No dismemberment nor katana finishing moves anymore

It seems like after patch 1.04 there's no more dismemberment in combat nor finishing melee moves. What happened? Anyone is noticing the same problem?

Many thanks,
Not happening with grenades aswell, even with low health on impact. I can do it to the corpses but the fun thing is doing it in combat..
Kinda sad. earliest game i cna think of that had something like that was dead space. and they even managed to throw it into the game with the at that time huge technical limitations of the 360...
I've tried to reload a previous save and everything works fine again.. but going back to the new saves the problem persists, weird... it's like I have equipped an anti-gore chip or something, only 3 levels of difference between savegames.
I've tried to reload a previous save and everything works fine again.. but going back to the new saves the problem persists, weird... it's like I have equipped an anti-gore chip or something, only 3 levels of difference between savegames.
Same here. KInda weird actually. Can CDPR actually tell me what is going on....

I also have the problem that even if I headshot enemys with my revolver the only get downed and arn't dead....
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played again after a couple of month and similar issue: gore turned down in a ridiculous manner. Very rare dismemberments now... Maybe they silently nerfed it in the EU? Who knows, they'll never tell or help or whatever...
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ok i used the respec and finally earned some gory kills again hm - weird. Nevertheless many hits get unnoticed, should be more accurate, but at least it works now.
Yep, honestly, there are more dead body with no heads or members than the reverse :D
(I don't know if it's less or more than day one, but it's a butchery when I use my katana).
Bump - Will there be any help for this? I'm on PC and all of the sudden the finishing moves in the game don't work. Sword is at 2k HP (not an hp issue). The NPC's just fall down with a splat of blood. Also same goes for my guns w/ head shots blood spats only,
Bump - Will there be any help for this? I'm on PC and all of the sudden the finishing moves in the game don't work. Sword is at 2k HP (not an hp issue). The NPC's just fall down with a splat of blood. Also same goes for my guns w/ head shots blood spats only,
I think (and probably with 2K damage), it's because you "oneshot" the enemies :(
For me, finishers stop working after a certain point, when the damage kill/knockout the enemies in one hit (100% crit chance + fully upgraded katana).

For try, test with a "weaker" katana and/or without any clothe mod who add crit chance/crit damage.
Out of curiosity, for those that aren't able to dismember, have you checked if you have the Target Analysis mod equipped, because that will prevent katanas from dismembering (because your weapon is no longer lethal).
So they also are removing the just little gore in game ? They just don't nudity now they also censor gore ?
So they also are removing the just little gore in game ? They just don't nudity now they also censor gore ?
Nope, yesterday I cut a Woodman's leg with my katana, for being sure he was really dead (and few Maelstromer head for fun).
(but no finisher since I can oneshot them).
I just logged into the game, took off my target analysis cyberware mod, and was immediately able to perform an execution with a katana with one shot, so I can confirm that they're still in the game, at least for me.
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