Open PTR feedback

I liked the loading screen.

I disliked just about everything else. I don't like the visual changes or the game changes. Sucks I am basically loosing the $134.91 I have spent over the course of the game.

Would be great if you would offer us refunds for our accounts since the game we bought will no longer be available at the end of the month.
Ruehin 4 Power. Harpy 5 Power consumes it. Harpy is now 9 Power. Ruehon comes back (+4 Power). I have now 13 Power on the bord (5+8). Ruehin is the new Olgierd.
You start with 4 strenght at board play a 5 body with consume and get additional 4 strenght out of it. You count Ruehon twice or your statement "body +8 strenght each turn" wasnt correct. Other example,which makes it more clear. You have a consume-order unit at board, lets say Kayran +Ruehon. Thats our starting point and baseline. If you now consume via order (no body is played in this case) you dont change your baseline at first. But at the Turn end you get Ruehon back, which is +4 in comparison.

You start with 4 strenght at board play a 5 body with consume and get additional 4 strenght out of it. You count Ruehon twice or your statement "body +8 strenght each turn" wasnt correct. Other example,which makes it more clear. You have a consume-order unit at board, lets say Kayran +Ruehon. Thats our starting point and baseline. If you now consume via order (no body is played in this case) you dont change your baseline at first. But at the Turn end you get Ruehon back, which is +4 in comparison.
Of course. You are right. I was never too great in mathematics :ROFLMAO:
A few points of quite broad feedback, ordered in order of importance.

#1; Artifact Durability.
Artifacts are a great new addition to the game and I love how many varied and interesting strategies they introduced. Sadly though, there is no inherent way to even interact with them, no matter how much you try. Especially as is the case with cards like Sihil that can just run away with a round. What I propose is that each artifact have a durability value, which is the amount of damage one can spend to destroy that artifact. It would work pretty much in the same way as Power of units, except it wouldn't contribute points towards a round.
It's not that I consider artifacts to be specifically overpowered or overbearing, I merely believe that introduction of such a mechanic would bring more interactivity and decision-making into the game, seeing as one needs to *waste* the damage on the artifacts rather than gain points for damaging opponent's units.

#2; Row Icons.
It was quite common and frustrating for me and also my opponents to play units on a row where their abilities couldn't work. I know units aren't and won't be row-locked anymore, but it would still be very helpful to have something of a row-preference icon to denote where a unit *wants* to be. If it doesn't care about rows just give it the *all rows* icon, same for if it has abilities in either row.

#3; Animation Time and latency.
At certain points in the game it can be quite annoying to have to wait for animation time to complete to be able to complete further actions. It's especially jarring when playing a deck with a lot of cards with order; it was quite common for me to use one with 2 charges to damage an opponent's unit, then try to pick another one of mine to target an opponent too, only to have my second unit be damaged by the first, due to a targeting arrow that just didn't appear for two seconds.

#4; Deck Filters.
It would be great to be able to filter one's collection by tags such as *artifact* and actually find artifacts, or *special* and actually find special cards.
Additionally filters such as unit power or other sorting methods would be welcome.

#5; Deck Screenshot.
It remains impossible to do a single screenshot that would show an entire decklist for the vast majority of decks. I wish there was a way to do so, even if slightly roundabout (like clicking a button that'd expand the list area further).

#6; Turn End.
I understand the need for the turn end button existing and I'm perfectly fine with it. I would love though to (as a default or an option) have it end turn automatically if I have played a card and have no access to any order cards, it would speed up gameplay noticeably.
After a few hours of playing different classes I like this game a little bit more than my first games.
But still, I feel the game has lost it's own and unique identity.


1- Previous Gwent was more Mathematical, you could build a deck and end up playing all the cards you needed, a lot of synergies to help you find the card you need.

2- In previous Gwent with 3 lanes you had the option to build vertical in 3 lanes or horizontal in 1, both options had their counter cards and advantage cards, so you could adapt depending on what cards you and your opponent plays. This in my opinion makes each games unique.

3- In previous game there are more combo cards, for example, you could play SILE with Zoria Runestone, create Prince Stennis into temerian infantry which will spawn 2 more infantries and finally draw a card. There are a lot of examples more like this one, and this makes the game more mathematical, if you know exactly what cards left you can create gorgeous combinations and a lot of possibilities.... There is no more this feeling on Gwent, which was in my opinion a very important aspect in Gwent Mechanics.

