Hello, everyone,
I apologise first, my english is not really good, so I hope everyone will understand.
[First cigarette lit.]
I spent about 120 hours on the game.
I hadn't turned on my PS4 since 2016. Funny anecdote, I had forgotten how to do it, it took me 2 minutes to remember.
After this bad joke, called Final Fantasy XV, I had lost hope a bit.
However, I found an interest in Cyberpunk 2077. I knew of course that the PS4 version was full of bugs, so I won't talk about it here. I knew about crashes and all. I don't blame the devs, it couldn't have been easy for them. The game crashed sometimes, but thanks to the patches it was much better. And thanks to the autosaves, too.
I was expecting a little more from the main story. I read on internet that the devs had taken into account the complaints of the players and made a shorter story than the witcher 3 (I didn't play it, so I don't know).
But that kind of thing is never good. If you create a whole new world, you might as well exploit it.
It would have been much better to make the story as long as possible. There's so much to tell aboutNight City.
I couldn't help but make a connection with Ghost in the Shell.
The open world is just amazing. So many details, it's just crazy.
There are so many things to find, and I liked finding them. I liked getting lost in the city or the Badlands, making my cars suffer.
And I want to congratulate the devs who planted bushes in the Badlands for days, maybe even weeks. Just give them a medal already.
The side missions were really entertaining. I've been kidnapped by bad guys (but I made them pay properly), I saved a japanese pop start from a stalker, I even crucified a guy! It was weird, but I did it.
When I hear some good music on my bike, I speed up and it makes me feel like my V is in a movie scene. It would have been too good to buy a music player for V and choose the music you want when you do a mission or a fight. I would have liked to kill my enemies on Chipp'in.
Between discretion and killing, sometimes, the fixer told me to use « discretion », but discretion isn't my style at all, the first thing I do when I arrive in a hostile zone is to pull out my gun and shoot everyone in the head.
I would also like to thank the devs for not making the mission fail when I am not discreet. I suck like hell at it.
I don't understand why so many people complain that the game is too sexualized. I found on the contrary that hypersexualization was adequate for the Cyberpunk universe. I even think there are not enough of that.
However, I don't understand the point of having such depressing endings.
Either V dies, or Johnny takes his body, or he doesn't have much time left to live.
I've never understood why people make these kinds of endings.
If the main character dies (or is dying), you can't imagine the rest of his journey. It's just "over".
And, honestly, don't you feel like you've wasted your time playing a character if he dies at the end ?
Having said that, I think it could be a good introduction for a potential Cyberpunk 2078.
It would even work with the ending where V commits suicide.
He shoots himself, but his consciousness had merged with Johnny's, so Misty takes him back to Vik, and Vik finds another body to transfer V's consciousness into.
(The new body = the character customization of the next Cyberpunk game)
See? It works.
My suggestions :
[Second cigarette lit.]
Meredith Stout
If we consider Panam as the Nomad Woman, and Judy as the Street Kid Woman, then the Corpo Woman is Meredith Stout. I really wish it could have gone further with her.
I was hyped when I read that you could romance Meredith, but in the end it was just a one-night stand. We need a Corpo Woman romance. There was a side mission in which it was discovered that Arasaka had hired mercenaries to wear Militech's uniforms and attack their own buildings, to cause a war Arasaka vs Militech. V said Militech was no match for Arasaka.
I thought I could have sent a message to Meredith and warned her to be careful, or something like that. It could have led to the beginning of a story with her.
Romance in a general way
Generally speaking, we have very little choice. Really very little choice.
You meet a lot of new characters during side missions. So why not add them to the list of characters available for romance?
Anna Hamill (I didn't kill her, I thought she was cute, I would have liked to invite her for dinner)
Claire Russell (seriously, her husband has been dead for a year, and I was ranked first in all the races, and I let her kill the other guy).
