NCPD Scanner Side Quests

In the game there are things called NCPD scanner missions. These are where you help out people against gangs in lue of the police. There are a seperate branch of missions under the same heading that apear in the sidebar as gigs. These involve to going to a location, a den of somebody crminal to investigate the area, usually finding some loot. I think I found deeper meaning to one and I'd like to hear if anyone knows of deeper meanings too the rest.
I'll spoiler this. (Edit. Spoiler Tags are not working for me. Perhaps it's to do with my low number of posts. Read below at your peral.)

In one of these missions I am told a girl called Nina is holed up in her lair and I am to go there and find out more. immediately I thought of the American Version of Luc Besson's the Assasin. Sure enough, when I got there, it was a beachfront house. Inside, one piece of loot I found was a NEU pistol. That was the very pistol I worked out had highest DPS that could take a silencer. That was me very pleased with this find. I wonder are their more film references with the rest? If so, please do tell.
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In the game yes. I think you have the correct terminology with Hustles.

No. The film is called The Assasin. And it's an american remake of a Luc Besson fil. Not Leon though. Something esle, I forget the name.
Ok, I see, it's Nikita :)
In the game, there are plenty... Terminator, Matrix, Ghost in the shell (judy), Demolition Man (the 3 shell) for quote the most obvious :)
Ok, I see, it's Nikita :) In the game, there are plenty... Terminator, Matrix, Ghost in the shell (judy), Demolition Man (the 3 shell) for quote the most obvious :)
Indeed. I want to know if the rest of the scanner hustles are references to films though. And if someone else had as fine a time as me with a mystery.
Indeed. I want to know if the rest of the scanner hustles are references to films though. And if someone else had as fine a time as me with a mystery.
For NCPD scanner hustles, I would say some are a reference to the world and stories in Night City (maybe be related to movies, I don't know), and others are related to quests or GIGs that you have maybe play or not (in function of the order that you did them).
Another thing, sneak nearby the enemies, most of the time, they have unique dialogue lines (you must not be detected obviously).
Some of these have interesting stories like Arasaka exterminating the homeless (no wonder the NCPD didn't want to touch this) and human trafficking.
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