On Very Hard: Why do I feel so powerful as a netrunner? Bugged Netrunners?

Those vids remind me just how alien must my 'Doomguy' moving style looks like, piotrrk.

See, I usually move through a series of attempted circle/strafe jumps and double jumps mid-air. Or just the last one since the rest might be but a placebo. Unless positioning tactically for noise levels.

Fwiw, never felt the need to be a netrunner when I can do stuff like this (in the vid). A 12-sized mag would only make it double as fun.

Though, I am interested in probing netrunner stuff. Gurus, which things do the most damage?

All that just looks like way more fun than net running :)

I think the good thing is there's something for everyone. Not everyone likes run and gun or "twitch" style. And there's enough variation in the game to satisfy all of the spectrum between extremes too. I'd love to use net running a lot more if you could somehow "slot" abilities into weapon slots and just do stuff real time without the pause menu type UI.

About the question of what's more powerful, by the time we're all level 50 with all perk options we want, it's really a matter of "how many more hit points of damage would you like to over kill by?" with exception maybe for the bosses or cyberpsychos. I suppose for those, overkill damage is more useful.

On Very hard difficulty, if you're one shotting most targets then that's "enough" damage and anything over that is only really useful in a small percentage of fights where "enough" damage is enough to win easily anyway, I think. So I think it's more about whether you enjoy how you play rather than the total damage output.

I'd actually be interested to know if there's such a thing as a "weak" V at level 50 and all perks assigned :D
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I think the good thing is there's something for everyone.

See, I talk all best about my Overture, but the truth is, I have no clue if there are other even more powerful guns.
It was love at first sight when I saw my first overtures.

Also, in the bigger picture, there is something for everyone, give or take. I mean the endings and all.

Here is more gang harassment. Also on the very hard difficulty level, 1.31 version.

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