Misty (What? Jackie is dead, isn't he? I've been a good friend and I didn't lust over Misty the whole time he was alive)
Regina Jones (I've captured all the cyberpsychos without killing them, so how about a little cinema, just the two of us? )
The journalist Rachel
Dr. Yawen Packard
Elizabeth Peralez (Even though she already has a husband, her story suggests that maybe she just thinks she loves him)
Sandra Dorset
Lizzy Wizzy (?) (even if she's just a bitch who killed her boyfriend)
Hanako (why not? I can see myself being the boyfriend of the woman who controls Arasaka. Johnny will be really mad. He's going to die a second time)
The Japanese girls from Us Crack (or Crack Us ?)
Even Mama Wells! (Her son is dead, she probably needs to be consoled...)
Even... Evelyn Parker. Well, I have no interest in whores, so... since she got fucked by Arasaka Yorinobu. It annoys me when people says "it's just for business". I was like : « Yeah, it's just for business, huh ? Whore ! I hope you will die by STD ! » Aaaaand she's dead later. Not because of STD, but damn, I'm still felling guilty about her death. Sorry, Eve... I regret, now. But don't worry, I avenged you. They are all dead, and I was very cruel...
I know I'm just mentioning women, but I don't remember guy's names... I know there were many in side missions, too. Like the one who was kidnapped by some gang and Dakota told me to rescue him. Or another one who was also kidnapped and I rescued him too...
Or Elizabeth Peralez's husband ! And his name is Jefferson ! I remember him ! HA !
Well... whatever.
Sexual orientation.
I know it's a very sensitive topic for many people, and especially because of Judy Alvarez. To clarify my position, I am on the side of those who want to make her bisexual.
But I would like to tell you my experience first.
My first love interest in the game was Meredith. After the ultimate deception number one (just a one-night thing with her), the second LI was Judy.
I have thalassophobia, so the misson « Pyramid Song » was really uneasy for me, but I did it, because the music, the romantic atmosphere, Judy who talked about her past, and later, when she told us her friends were dead, I was like : « It's time ! Yeeaaaah ! » But after that, she just went to bed. And nothing happened. It was the perfect time for something. Then, when I woke up, she said she wanted to leave the city. I went on internet to see if I missed something. And the thing I missed was : she was a lesbian.
That was a real and pure waste of time, I was not amused. At all. Why the game is cockbloking my V ? And why make all that romantic thing if it's just end with « I leave the city » ? That was the ultimate deception number two. I waited for my reward, and I was just friendzoned like... a friend ! Urrgh...
I tried not to be a dick with her, because I thought she wouldn't like it. And it turned out she really didn't like it... hahaha, get it ?
[Third cigarette lit] (I know it looks like I smoke a lot, but I needed to calm down after that joke).
In the end, I was with Panam, but in the beginning, I had absolutly no interest in her. Maybe her hairstyle, I don't know. I was more interested in Sasquatch, and she looks like a bodybuilded gorilla who tried to kill me with a giant hammer. But Panam gave me Overwatch, and I loooooove the sound when you shoot with it : « Pifuu ». I wonder if I can take that sound for my smartphone message alert.
Anyway, back to Judy.
As a straight guy IRL, my V will always be a straight male V. But that means I will never be able to romance Judy. And each time I will start over the game, I will automatically be pissed off by that fact. It's not fun to start a game when you know that...
You will probably say « play a female V, dude ! » but why would I want to do such a thing? The game gives us the choice to be who we want to be, but in the end, it's still an illusion, because if you want to romance a character, you're forced to choose something you don't necessarily want to be.
I won't start a new topic about « please dev, make Judy bisexual », it's just for me the best exemple, and the reverse is also true : if I was gay, I would make a gay male V and I would never be able to romance the cop dude (I don't remember his name, he is the brother of Joss).
Speaking of the cop dude, I had a little surprise. I thought I shared a good friendship moment with him, and suddently, I had the option to kiss him. I want to say it ruined the moment...
