Nerf scoiatel....the game is unplayable!!!

Nerf scoiatel....the game is unplayable!!!

Nerf scoiatel....the game is unplayable!!!

Some example:
1) They buff a card (usually toruviel or another) and duplicate with operator. They have morenn in hand. At last round they play both toruviel. You cannot contrast in any manner. If you have card advantage and wait they pass you cannot use the duplciated toruvial in your hand. If you play toruviel they play morenn. The Scoiatel is the only faction that can contrast this combo.
2) They can play a tons of special cards. At last round, if they have Aglais, they are free to replay the best card they have played to win the round. The best faction with the best deck have very difficult to win agaist.
3) Isengrim: with this card is almost impossible win the first round. With this card in hand they win 70-80% of the first round and they have total control of the other two rounds.

This is only some examples. I am tired. I do not want play Scoiatel, I play other factions but this patch is dominated by Scoaitel that in my opinion are too OP.

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Moved to Suggestions.

As an aside, mentioning specific cards might help the Developers better identify what could be changed . . . .
what do you mean the game is unplayable? The game is very playable, especially if you beat scoiatael every time!

I've cleaned up the thread a bit. Next time you create a thread, can you please start with an explanation, giving at least some arguments, so there is actually something to discuss. One-liner 'rants' are less appreciated. Thank you.
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