New Update - Community Edition Patch Notes

Hello i want to present to community and CDPR employee's what i think it better if be changed and create my own patch notes to next update but its only my proposition:

Viy - Deathwish, 3 Charges: Shuffle Viy back to your deck then increase its base power by 3.
Keltullis - Ranged: After 3 allied turns destroy all cards with the same lowest power. Melee: After 3 allied turns destroy all cards with the same highest power
Water of Brokilon - Echo: Spawn 2 young driads.
Old Speartip - Power based on ogroid archetype, under construction.
Artis - Deploy: Play a (?) provision cultist from your deck, provision increase by every cultist played on this round.
Vernossiel - Ranged - Deploy: Create 1 elven deadeye and buff all elven deadeye on your melee/ranged by 2 points.
Filavandrel aen Finhail - Deploy: Create and play Scoia'tael special card of provision (?) . Provision of special card you create increase every time by 1 using special card, max 12 provision.
Syanna - Power increase to 6
All cards with patience - max cost of patience you can get its 12.
Alissa Henson - Deploy: Shuffle a special card from your graveyard your deck (max provision of special card you shuffle to deck: 9)
Uma Curse - Create a card from faction you choose (1 to choose with 3 options) and play it.
Vattier de Rideaux - Ranged - Deploy: Seize the card with highest point value if this card has been blocked. Melee - Deploy: Seize the card with lowest point value if this card has been blocked.
Crimson Curse - Enemy Melee/Ranged : Spawn Blood Moon an enemy row for 5 turns, then spawn 2 ekimmas in the opposite row. Everytime enemy unit bleed, ekimma got 1 point buff.
Crimson Curse - Player Melee/Ranged: Spawn Blood Moon an player row for 5 turns, then spawn 1 ekimmas in the player row. Everytime player vampire stay on Blood Moon (status?) got buff by 2 points.
Bride of the Sea - Deploy: Play an bronze Alchemy card from your graveyard.
Ocvist - Ranged - Order: Damage all enemy unit by 2. Melee, Deploy: Damage all enemy unit by 1.
Zoitan: Warrior - Melee: give all Rowdy Dwarves 2 points of armor.
Rowdy Dwarves: Dwarf, Token, Barricade: If Rowdy Dwarves have armor, buff Rowdy Dwarves by 1.
Eldain - Charge: 2 (every turn): transform traps into elven deadeyes.
Detlaff van der Eretein - Deathblow: Spawn an Ekimma on this row and buff that Ekimma everytime you kill the enemy unit.
Ekimma - Token, Vampire - Everytime enemy unit been destroyed, buff Ekimma by 1.
Tissaia de Vries - Deploy: At the end of this turn, reset the order of all alied bronze mages than used their order during this turn and give them fatum.
Colossal Ifrit - Deploy: Damage all enemy units on the opossite row by 1. Countdown is lower when you play ally construct unit.
Regis - Higher Vampire - Order: Draina an enemy by the amount of buffs it has and give bleed for each point your drain from enemy unit.
Enraged Ifrit - Order: Damage an enemy unit by 4. increase damage by 1 for every construct you play on this round.
Kambi - Deploy: discard the rightmost card in your hard, then your your opponent discards the rightmost card in their hand. Kambi buff for power of opponent discarded card.
Phoenix - Power based on beast archetype, under construction.
Regis - Bloodlust - Order: damage an enemy unit by 4 points, if enemy unit been not been destroyed, give it 2 turns of bleed, if enemy unit been destroyed, buff Regis: Bloodlust by power of destroyed card.
Bincy Blumerholdt - Ranged - Deploy: Whenever you gain a coins, buff self by 1 for each coin gained. Melee - Deploy: Whenever you spend a coins, buff self by 1 for each coin spended.
One-eyed Betsy: Damage and enemy unit by 4, if it has armor damage a enemy unit by 6 points, When enemy unit been destroyed by Betsy, buff her for amount of armor you remove when destroy the enemy unit card.

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just some thoughts for elves

rework hawker healer
Scoia'tael - Common Unit
Hawker Healer - Elf
Deploy (Melee): Boost an allied unit by 3. If it is an Elf, also boost an random allied unit by 2.
Deploy (Ranged): Heal an allied unit by 3. If it is an Elf, also boost an random unit in head by 2.
Provision: 4
Power: 2

rework farseer
Scoia'tael - Common Unit
Farseer - Elf, Mage
Deploy: Move a card in your deck to the bottom of it. If it was an Elf, Spawn Elven Deadeye in this row. If it was a special card, Spawn and play a waylay.
Provision: 6
Power: 4

rework Blue Mountain Elite
Scoia'tael - Common Unit
Blue Mountain Elite - Elf
Deploy (Ranged): Damage an enemy unit by 3 if it is the only unit on its row.
If moved to the bottom of your deck during your turn, Summon self to a random allied row and damage a random enemy unit by 3.
Provision: 4
Power: 2
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