4- I don't know if the rewarding system is bugged, but I am currently level 11 on PTR and only get 30 ore.... The best thing of previous Gwent in my opinion is the rewarding system. I love Hearthstone but the rewarding system is so poor, intentionally forcing you to buy decks if you want to collect cards or collecting at much 1 deck per day.... In Gwent it feels like a video game of early days of the Industry, where you can play a lot and get a lot.... But in the correct measure, so at the end you are buying decks because you are having a lot of fun finding cards.
So I think if you swap a fantastic rewarding system for a "Hearthstone" kind of poor system, forcing players to buy decks I will not play anymore, as I did with HS.

5- Losing tactic.... Removing spies that get you one turn more, removing swap cards on turn 2 and 3, just make the game more random, which is not nice in my opinion. Round 2 and 3 should let you at least to swap one card of your choice.... otherwise games will be decided on what luck you got when you randomly get the last cards. I have to say that I like the coin flip solution but I strongly recommend to let players swap cards in 2 and 3 round or this game will become more simple and luck based.

6- Leaders, and background: I have to say that I like the graphics and having the leader in 3D, but when you add the cards in the board, they look like tiny humanoids, of 10 cm each one. In my opinion it doesn't feel right:
If you decide to add a 3D leaders, I think all cards should be modelled in 3D, in order to be more consistent.... if you decide to put all units in cards, then the leaders should be a card as well.

7- The deck should notice you how many cards left.

8- Sometimes when the opponent play, is hard to tell what they are doing, I don't see the arrow from the opponent card to point my units when they attack for example.

I appreciate all the effort you have put into this new changes, but please, take in mind this criticism. I think the game right now it looks much better now in terms of graphics , but it feels less rich in mechanics and versatility. Also all the factions are more similar than before, because a lot of cards are practically the same:

"if you discard/reveal a card/play order/ deal one damage. this kind of cards feel very similar together... "

I miss cards like specialist that could use "clear skies, 9 damage, frost row", clear skies which allow to play a bronce card as well.. (right now feel like a dead card), prince stennis, sile, cards like play a silver card or create a random class card. Those cards are more versatile because let you to adapt differently to every game.

I will keep playing this days, and I hope I can enjoy the same way I have enjoyed previous Gwent.
Overall speaking, I feel sad right now.
Posted by another user on reddit, but i agree with everything he said so i will repost it here:

I like a lot of the stuff in the Homecoming version, but sadly there is more that I dislike. I'd like to list them here.
  • The Pros
  1. The battlefields look great. (Although I wish some of them had more color; most battlefields being just small mud arenas is kind of boring). I'm hoping there will be additional/alternative battlefields that would either be tied to your leader, "deck archetype" or selected by the player themselves, and I hope there will be more variation for them as well. How about indoor areas like caves/castles, or fights that happen onboard of a ship?
  2. I like the new mulligan system of being able to save them for later rounds, as well as them being tied to Leaders.
  3. Some new card abilities and keywords are great: Order and Reach add a lot more strategic depth regarding timing and placement of units, which I find to be a good thing. Other keywords such as Thrive and Bloodthirst also help with coming up with new and interesting cards.
  4. Artifacts being a completely new card type adds a lot more design options and depth to the game. Especially big thumbs up for Vandergrift and his Blade; These are synergy cards done right!
  5. Tactical Advantage AKA Coinflip solution. Too bad it's undermined by round 1 not mattering at all (more on that later)

