Music Option

I've posted before saying I wish there was a custom radio station (like GTA has done) and it got me thinking about the music and how hard it must be for a game studio to license enough music to make a really robust network of radio stations for open-world games because of the cost.

And I had an idea. Shoot me down if I'm off base, I just freethinking it here...

What if a game studio worked out a deal with streaming services (spotify, etc...) and merely curate playlists of songs for stations, that players who already have accounts (probably a large number?) could subscribe/sign in to in settings and the game devs could just provide the dj/talk/commercial content, giving players access to deep curated music for the game. In game when you select a radio station, the game streams from that station's curated play list. Dev studio saves money, Streaming service gets more subs likely and advertising. The only people who get screwed are the artists like they already do! Though presumably it could increase access for indie bands.

Would that work?
- maybe a good idea for Online would be to have an 'open library, add your music here'. This idea, literally, allowing people to exhibit their amateur work. Of course, as I said, previously treated in this way - amateurishly (avoiding legal copyright problems). Black Desert made a system, rudimentary, about a specific class where players shared music made by players.

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