As a result, I was a little scared when I was with the other dude, the friend of Johnny, Kerry something. And speaking of him, he didn't looks like so gay when he was with the Japanese girls (Red Menace, Blue Moon and Purple... I forgot)
It will be better for the game, too. If you start a new game, the story will always be the same, but if you can romance a new woman or man, this will add a bit of novelty.
SOOOOOOO my suggestion is : why not let the player decide ?
I think it's the best option for both sides (those who want the characters to stay as they are, and those who want to make them bi).
If you can choose the size of your penis, for absolutly no reason (I don't remember it was usefull in the game) why can't you choose 1) your own sexual orientation, and 2) the sexual orientation of the characters you will be able to romance, in the character creation screens, before starting the game ?
Choosing your own sexual orientation will cause your V to reject anyone who doesn't suit your preference. At least, we won't « accidentally » hit on someone we don't want to. And, in my case, I won't have to be afraid of my own choices anymore...
Choosing the sexual orientation of the romanceable characters will let you romance whoever you want. And it couldn't hurt... we don't have many choices, after all.
Of course, as you can't change your V in the game, you won't be able to change these parameters later.
But I'm surprised that this option wasn't already in the game in the first place, given that you can literally create a futa.
I would see something like that :
V, sexual orientation : Straight – Gay/Lesbian – Bisexual.
Female romanceable characters : Straight – Lesbian – Bisexual.
Male romanceable characters : Straight – Gay – Bisexual.
Or an even more precise setting :
V, sexual orientation : Straight – Gay/Lesbian – Bisexual.
Meredith Stout, Photo of Meredith, little description and : Straight – Lesbian – Bisexual.
Panam Palmer, Photo of Panam, little description and : Straight – Lesbian – Bisexual.
Judy Alvarez, Photo of Judy, little description and : Straight – Lesbian – Bisexual.
Cop Dude, Photo of Cop, little description and : Straight – Gay – Bisexual.
Of course, with that setting, we take the risk to be spoiled if it's the first time we play.
But I really think it's a good idea. Not a selfish good idea, like : « Yeah, now I can fuck Judy ! Haha ! » but a real good idea, like : « Okay, in my previous playthrough, I romanced Judy, and as a lesbian player who can't stand men, because I have androphobia, I will still play a lesbian V. I want to try to romance Panam this time, because I love her hairstyle, and she has the hell of an ass. I will turn Judy straight, because I want to be rejected by her, just to see how it feels. I'm a masochist. »
In this exemple : choose lesbian female V, choose Panam lesbian, choose Judy and all female characters straight, choose all the male characters gay, and good game to you !
Be carefull : if you choose to turn every male character straight, they will still try to hit on your lesbian V, even if she will automatically reject them all.
If you don't want to be bothered by them, turn them gay.
Another exemple : I'm a straight guy player, but my IRL girlfriend is very jealous and doesn't want me to date Cyberpunk 2077 female characters, and I love her, so, I will obey without saying anything, like a wimp.
Choose straight male V, turn every girl lesbian, and every guy straight. Pure friendship all the game ! Problem solved !
Maybe you can even try to make your harem. I read on internet you can date many people at the same time, months ago, and some of the characters will be okay with it, and some other won't. I don't know if it's true or not.
Finally, I want to say I saw a video where you can have Judy even if you are a male V, by changing some lines of code (only on PC, of course...)
But, for me, it's a proof that this suggestion is doable, because there is the voice of male V recorded for this case. It's just the devs who blocked it and make Judy lesbian only.
I don't know if it's the same for the other characters, I only saw the one with Judy.
Everyone at CD Projeckt apologizes for the bugs and everything... I think it would be a good way to make up for it.
[Fourth cigarette lit.]
Cars are soaps.
They are really difficult to control.
When you're in a car, you always want to try to make it go fast. But when you suddenly have to turn, because the minimap just shows you the way just a second before, the car skids like on an ice rink. So, I always used motorcycles. It's a lot easier and you can make some impressive skids.
