Open PTR feedback

The game improved a lot.
Graphics is really great, two rows are great, the Melee/Range options are great, the tactical deep is great.

Should be improved:
- The cards in your hand are only 1/4 visible (the other 3/4 are below the screen). Solution: When the player hoovers with the mouse over his card-hand, the cards raises a bit (from 1/4 visible to 1/2 visible, and the selected card is complete visible)
- In the deckbuilder-screen, the premium cards take to much space / double up the number of shown cards. Solution; The premium version of a card should be stacked with the regular version of a card. (or something like this)
- On the battlefield, the current cooldown of a leader should be visible -and- when the leader is ready to use his order (after cooldown). This is hard to see at the moment.
- In the deckbuilder, the "Choose a faction"- and "Choose a leader"-screen should be merged into one (currently only 1/2 of the screen is used).
- In the deckbuilder, cards which are already in my deck are not "grey" enough. Sometime I want to add them again, because it's visually hard to see if they are already in the deck or not.
- Pool of mulligans for whole match
- New interesting mechanics
- Multiple abilities per turn - more possible synergies
- New board is looking pretty great

- Hand size limit + draw 3 every round - making it two turns dumping your weaker stuff and still fighting with full hand real fight in round 3
- Some unclear tooltips with new mechanics and some weird wording.
- UI looks pretty good
- SOME new mechanics
- new mulligan feature

- WHY THE F*** you add more RNG cards??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Lack of tutors and chains/synergies, 2 bronze copies instead of 3, i know it requires 3 rows or more space in 2 rows, but it feels like was Gwent identity to me
- no archetypes
- in most factions all cards feel the same

Overall playing new Gwent just feel slow/boring like playing MTGA :c
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Ok, my opinion about 'Homecoming':

- UI:
The new UI looks way too overloaded and confusing. The old UI represented the information I needed a lot clearer than it's the case now. I could clearly see how many points are one which row, what's the score and whose turn it is. Now this information is squeezed at the right side of the board battlefield. I don't like the 3d leaders (or 3D in general) and although I wanted a more dark and 'witchery' looking board you've overdone it and the board looks too dark and dirty now. Honestly the witcher 3 board is still my favourite. The new mulligan screen looks fantastic though.

- 2 rows:
I was very sceptical about this change and I still am. The reach concept does work with 3 rows as well. So do cards with one prefered row. Having two different abilites on two different rows, feels a bit like 'fake meaning', because you will just play for ability most of the time. Everything else feels just worse on two rows. I don't care for big cards so what advantages do two rows have? It feels like visuals reasons were the driving force behind this chance.

- Positioning:
Small point: I've always wanted that positioning becomes more important (where on a row you play the card), but there are like 10 or less cards which effect adjacent units, that's it. Disappointing.....

- Hand size limit:
The combination of the hand size limit + 3 redraws per round makes passing in many situations pointless. Passing at the right time was one of gwents biggest skills....what's the point of this change? Drypassing is a symptom of the disadvantage of going first and not the real problem.....

- Coinflip-fix:
Don't know yet how good this solution is, but I appreciate that there is one.

- Card Design:
That's my biggest concern. A whole lot of boost, damage and destroy....boring. Order and thrive abilites make the game a bit more interesting, but that won't be enough to persuade me to keep playing (or actually restart playing, because MW dispersed me). Cards used to be much more than just points: weather immunity, gold immunity, resilience,....the lack of such things were already a problem before HC and it got worse.
Positive note although some people don't like it: Less tutors, couldn't stand this concept of endless chains of cards playing other cards....maybe you've overdone it a little bit, but I like it more than before.

- Archetype Design:
Actually strongly related to card design. Archetypes are incredibly boring and they all feel uncomplete. Gwent used to be an archetypal game build around synergies. MW replaced a lot of synergies with tutoring cards. Homecoming replaced those with....a whole lot of nothing. Having only 2 bronzes makes it all a lot worse. I absolutely hate this change since the first time I've heard it and do it even more now. I want this highly synergistic game from CB back, that was Homecoming's task! You made it worse.....

- Weather:
We've seen a few different iterations:
CB: symmetrical, weather immunity used to be a thing and it was damn swingy
OB: more balanced than during CB, but assymetrical weather and loss of weather immunity made it feel a bit boring imho
HC: even more balanced than during OB, because its effect is timely limited (at least bronze weather); going down to two rows makes it even less interesting imo....
btw, did I miss one or are there exactly zero cards, which synergize with weather?

- RNG:
Anything learned from Midwinter? No.

- Provision System:
I've heard many people love it, so I guess it's a positive change. Honestly, it feels a bit limiting to me and it incentivises printing very similar cards with different stats, but the way the game is designed the system definitely makes deckbuilding more interesting. If this game was still the one heavily built around archetypes, I'd oppose the idea of having provision costs (at least for bronze cards) though.

