should require some active input and dmg tanking, rushing, etc. But all of that is completely trivialized by Sandevistans (QianT MK4 around lvl 20 is a complete joke). But that's another broken topic. Ofc, quick hacks are also broken af as well but that's a different topic.
Thx for reading. would love to hear other opinions. Thx!
Here is my top 3 broken weapons (or weapon categories including bonuses) that should be nerfed asap:
1. Buzzsaw. Wall piercing without charging, with many hits per second and with silencer. This weapon is absolute ridiculousness. It does not highlight enemies through walls but with things specced up you can just spray blind and kill everyone in 360 degrees. Or use Ping - just in case cyberdeck builds needed more options at non-interactive, casual disposal of enemies. There is an iconic assault rifle that functions in a similar way but it's only accessible very late in the game, and Buzzsaw you can get right at the start.
2. RT-46 Burya (or Comrade's Hammer). Tech Revolver piercing cover without charging. As soon as you get high crit chance and a good crit dmg bonus, it one or two shots everything through the wall (Comrade one-shots everything just like that). Absolutely broken. In fact, poor AI makes all tech weapons kinda broken but these two don't even need charging, nor do they have any accuracy penalties to make up for piercing cover.
3. Silenced revolvers (Overture but also Nova, and their iconic cousins). The out-of-combat perks and bonuses to silencers make this a one-shot weapon very early in the game (that on top of - I surmise - broken armor mechanics; EDIT: enemy armor in CP is a lie, it doesn't exist, the only thing affecting player dmg on enemies is dmg multipliers from lvl difference - same for everyone with a different set of numbers for all robots - and enemy resistances for dmg types). Bad AI and trivial stealth mechanics on top of the reflex cybernetics (broken cooldowns deosn't work) make silenced pistol game play rather banal. Very early in the game, even headshotting stops being a must since 1) crit chance/dmg scaling is broken 2) you can two-shot anything to the body (and very soon even one-shot).
(Also, on the margin, silencers in CP function mostly as dmg multipliers. There is little pratical difference between using a silenced weapon and a non-silenced weapon. Very often, enemies get alarmed either way whether line of sight is affected or not.)
Many people complain about the brokenness of melee weapons and they are absolutely right. It would seem that melee playstyle should require some active input and dmg tanking, rushing, etc. But all of that is completely trivialized by Sandevistans (QianT MK4 around lvl 20 is a complete joke). But that's another broken topic. Ofc, quick hacks are also broken af as well but that's a different topic.
Thx for reading. would love to hear other opinions. Thx!
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