Not a real open world game IMO

It seems like somewhere along the way CDPR completely gave up on the open world aspect of the game and just assumed people will go from mission to mission, and never explore or want to do anything else in the city, and that is basically what they released.

If you completely ignore everything around you and focus only on missions, gigs, crime fights; then you understand where the positive reviews are from; because that aspect of the game is decent enough, but everything else that has been a standard in open world games for over 20 years since GTA 3 came out and set the stage, Cyberpunk just completely fails at.

Outside of scripted missions and events the city is completely dead with no competent AI, and only serves as a visual backdrop nothing more. A rather sad state for a supposedly open world game that will redefine the genre as was so often stated by CDPR.

Curious if others feel the same.
"welcome to a new generation of open world experience" - just lol... maybe if they would have taken all the money they spent for false advertising over the last 8 years into development it would have turn out better than GTA 3 standards... water physics, car physics, crowd behavior, weather cycles, wanted system are all worse than 20 years old open world games...

CDPR just turned out like big dogs who barks...

+1 OP - nothing more to add in your regard.
Bottom line - the game isn't complete. I am curious to look back on this time and wonder what I will think. Its taking to long imo, I'm a Borderlands 3 veteran among other things and moving from Gearbox forum to here has been so familiar..

Fix the game before March. Borderlands 3 has been getting hotfixed over a year.

Fulltime programmers and development team working everyday, the amount of damage control must be HUGE.

The game is 100gb in size, the patches total 17gb+17gb+17gb+16gb.

Near 70gb of the code had to be altered and we still don't have open world, just placeholders, that, if you only play gigs, sides and main the placeholder "scenery" does give the illusion of open world.
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