I seriously don't know what CDPR was aiming for with this update. It 'fixed' a lot of non existent issues and ignored the real ones and made them worse. I was in favor of HC, because I thought the game took the wrong direction during OB, but the game I've seen at the PTR is more the opposite of what I wanted.
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I mentioned most of this in the "poll" thread, but I guess this is really the proper place for it:

- Number of cards (important for Pass decisions) are on the left side, all other stats of the match are on the right, which is inconsistent and I have to look in two places opposite of the board to get an overview
- The font for lane points is almost the same as for total points, which confuses me, at least the essential information is harder to gather in one glance
- I keep forgetting that the leaders have abilities, because they are no longer represented as cards and appear only to be graphical niceties
- And quite honestly I find the constant movement of the leaders distracting, I wish I could turn it off
- Also why doesn't the game end the turn automatically, I keep forgetting to push the button, but the game does know after all (it says "End Turn"). The turn indicator is also not very prominent to begin with.
- Otherwise one really needs to read the texts on the cards, the combinations of Deploy, Order, Melee, Ranged make very specific circumstances for playing cards efficiently (that will hopefully get better with playing experience, but it is really a new game)
- Also at the end I must do a manual pass, even though I have no cards to play anymore, hope that gets fixed yet.
- Cannot use the leader ability without playing a card?! I played my last card and wanted to play Harald's ability in the next turn, but the match ended. No good or a bug.
- Cannot pass with only an order executed (which put me one point ahead). Instead the game took a card away when the timer expired, meaning you still have to play a card. Why not simply pass? No good or a bug.
- Also Skellige has snow blowing across the playing field. Makes it even more busy and distracting.
- Pulling cards from the deck before the new round is sequential (first opponent and the me). Why? Slows down the game unnecessarily.
- Sabbath is still a thing?? Come on guys, get your act together. That was my only hope that with HC you would finally get rid of that mechanic.
- Watching a video about a Skellige deck I just realized that old Derran's ability is now given to Dagur Two Blades and old Axeman ability is now represented by Greatsword. Which I find baffling. Why would you keep abilities, but give them to new cards and give the other cards new abilities? That makes the transition for seasoned Gwent players even more difficult and the change seems totally arbitrary. Change just for the sake of change is not right.

I do like the new visual style of the cards, the board, however, is to busy for my taste and distracts from the game play. Overall the gameplay feels rather clunky. After all this is a card game and playing cards should be made easy. Right now a lot of the graphical embellishments get in the way. Whether I can get used to it, not sure yet. I'll keep playing the PTR at least for now.
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Yesterday,and today every time I try to play PTR:

Guess I will have to wait for 23.10 update :>>>>>>
TL;DR: I want the Gwent that you were building for a year and a half, not this one that you built in 6 months. As it now stands, when the 23rd comes I can either stick to Homecoming or go back to the roots. If I am to choose between Homecoming Gwent and the original Gwent in The Witcher: Wild Hunt, I'd choose original Gwent.
or as Geralt would say: ... then I prefer not to choose at all ...
or maybe try that shit of a game Artifact, or just w8 for Cyberpunk, aaaaaa, just pls don't ruin Gwent, pls
No wonder why so many Gwent content creators left or are planning to leave Gwent.
The UI and VU upgrades are top notch but the gameplay and overall feel is just meeh...
The Game is basically boost this, dmg that. I didn't play alot of PTR myself cuz I didn't have alot of free time but I did watch alot of steamers playing it(I actually fall asleep couple of times watching my favourite streamers Ashelizzle, KBT and Swim and I never ever have fallen asleep watching them, even when I was tired as f$#& I never fell asleep until I saw them playing the current PTR)
To me it seems that in the current PTR there is almost no faction diversity: it's all about boosting, they just do it in different ways. Totally no flavour.
I agree with Ashlizzle, what she said on yesterdays stream, and that's that Gwent would be awesome with current PTR UI and VU but with the current live Gwent versions cards with some little changes, for example: the artifacts seem awesome and the provision system is good, and that we should keep using 3 copies of a card instead of 2.