  • The Cons
  1. Being limited to two copies of Bronze cards instead of three. With the introduction of the provision/recruitment cost system, I don't think there is ANY need for this! Higher provision costs already limit the deckbuilding a lot, all the additional limit of bronze card copies does is reduce consistency, which increases the RNG nature of the game, which reduces the competitive capabilities the game has. This limit needs to go.
  2. Packfiller Bronzes. By packfiller I mean cards like Wolf Pack or Wyvern. Cards like Pyrotechnician or Crow's Eye. Cards that are purposefully meant to be shitty, just to water down your deck. They aren't fun to unpack, they aren't fun to put in your deck, they aren't fun to play. They serve no purpose.
  3. Lack of tutors/deck unreliability. With no card draw cards in your deck, you have access to a total of 16 cards in your deck (10 cards you initially have in your deck, +3 drawn on round 2 and +3 drawn on round 3) which means you aren't going to play 9 of your cards. What these 9 cards will be, is random: They might be the shitty packfiller garbage you don't ever want to see in your hand, or it might be your highest provision cost stuff. This makes your matches inconsistent, which really isn't a good thing if you plan to win most of your matches AKA play competitively. Even if the "old" system of each deck having dozens of tutors is overkill, this new system is completely inadequate.
  4. First six cards/two rounds don't matter. You can literally play the six worst cards in your hand on round one, and as long as you won, you can pass on both that round and on round 2 to go to round 3 with a full hand size (and hopefully better cards). This undermines the importance of Mulligans, and changes Gwent from a game where you can split your resources on three rounds, into one where you dump your worst stuff on the first two rounds and unload the real value always on round three. This heavily damages Gwent's identity and what made it fun for me. I cannot stress this enough: What made Gwent an unique and fun card game for me to play was the strategic aspect of being able to split my resources on multiple rounds. I didn't have that fun feeling when playing the PTR version of the game.
  5. Too heavy emphasis on boost/damage effects. Strengthening and swarming tactics were fun with certain decks, and the lack of these makes the game a lot more shallow.
  6. Lack of deck archetypes. Archetypes are fun for players like me who enjoy playing thematic decks: Be it swarming your opponent with footsoldiers or insects, overwhelming them with a few, strong beasts or dragons, wearing them down with the frost of the Wild Hunt or the thick fog with a few Ancient Foglets ticking up in points, losing access to these thematic decks makes me feel extremely disheartened and unmotivated to play the PTR version of the game.
  7. Swing-heavy RNG effects. Cards like Prince Villem and Waylay are dangerous because they don't reward skillful play and they can swing the game unfairly in an instant. Everyone knows how funny it is to randomly charm/kill your opponent's highest point unit, but everyone also knows just how much more unfun it is to have that happen to you. Small scale RNG like "deal 1 damage to a random enemy" is relatively harmless in comparison, but effects that can win you the game instantly because of a ~10% chance should not exist in Gwent.
  8. Deckbuilder is inadequate. You can't search/reorder cards based on their base type (unit/special/artifact) or their point value. For instance, if I want to add artifacts to my deck, it is quite hard to find them.
  9. Lack/removal/change of relevant tags on some cards. Why are Slyzard and Wyvern no longer Draconids? Why is Fiend only a beast, and not also a Relict? Why is Slave Hunter not a Soldier? Why are Wild Hunt units still not elves?
  10. Removal of a row wasn't actually necessary. The point of removing rows was to "make row identity important again"... but you could just achieve that by locking units or unit abilities to certain rows, which a lot of cards do in PTR Gwent. If the game still had only 2 rows but cards didn't have row dependent abilities/reach limit on their abilities, row identity would still be lost. But it isn't lost. Because cards have abilities that require a certain row. Whycould this not be done with three rows?
    If you feel that 3 rows would make the cards too small, then you can get around that with better camera usage and spacing of things. Camera can zoom in when it's your opponent's turn so you get a closer look at cards, and it can zoom out when you're placing cards/looking for targets when using an Order ability or something similar. Both players' hands could also be moved further away from the screen to make more room for the cards, when you're not using them. There are plenty of ways to make cards look larger without needing to remove a row.

The rest of the gripes I have with the game are mostly bug related nitpicks that will undoubtedly be fixed (lackluster effects, missing sound effects, etc.) but for most of the issues I listed above, I am not sure if they will be fixed. This, to be completely honest, scares me a lot because I enjoyed the game a lot and was expecting Gwent to stay as my go-to main card game, as opposed to switching to Artifact/MtG:A on their launches.

