New hotfix is live!


New hotfix for GWENT: The Witcher Card Game is now live on PC, PS4 and Xbox One!

Full list of changes:
  • Fixed a bug whereby Summoning Circle could play 0-cost Token units.
  • Fixed a bug whereby Hubert Rejk's ability could be triggered by damage dealt to allied units.
  • Fixed a bug whereby Ozzrel and Brewess would display Consume VFX when they Consumed nothing.
  • Fixed a bug whereby triggering a Locked Deathwish unit's ability via another card (e.g. Maerolorn) would Unlock the Deathwish unit..
  • Fixed a bug whereby Samum would not deal damage if there were no units adjacent to the target unit.
  • Fixed a bug whereby Syanna's Order ability could be used on a turn other than the one on which it was activated.
  • Fixed a bug whereby Nekurat's Cooldown would not refresh if the unit it targeted had a Shield.
  • Fixed a bug whereby Vissegerd would not take all boosted allies into account when played.
  • Fixed a bug whereby Svalblod Cultist and Hawker Healer could target undamaged units with their Heal abilities.
  • Dettlaff: Higher Vampire's limit of Deathwish uses changed from 3 to 2.
  • Dettlaff van der Eretein's damage amount changed from 2 to 1 and his provision bonus changed from 14 to 15.
  • The leaderboard notification "Reach Rank 25 to Display Your Leaderboards Stats," will no longer incorrectly appear for players at rank 25 or above.
  • Fixed an issue whereby players could get stuck in the Deck preview screen if viewed during Leader animations, as time expires during the redraw phase, or as time expires after hiding a card selection screen.
  • Fixed an issue whereby the Deck/Graveyard preview screens would appear superimposed over the Play Menu screen if the opponent forfeits while viewing them.
  • The Crimson Overlord contract now correctly states you must win 100 matches with each Crimson Curse Leader to complete it.
CDPR just rolled out a sub 500KB update:

Dettlaff now does 1 dmg with his 3 charges and summons a token with the same strength under deathblow. His provision is now at 15.



Note: I've put both threads together and I'll be merging them with the official thread, once it goes live today.

Guest 4339135

I had installed the update many matches before and nothing was changed with Detlaff, now suddenly from one game to another I have only one damage pings left. What's that supposed to mean? How should I know that this will happen? Sorry, it isn't ok anymore what CDPR is doing.
And what will happen to the players that already abused Detlaff?
Thanks! Great job guys!

May I ask when we can expect to see Crimson Curse's new leader tree?
Post automatically merged:

Those Crimson Curse Leader Contracts have "Mastery" Icon but they can't be found in Mastery Tab. They can only be found in ALL Tab, please fix this.
There's still the bug where if you try to damage Immune Sigvald with Knut, Knut's ability doesn't trigger
didnt get mill value on a nerfed detlaff card is very sad. even hearthstone the greediest game in the world still gives full mill value on their nerfed/changed cards. i also want to know when youll make it so that when the game is on in the background it doesnt let you click on things in game.

I want to send another report but whenever i go to the next step this note appears: "Thank you, your ticket has already been submitted. "

You need X units damaged to trigger a bloodthirst on deploy yet Svalblod Ravager counts the unit he just damaged thus activating his bloodthirst ability. As you can see in the image, Vran is the only damaged unit before i played Ravager. I damaged Rotfiend with Ravager then for some reason it triggered his bloodthirst.

Svalblod Ravager.JPG


Forum veteran
Great, this is just great!

Dont get me wrong, im glad CDPR came with the Dethlaff nerf so quickly this time... i just wish it had been a few hours too soon:

Last night decided to play ranked. Then got stuck at that "sweet spot" where you have 5 pieces of mosaic but if you lose you still havent moved on to the next, for 3 f***ing hours, where i won, i loss i won, i loss. And the losses were against Dethlaffs or NR playing that stupid Hugebert, sometimes with that Yen+Hugebert that Calanthe enables!

I thought that was just extreme bad luck, but turns out it was even worse because all of those losses by an inch wouldnt have happened with this bloody hotfix. :giveup:
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