Need advices about ST deck.

Need advices about ST deck.

Hello there.
I am already lvl 17 and rank 8 (still growing), but I feel like my deck isnt as good as it should be. I have serious, SERIOUS troubles with NG (mostly based on Tosses), and big problems with Skelige. I have tried a few builds like Dwarves, Rotating, but it is not effective, because unlike Skelige we cannot ressurect any units.
Now I have some weird combo-wombo build:;50242:3:1;
My whole tacitc is a bit Weather based with buffing Dwarves/Braenn. This is a try-build to counter NG, because it is most common enemy on my level. Right now I am 50/50 with NG and 4win6loses against Skelige (but they are rare). Monsters and NR even, when they are completely rare, they dont make any problem for me. And honestly I havent seen any good ST against me too.

What could I change to be more effective against NG/Skel?
I would drop Triss and Saskia for Yen: The Conjurer and Villentretenmerth to begin. I'm 11-2 with this deck thus far but I'm lower level than you currently as I've haven't played as much this week. This is my current deck.

Yen: The Conjurer; Geralt: Igni; Villentretenmerth; Aglais
Cleaver; Scorch; Ida Emean; The Last Wish; Toruviel; Yaevinn
First Light x 3; DB Archer x 3; Hawker Smuggler x 2; Hawker Support x 2; Azur's Thunder x 2; D Shackles x 1; DB Protector x 1; DB Trapper x 1
Triss is great. You can solve many problems with her like skelige bears. Saskia is one free card so she is good too.
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