Please, keep in mind I play on PS4, maybe it's better on Xbox or PC.
Name your saves.
I think it would be a good idea to be able to name your saves. I have 8 of them, and I confess that I can't remember why I did all of them. I just remember the very first, in front of No-tell motel. (It's my reward with Meredith Stout, so give me a break.) And the second is when I was kidnapped by some gang and I have to make them pay. I loved that script.
An option to see the choices you made...
... in a previous playthrough. Maybe with another color. At least, the player will know what choices he/she made before, and if he/she wants to see another path, it will be a good help.
I didn't start a new playthrough yet, so I don't know if there is something like that already, but, you know, just in case...
Make it possible to loot some material for your cyber things.
On corpses, you can loot weapons, clothes, money, etc... but I don't remember seeing that you could loot some material for netrunner. Like Scavengers do.
Use fixers' favors
One of my problems in the game was : I had a lot of things, and it was heavy for my V.
Each time, I had to find a shop and sell a lot of things.
Why can't we call the fixers and tell them : « Eeehh, I'm full... can you sent someone to pick up my stuff and sell it for me ? You take 15%. Oh, and I would like to give that bad guys' car to the Aldecaldos, can you do it ? I will pay you, thanks ! »
Make the maximum level and street level to 100 and add some challenge.
When you reach the last level, 50, and you increase your stuff and make it gold and all... well, you still have a lot of side missions to do, but its too easy. Everyone shooted at me and I had no worries, I just quietly reached them and exploded their head with a hammer.
I would have liked to see some quests where you really had to be well prepared to do them, even if you reach the maximum level, with great rewards.
Having your maximum level at 100 would allow you to unlock all the skills. I don't understand why you can't reach 100, is it again to force the player to choose and sacrifice something ?
And that's all for me.
I hope everything was clear enough and that you understood all of this.
I don't know if the God of Devs will see this, but in any case, thank you all for reading.
Good day to you all, and happy new year.
I apologise first, my english is not really good, so I hope everyone will understand.
[First cigarette lit.]
I spent about 120 hours on the game.
I hadn't turned on my PS4 since 2016. Funny anecdote, I had forgotten how to do it, it took me 2 minutes to remember.
After this bad joke, called Final Fantasy XV, I had lost hope a bit.
However, I found an interest in Cyberpunk 2077. I knew of course that the PS4 version was full of bugs, so I won't talk about it here. I knew about crashes and all. I don't blame the devs, it couldn't have been easy for them. The game crashed sometimes, but thanks to the patches it was much better. And thanks to the autosaves, too.
I was expecting a little more from the main story. I read on internet that the devs had taken into account the complaints of the players and made a shorter story than the witcher 3 (I didn't play it, so I don't know).
But that kind of thing is never good. If you create a whole new world, you might as well exploit it.
It would have been much better to make the story as long as possible. There's so much to tell aboutNight City.
I couldn't help but make a connection with Ghost in the Shell.
The open world is just amazing. So many details, it's just crazy.
There are so many things to find, and I liked finding them. I liked getting lost in the city or the Badlands, making my cars suffer.
And I want to congratulate the devs who planted bushes in the Badlands for days, maybe even weeks. Just give them a medal already.
The side missions were really entertaining. I've been kidnapped by bad guys (but I made them pay properly), I saved a japanese pop start from a stalker, I even crucified a guy! It was weird, but I did it.
When I hear some good music on my bike, I speed up and it makes me feel like my V is in a movie scene. It would have been too good to buy a music player for V and choose the music you want when you do a mission or a fight. I would have liked to kill my enemies on Chipp'in.
Between discretion and killing, sometimes, the fixer told me to use « discretion », but discretion isn't my style at all, the first thing I do when I arrive in a hostile zone is to pull out my gun and shoot everyone in the head.
I would also like to thank the devs for not making the mission fail when I am not discreet. I suck like hell at it.