I also think that game is way better with 3 rows instead of 2. Even tho I like the "reach" and "order" stuff, the "melee and ranged" pros and cons (effects) they still seem underwhelming, at least for me. Why not keep 3 rows and keep it flavoured and simple like Swim and many other streamers in the past said. Melee units get a boost when they are put on melee row, ranged when they are on ranged row, siege on siege row. If you put them or you or your opponent move them to a different row then depending their flavour they either are reset to their power or are damaged. For example, a warrior is put on melee row, he is boosted for 2. You move the warrior from melee row to ranged row he is reset to his base power. You move the warrior to siege row he losses 2 points. I think you get the idea, I mean wtf can I greatsword do if he is put on siege row, yell/warcry/scream the enemy to death?
Only some golds should have different abilites when they are put on a melee, range or siege row like Zoltan: Scoundrel. Also wtf kind of abilit yflavours are the new Ithlinne, Old Speartip and Old Speartip: Asleep??? Old Speartip abd Old Speartip: Asleep, from one card with a good unique ability to 2 cards with ok abilites, and now, to 2 cards with no abilites. Yeah sure they have high points but so booorrring. I get that every card game needs filers but ryl, rly, no ability?
I'm only interested in Arena and it's not playable right now but I guess it will be as disappointing as the main constructed game probably is. Arena could be a lot of fun but unfortunately the devs have little clue how to or no intention to improve the game.
What is currently bad in Arena is the crafting process with too much RNG. If the number of gold, silver and bronzes you can craft would be either static or in a corridor (f.e. 7-9 gold cards + 7-9 silver cards) it should be a lot better although the possibility of breaking the contract if you get a non-OP deck always is bad for equality of opportunity because some players play with almost any deck and some players don't.
Overall I like how HC looks and plays out but some issues need to be adressed before final launch of the game:

- Provision costs for some cards are just missing the mark. Like why is Roach 10 provisions while Iris Companions 9? It clearlly just a balance issue that I believe will be solved.

- While I don't mind 2 rows, I feel like "Reach: 1" is underutilized

- Hand size limit needs to be adjusted because game feels like first few turns (or even first 2 rounds) doesnt matter at all.
Found some time to put in a first impression review after having playing about 10 matches last night before getting so good, that no worthy rivals can be found for me anymore. :p
I played Eithne Trapper, then Francesca Spellcaster (with Johnny and Sarah) both worked quite fine, although I think I won most times because opponent misplayed in the new ruleset.

- I don't care about it that much. Looks nice and all, but as expected it really bogs down my laptop. Maybe on Sunday if I get to my somewhat stronger, but still outdated desktop, I'll see if it'll go better (assuming I get past matchmaking), but I'm not very hopeful.
- UI feels unintuitive first, but it became none-issue for me after first couple matches. Same goes for "I have to push end turn now" concern everybody seems to have: it takes literally 0.5 secs once you get used to the fact you have to do it.

- Coinflip fixes took effect, so it's not horrible now to go first with Tactical Advantage, +1 mulligan, hand limit and Order. I cannot tell so far whether it's maybe bit too much, too little or just right, but an advantage (if there's any) for either player is far less obvious. Dry-passing still is a thing in 2nd round though, and I'm wondering whether it isn't the smartest play possible to give opponent 1st round after 3 turns, where he's then forced to play to not lose CA, but without Tactical Advantage to balance.
- I actually welcome less consistency with 2 bronzes and less tutors, so not every match plays out exactly the same and basically decided at the moment we get our opening hand (we pretty much only played matches to the end because we didn't know what the opponent holds or hoped that he'll misplay). It's also very nice that decks don't revolve around playing the same frickin bronze card over and over again. I like the idea that you have to divide your mulligans between rounds, but still some leaders having only 1-2 mulligans for the whole match is maybe a bit too much decrease in consistency.
- New base mechanics (order, artifacts, leaders being more distinct than just "cards you have every match") makes the actual gameplay interesting as there seems to be more thinking ahead than just pick the next card in your playbook to play. It may be just the novelty though.
- As an "I always build my own decks" guy I find provision system more interesting and less restrictive than what we had before (also easier to balance). Even if it was a bit confusing to start.
- My single biggest concern is the individual abilities that really feel bland and uninteresting (most of them are just boosts and damages). While factions have unique mechanics, still they all feel more the same because of that. That alone makes a long way to counter the more interesting base mechanics during matches and despite the potential the provisioning system holds it made the deck building (my favorite thing in Gwent this far) actually a worse experience for me than what we had before. Maybe there are some less obvious, subtle synergies, that I didn't discover so far (so maybe finding combos is just not as simple anymore as searching for a keyword), but to be honest I'm skeptical about this so far.
- It also seems we have more uncontrolled randomness (Reveal and such) though I stayed clear from it so far, so I can't really judge.

While Homecoming fixed a lot of core issues, so far I'm a bit uncomfortable with it, but I'll definitely keep playing after release to see how it feels.
I'm also optimistic because my main concern is about the individual card abilities which can be easily changed later on (honestly it feels a bit to me like they just didn't have enough time to come up with some more interesting ideas).

Also I would be really happy if they would extend PTR a bit , so I can put in some more matches, before PTR ends, but matchmaking bug makes this impossible (also I'm quite busy this weekend).

