No one use Assassination..

Impera9;n8933490 said:
For the Nilfgaard faction, I don't think anyone uses "Assassination". It has no strength value and cannot affect gold cards. Can someone justify running this card in a deck? Even some Silver cards feel like better options LOL. I think the premise of this card is great, I would use it if it affected golds but we can't "assassinate" legendaries in this universe.

Someone does...I do at the very least.
Probably one of the most under rated card in the game, it made me win a significant number of games.

As for its use, well it's basically a scorch that targets, sounds pretty badass to me.

And true, it cannot target gold but it could if you run shackles and you don't need to target golds in order to win a game (otherwise nobody besides shackles users would win games). On the flip side, you can destroy anything that threaten to get out of control or any fatty your opponent deploys.

And it's strictly better than scorch. Let's say that your opponent has a 2O strengh unit and you have a 26 and a 7 on the board. The unit is out of range of both Scorch and Epidemic but not Assassinate.

Honestly the card is really good and when you think about it, it has more value than Drough or RnR in quiet a few games. Think about every games you casted RnR and your opponent cleared skies right after, dealing a total of 9 damage, provided your opponent has at least one unit of 3 strengh or more on each line (and notice that I talk about the pre patch RnR). Assassinate can be a huge power swing and prevent further damage if you take down a key unit of your opponent.

The only thing is that, you have to be very cautious on how you use it (similar to Radovid's leader ability) you have only one shot of it so you have to make it count. But so far I've never played a game where it was a dead card, I always find a target sooner or later and I find myself using my good old John to find it more than I regret to have it in hand.

I also lost some games because I could not find it, which is a sign of power.
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HTMekkatorque;n8933680 said:
It is a very very very underrated card, I would personally run it if I had it, but imagine how good it would be to kill tibor ebberbracht or unseen elder with it. Though almost all NG decks have a purpose for instance, reveal NG has dedicated legendaries they have to run leaving only really 2 flexi slots and therefore you'd have a tough choice between the great selection you have.

Not to mention the countless other legendaries that are core part of their strategy but ofcoarse less prevalent like triss: butterfly fog deck. List goes on really of great targets for that spell. One other thing I think of off the top of my head is that if these cards really bothered you, alternatively is running demeritium bomb and NG epics are not so clear cut so maybe better use of that comboed with scorch or geralt : igni or various other cards.

I'm also very new so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

Once again, "Assassination" card does not affect legendary (gold) cards so it can't kill cards like Tibor and Unseen Elder. If it could then it would be quite OP.
GenLiu;n8933830 said:
Someone does...I do at the very least.
Probably one of the most under rated card in the game, it made me win a significant number of games.

As for its use, well it's basically a scorch that targets, sounds pretty badass to me.

And true, it cannot target gold but it could if you run shackles and you don't need to target golds in order to win a game (otherwise nobody besides shackles users would win games). On the flip side, you can destroy anything that threaten to get out of control or any fatty your opponent deploys.

And it's strictly better than scorch. Let's say that your opponent has a 2O strengh unit and you have a 26 and a 7 on the board. The unit is out of range of both Scorch and Epidemic but not Assassinate.

Honestly the card is really good and when you think about it, it has more value than Drough or RnR in quiet a few games. Think about every games you casted RnR and your opponent cleared skies right after, dealing a total of 9 damage, provided your opponent has at least one unit of 3 strengh or more on each line (and notice that I talk about the pre patch RnR). Assassinate can be a huge power swing and prevent further damage if you take down a key unit of your opponent.

The only thing is that, you have to be very cautious on how you use it (similar to Radovid's leader ability) you have only one shot of it so you have to make it count. But so far I've never played a game where it was a dead card, I always find a target sooner or later and I find myself using my good old John to find it more than I regret to have it in hand.

I also lost some games because I could not find it, which is a sign of power.

I was hoping to hear from someone who utilizes it! Interesting! I have to play around with it just a bit more. It is a sniper card indeed targeting one.
The card sucks as it is, plain and simple. If at least locks would keep on the card after they are revived, maybe it will become somewhat usefull.
In almost every scenario Assassination is good Igni is better. It's just not worth running for the few exceptions. Make it kill gold cards though, and maybe......
Impera9;n8934250 said:
Once again, "Assassination" card does not affect legendary (gold) cards so it can't kill cards like Tibor and Unseen Elder. If it could then it would be quite OP.

Oh well then in that case I'm really misled. This card really shouldn't be gold then probably.


Forum veteran
I too have Assassination. On the "OB Keg Batch", i had the choice between Assassinate, a default Gold or a Leader, so i had to pick it, even though i was aware it was crap.

I also tried using it on the first days, since i didnt have many Legendaries, but i really hated it, a Scorch, which is Silver, would have been more useful on most situations, as i dont use buffs very often. I eventually replaced it on all my NG decks.

And yes, i can confirm it can't target Golds... believe me, i've tried many times...
If assassination was banishing cards instead of only destroying them, I would probably consider using it. It would be good against skellige, definitely. As it is now, it's a waste of slot, plain and simple. I have it though cause I wanted to have all NF cards. Too bad it doesn't live up to its great animation, one of the best in the game if you ask me.
Having a look at the responses I don't think anyone clarified the reason for the lock being their for OP. The reason it locks is to avoid it triggering any death wish ability that's tied to the card being assassinated.

As for my opinions on the card, running this with shackles could free up a silver card space as you wouldn't need Dimeritium Bomb. Yes, it would only affect one card bit would be a good clear for Hjalmar.