I'm sorry if my post came out as nitpicky/whiny, but it's not because I hate the game. I just fear I will end up missing the good things of the current standard version of the game, and that I might give up playing Gwent because I wouldn't find it fun to play anymore.
Today I felt the whole day for Skoyatoels and impressions like this:
1) For starters, it's worth mentioning the Leaders. In the current Gwent, there is a Bruver for the dwarfs (dwarves), Francesca for the elves (the swap mulligan deck), Eithne for the spell-squirrel, and Philavrelrel not from this game. That is, concretely, each Leader was responsible for his field, mechanics, his style of play.
2) Now in HC the following are the cases: I played a deck on elves, a deck on dwarves, a deck on elvesdwarfsdryads, and a deck on traps. And in half a decade the leader was .... Philavandrel ( dwarfs and elves), while I had Bruver on ordinary elves (although Philavrendrel could have been here too) on Francesc's traps. Philavandrel, due to his universal ability, is suitable for both elves and redmen + he has more mulligans. Eithne and Bruver are not at all clear to whom these leaders are now. But Frances is now on spells.
3) The difference between decks is now minimal, elves = dwarves (Due to the fact that you need to give a hand to Phillavrerel and get profit from this) for decks there are not enough dryads on elves and red men, the only exception is decks on traps. There are no separate spell-archetype, mulligan squirrels, move squirrels, too.
Separately, I want to talk about the system of provisioning and building. In general, I liked the catering system, as a separate element for card balance perfectly. At the very decoupling, I had a couple of questions:
1) Why is the number of cards in the deck strictly 25? I have repeatedly faced the situation when I rested against the limit of 25 cards, but at the same time provisions were enough for 1-2 cards, why not make the number of cards in the deck from 25 to 30 at the request of the owner himself?
2) It comes from the first question, why not increase the number of provisions in such a case? 165 is the number needed for the same 10 gold cards (in the current Gwint this is 4 gold + 6 silver) and 15 bronze. Although now in HC there can be made 7-9 gold and 16-18 bronze, but I would like more variation.
p.s Sorry for google translate.
I've noticed a few tech issues:

Vilgefortz: the unit that Vilgefortz pulls out of the deck is dead, it lands on the same row as Vilgefortz and its ability doesn't trigger.

Slave Hunter: the unit Slave Hunter seizes isn't locked after the action meaning that it often leads to abuse such as your opponent stealing your Ciri: Dash before she triggers and obtaining card advantage. For instance Muzzle locks the seized unit.

Ciri: Dash: if you play the card with 4 cards left in hand the game forces you to pass right after you played your last card as opposed to beta Gwent where you pass the next turn you have no cards left. As a result you've to pass, Ciri draws a card and you can't use it.
I liked the loading screen.

I disliked just about everything else. I don't like the visual changes or the game changes. Sucks I am basically loosing the $134.91 I have spent over the course of the game.

Would be great if you would offer us refunds for our accounts since the game we bought will no longer be available at the end of the month.

Or let us keep playing the other version that was actually visually engaging and fun.

If I wanted to play a generic looking android card game, I would have downloaded one.

The more I mess around with this version, the more angry I get.

They basically stripped the game of all the things that made it unique to make it another Hearthstone-like clone. Factions don't matter. Building unique decks based on chesslike strategy is pointless. The interface is a mess and WHY AM I PLAYING GWENT IN THE MUD?

Also, as one of the main draws of Gwent for me was the eye-popping art, the tiny indistinct cards are heartbreakingly boring.

Megh all the way around.
Lock ability should be able to unlock too. Why split this ability in two just to spread it on other cards and have an even less diverse card pool ? Locks should be able to unlock and give cards like Mahakam Ale something else (It doesn't even fit the card, the old ability was much better).
Mahakam volunteers - in one of my games their ability activated when the opponent played them on the ranged row.

Franceska has voicelines from Eithne (talks about Brokilon).

Overall not many synergies within one archetype (maybe too early to tell), it seems that none of them have enough cards to be fully completed.

Since there are almost no tutors, one of the main ways to access your deck is through mulligans, and quite a lot of leaders have just one or two of them available when on red coin. if the overall number of mulligans increased it would help with consistency. I have managed to play 4 or 5 games with Franceska (1 or 2 mulligans and no cards that thin) and have had some cards in my deck that I have never got in my hand in those games.

While on the subject of leaders, their abilities seem to be all over the place. Some of them have really interesting ones, while others are too generic and of varying power levels (an Usurper is just bad.). Eithne for instance is 1x4 damage every round, while Brouver is 3x move a unit and damage/buff it which is is two times less power, but can block units with row specific orders. Unfortunately there is no units that benefit from being moved around, or being on the board when others are moved (something like gain one order when another unit is moved, damage an enemy card when it is moved, etc.), it seems like a missed opportunity to create an archetype that plays with this mechanic. Leaders with generic damage/boost abilities should be changed (Adda, Eredin, Eithne, Brouver, Harald, Filavandrel, etc.. if there is no card synergies to be created by any of these leaders). GG for giving Francesca her ability!

Overall, the game feels a bit slow, the animations of abilities seem fine, but cards hitting the board should be sped up by maybe 15-25%).

