Mulliganing can Summon Affan Hillergrand - Bug or Not?



Forum veteran
Im talking about the new NG gold soldier, one of the trio, the one that comes to play when its put at the top of the deck (sorry i dont know the name, NG names are weird)

I used it on my 1st new deck, and i was using Morvran's leader ability to summon him, and ive seen others do the same.

The problem occurred when i was facing another player, i won R1, i was gonna dry-pass R2 when i realized he already had this card on his side, right after mulligan!

Im not sure if he intended it to happen, if he had it on his hand and mulligan'ed it and it was luck that placed it at the top of his deck, but i lost CA because of it, and my hand was really terrible so going into R2 wasnt an option.

For beta players, they might remember the 'Wardancer controversy', it was just like this, you would win R1 and still lose CA because on the mulligan they would get units on the board without playing.

I dont believe CDPR is going down that road again, it already repeated so many mistakes of the betas, so im hoping this was just a bug that might get fixed.
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(sorry i dont know the name, NG names are weird)

Yes, they are. I've updated the topic of the thread to better reflect its content.

As for your question, more players have made an issue out of it. It doesn't even matter whether or not it's intended because the card needs to be "fixed" regardless. This kind of RNG is unhealthy and we don't want another "Wardancer controversy", like you've mentioned.


Forum veteran
I've also seen Knickers being mentioned as problematic for similar RNG situations, but that one is completely random.

If the NG guy isnt, and can be summoned to get CA consistently, without the risk that resilient units carry, then its Wardancer all over again.


Forum regular
I normally would say to let the meta settle before getting too freaked out about balance, but... Ya this feels like old War Dancer and intended or not, this is something that should NOT be in the game!

I hope the outcry gets the devs to seriously consider a quick hotfix rather then taking a "wait and see" approach.
I'm not sure if it is bug, but i hope it's not a feature. :)

Affan Hillergrand can summon himself after beeing mulliganed.
It is dumb as hell and can randomly disrupt strategies.

Also after using Decoy on Affan, he can be placed on the top of the deck and played with Decoy instead of his own ability, making it 0 point play. Just another dumb random nonsense. :)
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