Also a bug I found: Hattori's text says Order, but it really seems to be Deploy in effect.

Also Roach and cards like that seem really OP, both in thinning and tempo (and too cheap in Recruit costs to that).
First impressions :
- Love the art, the boards, they are awesome and way above the other card games.

- This is the big issue for me : Boring generic abilities. Most cards are "boost this or damage that", only the triggers are different. This make the cards feel kind of flavorless and not unique. Some "Old" abilities and archetypes need to make a come back. Let's take NR for example, all their units are Order/Charge it really needs more diversity. Because of that, the game does not feel like Gwent, but more like a weird MTG.
- The hand limit is also a big issue, it makes round one irrelevant most of the time. Because it keeps you playing while you could have got card advantage.
- Deck builder needs a filter to see the basic strength of cards, I keep getting provisions mixed up with strength when I'm building my decks.

Still undecided:
- Coin flip solution: To give +1 mulligan and +5 points to the red coin seems a bit much most of the time. But it could be because we are still trying to figure out decks to play with/around it.
I dont have graphical representation of objects like :
1. Cards in deck builder
2. Buttons: Play, Arena, Thornbreaker, Deck Builder, Shop
3. Cards in mulligan
This is your 'inventory' class right?
I tryied:
- different resolutions
- fullscreen/windowed
- different quality
- reinstalling/validating files.
I didnt try:
- reinstalling dotnet framework
- reinstalling gog
Pls can you make topic only for bug report like this which doesnt contain people evaluation of in-game balance, graphics etc.


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Bugs/poor design (if intentional):
Impera Enforcers don't get a charge when the spy you play is from "experimental remedy", so from the opponent's graveyard.

"Imperial Diplomacy" specifically states that it can only create bronze units, but I got bronze specials of my opponent's faction often, such as Hideous feast

Joachim De Wett can play spies and boost them by 8, really counter-intuitive, especially for a gold.

Gameplay feedback:

Archetypes lack enough synergistic cards. If you play Spies or Reveal for example (the 2 decks I've tested) you need to take virtually every synergistic card and you'll still need to fill up your slots. Reveal is slightly better, Spies are only viable as a tactics hybrid. It's even worse that there's only a grand total of 5 spies (counting Villem) and Experimental Remedy does not work. I don't see any reason why Infiltrator got a new ability, entirely out of the archetype, or Nauzicaa Brigade (though the latter is actually useful)

I'd like for a way to control the randomness, especially in the case of Reveal. Too often I just don't get a good unit and I've included units out of the archetype like NG knight and Vico Novices to increase the chances I reveal a high base strength unit with my revealers. Still nothing. Not everything has to be random I feel.

Standard bearers are crap. Too low base strength, not worth it at all, even when revealed, the effect is too weak. Either make it a 3 point boost, or give them a higher base strength please.

I'll post more as I find more bugs and feedback for you :) I am enjoying it so far.
Do you remember a card named NG Knight,
early,it can hardly be used in any reveal deck because its RNG,no one will use a card with instability
but when it change into reveal bronze first, it create a new reveal deck with Jan
A card with controllable RNG will success,like DJ,Price Stennis,Joachim
We don t need any purely random factor
Please truly realize that why we need HC

Guest 4305932

While i understand the idea behind card hand limit i think it can damage the game.

Matches feels a bit too slow. Animations should be faster (mainly draw, discard, cards palcement)

Game history is still bad. I think overhaul of the history should be a priority.

I'm very happy with the tutor removal and less focus on archetype. Game seems more a card game now and there's much more that you can do during a turn and so much space for deckbuilding. The entire game have more depht and it's more strategic. It's no more "select an archetype and fill it with everything that work with it" with almost no space for variation. Great that positioning still matter.

I'm not sure about playing a card and the leader in the same turn. Some leader can be too strong (Morvran) and generate too much tempo.

Many cards need to be a bit better. Abilities of cards like Adda and emissary are just bad. Ballist being just a worst reinforced ballista is weird. Making it even like "deal 1 damage to 2 adiacent units" would be better.

In general seems that Homecoming has opened huge design space (new Regis or Pheonix are perfect example of great card abilities) and that gwent has a future now.

A note.
Discord ptr channel is already a clasterfuck of toxicity. I've opened it and immediately left the channel. I hope mod can fix it. And, for the love of God, take everything r/gwent says with a grain of salt. Even mods are in full bandwagoning mode.
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CDPR promised no Midwinter fails anymore, and less RNG/create mechanics.
What we see in HC - is a lot of new unbalanced cards like in Midwinter, boring mechanics and TONS of RNG cards. Also cartoonish art on some cards.
Dude that boost self for random 0-11str gets a reward for worst card design in history of CCG (even including HS)
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