New look for Yen looks awesome! How about an alternative look for Triss?

New look for Yen looks awesome! How about an alternative look for Triss?

Who else wants an alternative look for Triss to be one of the 16 free DLCs?

Maybe something with her hair down? Pleaseeeee! : )))))
I'm a bit torn on this, I would like to see something different for the DLC than just alternate looks for characters, I feel like modders can handle that bit, I'd rather see more quests, new areas, new items, more "woo-hoo" scenes, just more content instead of variations on existing characters.
Yes I agree but still I think there would be enough room for at least one more look : ) Those are just small extra things, I don´t think we can expect any new areas or big quests.
Why do we have a second thread on this? Certainly the other one has sort of gotten into a personal spitting match but, can we keep these things together?
Yeah Triss definatly needs to get rid of her neck knobs *smirk*
Guess she is a bit shy showing off her awesome hair to Geralt :D
At last expected open hair Triss at the party :( to bad it was not *sniff*
I think i read somewhere that there were alternative looks coming up for Triss and Ciri but i am not too sure
Yup, there was code among some of the files leading to the Triss and Ciri alt looks DLC. It was discovered by somebody in that XML file thread a while back.

Saw it too! Looked like this:


Or something like that!:welcome:
I'd like her outfit from TW2 back. Nothing wrong with a bit of cleavage, but the more rugged look just went better with her spunky personality.
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