There are faction-specific lock units for SK, ST, NG (quite obviously) & NR. Guess what? All of them trade up in terms of provisions when locking Dettlaff HV. It is sensible to run at least 1 lock for other match ups as well given that most decks have something that brings added value to the board after the turn that they're played. So this is not a case of having a dead card in hand vs. an absence of Dettlaff HV as it were for artifact removal cards that were included for the sole purpose of countering Spears/Sihil.
Should I mention all the other cards that suppress Dettlaff HV? I feel like I shouldn't have to but I'll take the time to answer you as you did for me.
Dorregaray of Vole, Aguarra, Geralt: Yrden (on Kayran), Leo (on Kayran), Geralt of Rivia (on Kayran), Peter (on Kayran), Scorch (on Kayran), Curse of Corruption (on Kayran), Crach ping + Regis Bloodlust/Ifrit/bombs, Eithne ping + Regis Bloodlust/Ifrit/bombs, Dettlaff ping + Regis Bloodlust/Ifrit/bombs, Brouver ping + Regis Bloodlust/Ifrit/bombs.
I think you're missing the forest for the trees here. Yes, there is counter-play to Dettlaff: HV. There is counter-play to everything. Consider for a moment what happens when this counter-play isn't drawn, carried or gets countered itself. A 10p card can net 20 points. The setup requirements to get those 20 points aren't reasonable. If a card is going to give ridiculous point value in an ideal scenario relative to the cost that ideal scenario should be difficult to achieve. It should take a lot of setup, a specific board state, something, anything. It shouldn't consist of putting a single card on a board and playing another single card.
As mentioned earlier, it's still a good card. 15 points for 10 provisions is pretty good value. Even with possible counter-play it's good value when it requires 2-3 turns to achieve.
Now let me explain to you why the leader nerf is not fine. The change doesn't further enable the vampire archetype; it further disables it with the less likely outcome of Dettlaff spawning a token. Dettlaff is a control leader by design and 9 points of "true potential" won't always be achievable just like how you can fathom that a succession of NR engines could theoretically bring X amount of points if they all survive. Crach is a non-conditional 8 points, Woodland is a non-conditional 8 points, Meve is a non-conditional 8 points... so what of it?
Also, don't mention Crimson Curse for the sake of me taking your argument seriously. CC is not a competitive card.
I stand by it: The nerf should have been to bring his provisions down to still make him a prominent leader in the meta without having him completely dominating it. Woodland will likely replace him now.
No arguments here. Like I said, yet again they take the easy road, change a number and slapped fixed on it. Before the change the leader was everywhere. Now everyone probably swapped to other MS leaders. Sounds like a fix to me...