In my opinion this should be a neutral gold. And for that reason I don't think we'll be seeing a lot of this card.
OFC its bad. Also tridam infantryman is bad. Or Sabrina Glevessig. Or Pavetta. Or Ceallach. BUT
Why you guys think that EVERY card must be usefull?
Game might have some sort of filler cards. HS have 99% of filler cards. They are usefull on arena for example. I wish i can play Gwent arena soon :)
Unpopular opinion here but I don't think Assassination is so bad. There are way better golds, especially in Nilfgaard, but it's actually a solid card by all rights. True, it doesn't target Golds and it doesn't banish, but neither does Geralt: Igni which is one of the best cards in the game. Moreover, Assassination actually has much higher utility. It has no activation requirement and thus can be useful in a much broader range of circumstances. It can pick off under 20 strength Spotters, DB Protectors, Axemen, etc all of which Igni won't hit. And while Igni may have the advantage of being able to hit multiple units for a massive swing if their strength is the same, that's actually a pretty rare play. Like honestly, how often does that actually happen? People play around that unless they're complete amateurs and it's easier than ever to do now that so many units are agile. Of course, this isn't to say I think Assassination is better than Igni by any stretch. Igni does have a 4 strength body which is quite a huge advantage. I'm just saying that, adding 4 strength to a card is hardly enough to bridge that gap between one of the best cards in the game and supposedly one of the worst.

Chac42;n8935500 said:
In almost every scenario Assassination is good Igni is better. It's just not worth running for the few exceptions. Make it kill gold cards though, and maybe......

I'm really not agree with that. When you're playing against good players Igni becomes quiet difficult to get value out of and when I'm not deniying that it's an awesome card, there is also a lot of games where I died with igni in hand and had to play it as a 4 strengh body or even mulligan it from my hand because my opponent kept playing around it.
Assassinate always find a target, especially when your opponent is trying to play around Igni and make a huge 19 strengh single unit on a row for example. Though you're out of trouble...nope.

Now bear in mind that this card isn't to put in any random deck and only feets in decks that produce a lot of power with its units so Scorch ends up backfireing most of the time.
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Pruny;n8947440 said:
This should be able to kill gold cards

I do agree, it should. When a bronze card can demote and lock a gold card, why wouldn't a gold demote, lock and destroy another gold card? It would make it being a Dimeritium Shackles + Scorch, and it sounds about right to me.
RobRavenclaw;n8946650 said:
As for my opinions on the card, running this with shackles could free up a silver card space as you wouldn't need Dimeritium Bomb. Yes, it would only affect one card bit would be a good clear for Hjalmar.

One bronze and one gold cards for a silver one? Doesnt seem a good trade at all.

ikillchicken;n8950530 said:
Unpopular opinion here but I don't think Assassination is so bad. There are way better golds, especially in Nilfgaard, but it's actually a solid card by all rights. True, it doesn't target Golds and it doesn't banish, but neither does Geralt: Igni which is one of the best cards in the game. Moreover, Assassination actually has much higher utility. It has no activation requirement and thus can be useful in a much broader range of circumstances. It can pick off under 20 strength Spotters, DB Protectors, Axemen, etc all of which Igni won't hit. And while Igni may have the advantage of being able to hit multiple units for a massive swing if their strength is the same, that's actually a pretty rare play. Like honestly, how often does that actually happen? People play around that unless they're complete amateurs and it's easier than ever to do now that so many units are agile. Of course, this isn't to say I think Assassination is better than Igni by any stretch. Igni does have a 4 strength body which is quite a huge advantage. I'm just saying that, adding 4 strength to a card is hardly enough to bridge that gap between one of the best cards in the game and supposedly one of the worst.

Gigni isnt a good card on the current meta.
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GenLiu;n8953520 said:
I'm really not agree with that. When you're playing against good players Igni becomes quiet difficult to get value out of and when I'm not deniying that it's an awesome card, there is also a lot of games where I died with igni in hand and had to play it as a 4 strengh body or even mulligan it from my hand because my opponent kept playing around it.
Assassinate always find a target, especially when your opponent is trying to play around Igni and make a huge 19 strengh single unit on a row for example. Though you're out of trouble...nope.

Now bear in mind that this card isn't to put in any random deck and only feets in decks that produce a lot of power with its units so Scorch ends up backfireing most of the time.

That's why I said almost. Yes, if your opponent has a 12+ unit alone in a row Assassinate might be good, but even then it's not necessarily gold strength good. You say Assassinate always finds a target, well so does Igni too, if you want it to. It's just that people tend to hold on to Igni because they want something bigger. So sure, if you've held your Assassinate all round and your opponent never played anything big you'll get that 6-8 point value out of it, rather than just 4 (whoop-dee-doo). And if you start look at the real situations where Assassinate would be better (like against single axemen or spotters or protectors) you're better off running Mardroeme.
Chac42;n8955370 said:
you're better off running Mardroeme

You are better off running mardroeme than igni on the current meta also.

Gigni is not nearly as good as it once was. Thats because every single nerf that ANY unit receives on its base power on this game, its an indirect nerf to igni since it gets more and more difficult to achieve the 20 strength min cap.

Also, on a meta so focused on wounding and weather in general, its already difficult to achieve that cap anyways and even if achieved, you wont get as much value out of igni anyways (crones are the best example).

And on scenarios that igni shines, which are huge self-buff units like axeman and DBP's, you would have pretty much the same results with maerdrome, which is a bronze card and have a little more utility than igni frequently due to its reset properties.

In short; compare assassination to igni is a bad thing, not a good one.
Assassinate Waste of gold

Hello! I am a Console player put I thought I would post this on PC tab because I think it sould have a higher chance to be seen. But why is assassinate a gold card? To kill a target and lock it? Scorch does a better good and it a sliver..... Locking a card and killing does nothing at all, they will just res and guess what tge card is unlocked. Or maybe the card just needs to be reworked
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