Mulligan Deck Bug

Mulligan Deck Bug

I have been using the mulligan deck, since I think the mechanic is cool and allows you to use more card versatility with higher consistency. However, I noticed that I keep drawing the same cards that I Mulliganed from my initial hand. After the initial mulligan, I use Francesca's leader power and Mulligan three more cards. No matter what, I draw back the three I mulliganed from my starting hand (Unless I mulliganed Saskia or roach, which get pulled out using the leader card. After that, every mulligan starts by pulling the cards I mulliganed using Francesca's ability, followed by the card I mulliganed to get those cards back. In fact the only time i draw new cards is between round (If I have gotten all the ones I mulliganed back). With Bronze cards this could be expected, since you're running three, but i just played a game where every mulligan cycled me through Ida Emean, Ciaran, and Alzur's Double cross for the whole game. This is a huge problem, since the deck is supposed to revolve around having a better chance to pull Ciri Dash, but i can't get her after she is reshuffled into the deck under the cards that where "mulliganed" to the top of the deck.
The mulligan system is a bit weird. You should check out this thread for a more detailed explanation of how it works. Then double-check if it's indeed behaving differently and contact support.
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