NPC Fall Bug (Kind Of Funny Too)

I encountered a rather strange bug where a scripted NPC fall death (on one of the early missions), ended up falling into the pavement.

He actually fell correctly the first time, but I ended up having to reload, and when I went near him again this time, he fell and died in a very unfortunate manner.
I consider this an extremely minor bug, and actually maybe worth just leaving in as long it isn't breaking something else somewhere else as it's pretty hilarious.

Skyrim has a one of the worst engines ever (from a technical standpoint) and i sincerely hope CDPR didn't pull a 'It just works'-moment here.
The more i see/read of these bugs, the more i'm tending to pin this onto improper multithreading implementation. That's nasty to fix (but doable). The size of the codebase for the multithreaded parts directly correlates with the time it'll take you to find/fix it though (because you'll have to check basically everything which manipulates objects). So for a 3d engine i wish CDPR good luck in finding the issue.
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