There is absolutely no reasoning as to why there are cards like Gascon and Angouleme (gg for putting her in the game!!!) in the game, they are not viable, competitive or good in any way. With so many interesting abilities from the past two years over several iterations of the game, somebody thought that cards with bad designs like these should be in the game. Some cards that shouldn't need to resolve their abilities randomly are doing them in this way.

While on the topic of card design, you should try using the best that the current and previous versions offer (they are balanced (usually), very tested and at times provide better synergies in the player's deck which is needed in the PTR version. Although there are some really good interesting and synergistic decks in the PTR as well, don't waste two years of beta testing and just rework everything (again). Artifacts are also a welcome design.

Some QoL improvements are needed, like when hovering over the deck or graveyard piles it should show how many cards are in there (if it isn't somewhere on the board at all times), better history of cards that were played (if a card that thins was played, it should show what card it thinned - Card 1 -> Card 2, if it damaged, boosted, destroyed or resets one card or row on deploy it should also show which card or row it did its ability on, when where trap cards activated, etc..). There are quite a lot of improvements that could be done in this regard. Better card descriptions, and more tags should be implemented (Fiend is a relict FYI, but it could have both tags). Also fixing missing descriptions (i.e. Ivo of Belhaven has 1 reach but it doesn't say that anywhere). Artifacts and special cards should have their respective tags, since when you search for them in the deck builder this way, they do not appear.

Hand size limit should maybe be reconsidered, since someone on red coin can play down to 4 cards in round one (if opponent passed earlier), and negate in that way any card advantage cards that the blue player played (i.e. Ciri).

Visually the game looks great, but is a bit too dark for my liking. Going back to the "Witcher" feeling should not equal to a lack of colour. The shadows on the board don't help, since they make around 20-30% of the screen darker (on NG boards the whole bottom row is under a shadow). Leaders look great, but the player's leader should maybe be moved a bit forward so that players don't look at the back of their heads most of the time (maybe to the dividing line between your two rows and turning them more to their side by default).

I will be giving more feedback regarding bugs, card design and balance after more testing. Best of luck in the next three weeks!
I think you should extend this open-PTR and listen to what the players have to say and fix and adjust the things they addressed, while allowing the players to test it with you. Together we can make Homecoming happens.
The screen where the toss is done could be changed instead than highlighting the leader who is not necessarily made to go first (glitch).
Also, kindly add reveal cards in Nilfgaard faction since there are none.
I played using morvran and found that the played units deployed ability doesn't trigger.
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Biggest killer for me is the loss of card identity and character and instead replacing it with "buff x unit(s) by x". Striving for balance is one thing (as for whether we actually have balance is yet to be seen but I will add that from what I have personally observed there are some cards that seem useless with little to no synergy, akin to current Gwent) but at the cost of what makes Gwent, Gwent and, well, unique and diverse game mechanics? The teams minds arent in the right place if you ask me.
CDPR said they would go back to their roots and stay true to the Witcher lore. I can not say they are people of their word.

Create has no place in Gwent. An element of randomness in *some* abilities...*maybe*. An interesting idea would be a card that makes an opposing card that say, deals one damage to five chosen units, and makes it deal the damage randomly instead. As a defensive tool that could favour you somehow. Anyway I'm just trying to make a case for it and going on a tangent of sorts.
As far as making a card do something random to fit its character and depiction, you could do many things. But create and creating answers... I think needs to go. There is enough chance involved in Gwent as is and CDPR not only going against their word but doubling down against their word... Has their pride gone too their head? Who's making the choices here...? And Uma, the curse that trapped Avallac'h. Do something interesting with it! Maybe let it transform a card into Uma and only let it revert is some kind of requirement is met. Design team needs some inspiration or something because I enjoy coming up with ideas
Several TLG team members still seem to be running into issues with matchmaking. They try to play a game, then get stuck in the "Searching for a worthy rival" screen. Hope we can get this resolved so they can get some test matches in before the PTR is stopped. New update did nothing to fix the issue unfortunately.
Hey guys. I was playing francesca , had 6 elves on the board but aelirenn did not come out . She was revealed by a spotter at some point .
Sihill is a MUSTNERF.
Eithne should be max 3 charges.
Ruhein 3pts.

I really dont like 3cards draw - In Round 1 if i make some big advantage and still have 6 cards in my hand it doesnt matter. Enemy can go to 4cards, pass in the second round and he got again 10 cards in hands in round 3. WTF, wheres the tactic in this?
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