I don't understand why so many people complain that the game is too sexualized. I found on the contrary that hypersexualization was adequate for the Cyberpunk universe. I even think there are not enough of that.
However, I don't understand the point of having such depressing endings.
Either V dies, or Johnny takes his body, or he doesn't have much time left to live.
I've never understood why people make these kinds of endings.
If the main character dies (or is dying), you can't imagine the rest of his journey. It's just "over".
And, honestly, don't you feel like you've wasted your time playing a character if he dies at the end ?
Having said that, I think it could be a good introduction for a potential Cyberpunk 2078.
It would even work with the ending where V commits suicide.
He shoots himself, but his consciousness had merged with Johnny's, so Misty takes him back to Vik, and Vik finds another body to transfer V's consciousness into.
(The new body = the character customization of the next Cyberpunk game)
See? It works.
My suggestions :
[Second cigarette lit.]
Meredith Stout
If we consider Panam as the Nomad Woman, and Judy as the Street Kid Woman, then the Corpo Woman is Meredith Stout. I really wish it could have gone further with her.
I was hyped when I read that you could romance Meredith, but in the end it was just a one-night stand. We need a Corpo Woman romance. There was a side mission in which it was discovered that Arasaka had hired mercenaries to wear Militech's uniforms and attack their own buildings, to cause a war Arasaka vs Militech. V said Militech was no match for Arasaka.
I thought I could have sent a message to Meredith and warned her to be careful, or something like that. It could have led to the beginning of a story with her.
Romance in a general way
Generally speaking, we have very little choice. Really very little choice.
You meet a lot of new characters during side missions. So why not add them to the list of characters available for romance?
Anna Hamill (I didn't kill her, I thought she was cute, I would have liked to invite her for dinner)
Claire Russell (seriously, her husband has been dead for a year, and I was ranked first in all the races, and I let her kill the other guy).
Misty (What? Jackie is dead, isn't he? I've been a good friend and I didn't lust over Misty the whole time he was alive)
Regina Jones (I've captured all the cyberpsychos without killing them, so how about a little cinema, just the two of us? )
The journalist Rachel
Dr. Yawen Packard
Elizabeth Peralez (Even though she already has a husband, her story suggests that maybe she just thinks she loves him)
Sandra Dorset
Lizzy Wizzy (?) (even if she's just a bitch who killed her boyfriend)
Hanako (why not? I can see myself being the boyfriend of the woman who controls Arasaka. Johnny will be really mad. He's going to die a second time)
The Japanese girls from Us Crack (or Crack Us ?)
Even Mama Wells! (Her son is dead, she probably needs to be consoled...)
Even... Evelyn Parker. Well, I have no interest in whores, so... since she got fucked by Arasaka Yorinobu. It annoys me when people says "it's just for business". I was like : « Yeah, it's just for business, huh ? Whore ! I hope you will die by STD ! » Aaaaand she's dead later. Not because of STD, but damn, I'm still felling guilty about her death. Sorry, Eve... I regret, now. But don't worry, I avenged you. They are all dead, and I was very cruel...
I know I'm just mentioning women, but I don't remember guy's names... I know there were many in side missions, too. Like the one who was kidnapped by some gang and Dakota told me to rescue him. Or another one who was also kidnapped and I rescued him too...
Or Elizabeth Peralez's husband ! And his name is Jefferson ! I remember him ! HA !
Well... whatever.
Sexual orientation.
I know it's a very sensitive topic for many people, and especially because of Judy Alvarez. To clarify my position, I am on the side of those who want to make her bisexual.
But I would like to tell you my experience first.
My first love interest in the game was Meredith. After the ultimate deception number one (just a one-night thing with her), the second LI was Judy.
