NPC Pathing Issues - Xbox

More specifically my issue is during a cutscene in the game. in my specific example at this time, the side job Beat on the Brat, is during and between cutscenes the for final fight. NPCs walk right across your path or get in the way as you are trying to make your way to the fight area and they walk right across the ring itself. A small, hilarious annoyance for some perhaps, but the pathing should not just be random through an area, it should be limited to the surrounding area in these instances; it breaks the immersion in the scene. Pathing for this and myriad other situations should be better around the player space and should at least not occur while the player is focused on a cutscene. The issue is repeatable as it is consistent within the scenes before the fight, and generally average pathing behavior for NPCs in the game. Please fix this across the game. I am playing on the Series X. I wanted to at least call attention to this particular location and area because it stood out in my mind as an annoying problem.
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