Now playing [music]

This music is for the agony, anguish, despair, and misery of Scavs who run for their lives amidst V's raid of their den.

Reminder, this is how the same part of the story looks like from V's side. Unstoppable force, purging the Scav den to get Evelyn out.
The first time she did that part of the story, my V cared so much about stealth. In repeats, it's like taking off the silencer and shooting the first available Scav in the face before unleashing the fury on them. "I am coming in like a bull, storming through your store. Come at me MFs. The more, the merrier. It's your last party."

Journal entry
"I am coming at them, like daylight searing through their corrupt souls and hearts. An irresistible, radiant noise, louder than all of their thoughts collectively, which will take over their being and consume it. That noise is the last thing they will know and feel before they're gone."

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