I have thalassophobia, so the misson « Pyramid Song » was really uneasy for me, but I did it, because the music, the romantic atmosphere, Judy who talked about her past, and later, when she told us her friends were dead, I was like : « It's time ! Yeeaaaah ! » But after that, she just went to bed. And nothing happened. It was the perfect time for something. Then, when I woke up, she said she wanted to leave the city. I went on internet to see if I missed something. And the thing I missed was : she was a lesbian.
That was a real and pure waste of time, I was not amused. At all. Why the game is cockbloking my V ? And why make all that romantic thing if it's just end with « I leave the city » ? That was the ultimate deception number two. I waited for my reward, and I was just friendzoned like... a friend ! Urrgh...
I tried not to be a dick with her, because I thought she wouldn't like it. And it turned out she really didn't like it... hahaha, get it ?
[Third cigarette lit] (I know it looks like I smoke a lot, but I needed to calm down after that joke).
In the end, I was with Panam, but in the beginning, I had absolutly no interest in her. Maybe her hairstyle, I don't know. I was more interested in Sasquatch, and she looks like a bodybuilded gorilla who tried to kill me with a giant hammer. But Panam gave me Overwatch, and I loooooove the sound when you shoot with it : « Pifuu ». I wonder if I can take that sound for my smartphone message alert.
Anyway, back to Judy.
As a straight guy IRL, my V will always be a straight male V. But that means I will never be able to romance Judy. And each time I will start over the game, I will automatically be pissed off by that fact. It's not fun to start a game when you know that...
You will probably say « play a female V, dude ! » but why would I want to do such a thing? The game gives us the choice to be who we want to be, but in the end, it's still an illusion, because if you want to romance a character, you're forced to choose something you don't necessarily want to be.
I won't start a new topic about « please dev, make Judy bisexual », it's just for me the best exemple, and the reverse is also true : if I was gay, I would make a gay male V and I would never be able to romance the cop dude (I don't remember his name, he is the brother of Joss).
Speaking of the cop dude, I had a little surprise. I thought I shared a good friendship moment with him, and suddently, I had the option to kiss him. I want to say it ruined the moment...
As a result, I was a little scared when I was with the other dude, the friend of Johnny, Kerry something. And speaking of him, he didn't looks like so gay when he was with the Japanese girls (Red Menace, Blue Moon and Purple... I forgot)
It will be better for the game, too. If you start a new game, the story will always be the same, but if you can romance a new woman or man, this will add a bit of novelty.
SOOOOOOO my suggestion is : why not let the player decide ?
I think it's the best option for both sides (those who want the characters to stay as they are, and those who want to make them bi).
If you can choose the size of your penis, for absolutly no reason (I don't remember it was usefull in the game) why can't you choose 1) your own sexual orientation, and 2) the sexual orientation of the characters you will be able to romance, in the character creation screens, before starting the game ?
Choosing your own sexual orientation will cause your V to reject anyone who doesn't suit your preference. At least, we won't « accidentally » hit on someone we don't want to. And, in my case, I won't have to be afraid of my own choices anymore...
Choosing the sexual orientation of the romanceable characters will let you romance whoever you want. And it couldn't hurt... we don't have many choices, after all.
Of course, as you can't change your V in the game, you won't be able to change these parameters later.
But I'm surprised that this option wasn't already in the game in the first place, given that you can literally create a futa.
I would see something like that :
V, sexual orientation : Straight – Gay/Lesbian – Bisexual.
Female romanceable characters : Straight – Lesbian – Bisexual.
Male romanceable characters : Straight – Gay – Bisexual.
Or an even more precise setting :
V, sexual orientation : Straight – Gay/Lesbian – Bisexual.
Meredith Stout, Photo of Meredith, little description and : Straight – Lesbian – Bisexual.
Panam Palmer, Photo of Panam, little description and : Straight – Lesbian – Bisexual.
Judy Alvarez, Photo of Judy, little description and : Straight – Lesbian – Bisexual.
Cop Dude, Photo of Cop, little description and : Straight – Gay – Bisexual.
Of course, with that setting, we take the risk to be spoiled if it's the first time we play.
