[NR] Gold digging with Ves and Margarita Laux–Antille

[NR] Gold digging with Ves and Margarita Laux–Antille

I'm working on my Northern Realms deck built around effects related to gold cards appearing on the board. There are three cards that clearly benefit from that: Ves, Margarita Laux–Antille and Siege Tower. The best gold deliveries come from Redanian Elites and Promote cards. Ciri and Shani support this deck fairly well, especially that both Ves and Margarita are Silver cards. Reinforcement is awesome there to quickly bring lots of cards of the same type, Blue Stripes Scout help to counter Scorch, while Reaver Scouts help to somewhat manage, the cards at hand vs. which to copy.

I will post a full deck later, as I'm not too proud of it yet - say 50% efficiency.

Any suggestions?

Guest 3857871

After you've got everything as gold you could add a Dimeritium bomb on the table just to mess with your opponent's buffs.
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