New Game for W3

New Game for W3

It would be great to allow players to play W3 with a default storyline. If a player starts a game without prior saves, I hope CDPR gives an unambiguous account (throughout the game) of everything Geralt has been up to in the prior game(s). Obviously I expect them to prepare such an option for new players, but it should at least contain enough information regarding the important decisions of W2 to give experienced players a complete story. Some players are not bothered with imposing prior choices on the new game. It's a given that there will be an option to carry over past choices, so there should also be a contrasting choice to allow players to experience the story in different ways.

Here's what I mean by "important choice". Does Geralt

-Spare Aryan?

-Follow Roche or Iorveth?

-Save Triss/Anais/Saskia?

-Spare Sile?

-Spare Saskia?

-Rescue Iorveth/Roche?

-Kill Letho?
I am not quite sure I understand, so I'll lick this ice cream to express sweet innocence

Now, are you suggesting "cannon" Witcher 2, such as when playing without an import and very quickly you discover Geralt killed Adda

Perhaps this time around...Wow I think I'm starting to understand you proposition. There's a lot of huge decisions, WAY more than the first game. i wonder who will be in power. I wonder who will still be living. Hmmm...its going to be tempting for me to expiernce the game with surprises.

Just to be safe:

I know I was surprised default TW2 Geralt killed Adda. I guess the Striga had a different game plan this time?
Its Ubvious that will be the case, I mean what are PS3 gamers gonna do? it will likely just ask you if you want to load a previous load and thats it.
If you're asking whether or not there will be a "Default Campaign" that doesn't use any imported saves, then yeah. I mean how else will people who haven't played the previous games be able to play?

Then you're asking for a quick summery of past events as well, right? So that new players know what the hell is going on, since there are a lot of details and history behind the games. Well, RED did make the story synopsis video for TW1 and released it on YouTube so I guess they'll do something similar for TW2? This time they might just stick into the game itself rather than release it on YT.

Use paragraphs mate and try to be a little clearer in presenting your opinion, it was rather hard to understand what point you're were trying to get across. I'm sure I'm not the only one who was scratching my head here.
cmdrflashheart said:
Obviously I expect them to prepare such an option for new players, but it should at least contain enough information regarding the important decisions of W2 to give experienced players a complete story.

This is the important part from the OP (third sentence).

Yes, there will be a New Game storyline for new players, but it's possible that it will not include details about Geralt's choices, or make the past ambiguous.

It's possible to make the New Game storyline without mentioning anything about past choices.

I am saying that whatever the New Game storyline may be, it shouldn't leave out details about important decisions, or make the past ambiguous.

W2 mentioned some details about Geralt's decisions in W1, but this time there are a lot more choices and scenarios, so there's a possibility of less exposition in W3 regarding said choices and scenarios.

I am hoping that we will get a decent level of detail regarding Geralt's choices from W2 in W3.

It would be nice for storytelling purposes if the New Game storyline is not missing info on important decisions from W2.
They do't need a default state. They can do what bioware did with Mass effect. A choose your journey short interactive game that has you learn about a situation and then pick whatever choices you want.
KnightofPhoenix said:
They do't need a default state. They can do what bioware did with Mass effect. A choose your journey short interactive game that has you learn about a situation and then pick whatever choices you want.

Why would someone go back to play W2, then?

It will spoil all the important decisions and their outcomes.

At least with my suggestion, those details may not be explicitly highlighted to new players as important outcomes from W2.
And maybe they don't want to play it. Why impose that on them.

The two options can be easily reconciled. A default state for those who don't want to be spoiled. And a pick your journey for those who don't care.
My suggestion doesn't impose the necessity of having played W2- I am just hoping that we will get enough information about important decisions from W2 in W3. If anything, players would feel the need to have played W2 when faced with a "pick your own journey" menu.

Importing your W2 saves is pretty much a "pick your own journey" scenario, so I don't see the need for another option of that kind.
Playing The Witcher 3 even without a ME-style of interactive story is going to spoil the major decisions in TW2 anyway, if CDPR do them justice (which I believe they will). So I don't see why they shouldn't make thing clearer and more enjoyable for newomers to the series by presenting them with what is essentially an interactive saved game builder. If TW3 seems completely disconnected from TW2 and what has happened because of Geralt's decisions seems irrelevant/unimportant to the point where the player doesn't need that information to understand what's going on, then the devs have done something wrong.

While the player didn't really need a lot of information to easily transition from TW1 to TW2, that was simply due to the fact that the two stories had very little to do with each other apart from the cinematic outro of the first game.

Anyway, I guess my point is, you don't watch the last movie in a trilogy without getting major spoilers for the first 2 parts. So I don't see why this should be any different with TW3.

Plus, making a few decisions with limited information is not the same as experiencing the full game, so I'm sure an interactive "choose your own adventure" type comic or w/e at the start of the game won't stop players that get interested in the franchise from going back and playing through the previous games. Besides, such a thing won't spoil all the major decisions and their outcomes, it's going to "spoil" only one of the outcomes (this is one of the major strengths of the product), so there's plenty of reasons to go back to the previous entries in the series.

To clarify, the "pick your own journey" scenario is for players that don't already have saves - it wouldn't be used for players who are importing their saved game. It's not "another option", it's the way new players get introduced to the world and plot.
cmdrflashheart said:
Importing your W2 saves is pretty much a "pick your own journey" scenario, so I don't see the need for another option of that kind.

For those who did not play TW2 or are not interested to. But still want to be able to pick what state they enter in the world in.
ReptilePZ said:
Playing The Witcher 3 even without a ME-style of interactive story is going to spoil the major decisions in TW2 anyway, if CDPR do them justice (which I believe they will).

There's a difference between letting someone acquire information from observation and plainly giving them said information. I don't expect players to note everything in the game with the same level of attention.

For example, imagine Roche telling Geralt at some point: "Thanks for letting me right some wrongs that day in Vergen".

And now imagine this:

Henselt was responsible for killing Roche's men, and as such Roche wanted to get revenge.

Option #1: Let Roche kill Henselt.
Option #2: Don't let Roche kill Henselt.

This also creates the problem of why the hell it matters whether Henselt lives or dies, and who exactly are these people? You can't make a good decision without significantly spoiling the previous two games for yourself.

There was some level of detail regarding decisions from W1 in W2.

I made this thread because I am not taking it for granted that we will get the same in W3; there are relatively more paths this time around, and it is easier to let the player "pick their own journey", either via saved games or lack of details in New Game.
KnightofPhoenix said:
For those who did not play TW2 or are not interested to. But still want to be able to pick what state they enter in the world in.

And what about someone who doesn't want to make such decisions in this manner? The state of the world only matters to experienced players. Newcomers are likely to accept things as given.

But whatever, if it makes some people happy to have that option, I don't care as long as there is a New Game storyline with a decent amount of detail regarding past decisions from W2.

I've always felt that the storytelling aspect is more important in the Witcher games than the choice aspect, which lets you experience alternative versions of the story. But that doesn't preclude the possibility of a canon version of the story.

Let's not forget that this game is associated with Sapowski's works and his characters, and validating everyone's interpretation of the story or his characters cheapens Sapowski's work by association.
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