But I really think it's a good idea. Not a selfish good idea, like : « Yeah, now I can fuck Judy ! Haha ! » but a real good idea, like : « Okay, in my previous playthrough, I romanced Judy, and as a lesbian player who can't stand men, because I have androphobia, I will still play a lesbian V. I want to try to romance Panam this time, because I love her hairstyle, and she has the hell of an ass. I will turn Judy straight, because I want to be rejected by her, just to see how it feels. I'm a masochist. »
In this exemple : choose lesbian female V, choose Panam lesbian, choose Judy and all female characters straight, choose all the male characters gay, and good game to you !
Be carefull : if you choose to turn every male character straight, they will still try to hit on your lesbian V, even if she will automatically reject them all.
If you don't want to be bothered by them, turn them gay.
Another exemple : I'm a straight guy player, but my IRL girlfriend is very jealous and doesn't want me to date Cyberpunk 2077 female characters, and I love her, so, I will obey without saying anything, like a wimp.
Choose straight male V, turn every girl lesbian, and every guy straight. Pure friendship all the game ! Problem solved !
Maybe you can even try to make your harem. I read on internet you can date many people at the same time, months ago, and some of the characters will be okay with it, and some other won't. I don't know if it's true or not.
Finally, I want to say I saw a video where you can have Judy even if you are a male V, by changing some lines of code (only on PC, of course...)
But, for me, it's a proof that this suggestion is doable, because there is the voice of male V recorded for this case. It's just the devs who blocked it and make Judy lesbian only.
I don't know if it's the same for the other characters, I only saw the one with Judy.
Everyone at CD Projeckt apologizes for the bugs and everything... I think it would be a good way to make up for it.
[Fourth cigarette lit.]
Cars are soaps.
They are really difficult to control.
When you're in a car, you always want to try to make it go fast. But when you suddenly have to turn, because the minimap just shows you the way just a second before, the car skids like on an ice rink. So, I always used motorcycles. It's a lot easier and you can make some impressive skids.
Please, keep in mind I play on PS4, maybe it's better on Xbox or PC.
Name your saves.
I think it would be a good idea to be able to name your saves. I have 8 of them, and I confess that I can't remember why I did all of them. I just remember the very first, in front of No-tell motel. (It's my reward with Meredith Stout, so give me a break.) And the second is when I was kidnapped by some gang and I have to make them pay. I loved that script.
An option to see the choices you made...
... in a previous playthrough. Maybe with another color. At least, the player will know what choices he/she made before, and if he/she wants to see another path, it will be a good help.
I didn't start a new playthrough yet, so I don't know if there is something like that already, but, you know, just in case...
Make it possible to loot some material for your cyber things.
On corpses, you can loot weapons, clothes, money, etc... but I don't remember seeing that you could loot some material for netrunner. Like Scavengers do.
Use fixers' favors
One of my problems in the game was : I had a lot of things, and it was heavy for my V.
Each time, I had to find a shop and sell a lot of things.
Why can't we call the fixers and tell them : « Eeehh, I'm full... can you sent someone to pick up my stuff and sell it for me ? You take 15%. Oh, and I would like to give that bad guys' car to the Aldecaldos, can you do it ? I will pay you, thanks ! »
Make the maximum level and street level to 100 and add some challenge.
When you reach the last level, 50, and you increase your stuff and make it gold and all... well, you still have a lot of side missions to do, but its too easy. Everyone shooted at me and I had no worries, I just quietly reached them and exploded their head with a hammer.
I would have liked to see some quests where you really had to be well prepared to do them, even if you reach the maximum level, with great rewards.
Having your maximum level at 100 would allow you to unlock all the skills. I don't understand why you can't reach 100, is it again to force the player to choose and sacrifice something ?
And that's all for me.
I hope everything was clear enough and that you understood all of this.
I don't know if the God of Devs will see this, but in any case, thank you all for reading.
Good day to you all, and happy new year.