Opinion: Vrihedd Officer change/nerf is a solid virtual slap on the ST faction

Well, Tridam Infantry (which is one of the most powerful bronze cards in the game) is a measly 3 for 5 unless you use an engine. As I said, with the Vrihedd Officer, you can make an engine with that double boosting gold card (that I don't know the name of). I'm sure it's also a useful card in Eithne control deck.

If you are referring to Aglais that would not work.

If you are referring to the gold dwarf card that's still weak and really not worth it.
Well, Tridam Infantry (which is one of the most powerful bronze cards in the game) is a measly 3 for 5 unless you use an engine. As I said, with the Vrihedd Officer, you can make an engine with that double boosting gold card (that I don't know the name of). I'm sure it's also a useful card in Eithne control deck.

My earlier post was addressing deploy cards specifically. Engines are a different animal. Although there are similar disparities across those.

Look at those earlier mentioned cards in WH Hound and Wyvern. One of these is a 6 for 5p when it meets the condition. The other is always a 5 for 5p with room to grow. Compare these cards to DB Archer, DB Marksman and Officer. All three of these cards are 5 value for 5p. Two of them are unlikely to translate to more value because 2 damage doesn't tend to threaten anything able to translate to more value by itself. Typically, if you want to remove a card to deny the opponent value you go for 3-5+ damage options (which is why, if I want to kill a 3pt engine I'm not playing Officer.... I'd rather drop down to a cheap 4p spell able to do 4 damage and run better golds).

These static deploy cards like Archer, Marksman and Officer are flexible because they do not rely upon any specific synergy or condition. Granted, Marksman does have to satisfy a condition but even when it does it's best case is breaking even. The point was this flexibility is nice but often feels inferior to the way the other cards are designed. Not just because those other cards are worth more points either. It's because put 3 points on a board and deal 2 damage type mechanics are simply less interesting. Nobody plays these type of cards because they want to do so. These cards tend to enter a deck last. When you're fishing for provisions or already have the other options in it.

More worrisome, the conditions on these conditional higher value choices are not consistent. One card might have a very easy to satisfy condition. Another might be a pain in the ass to satisfy. One may be conditional but also incredibly flexible. Another may require half the deck tailored around it. Some can be paired with several options to satisfy a synergy while others work with a single other option.

When I said ST needs a revamp this is what I meant. If you look across the faction you have a lot of these negatives.
Well, there are lots of options with Vrihedd Officer. I just told you, he can be part of an engine with that double boost card. He can save an engine too, or he can simply do damage.

He gives 5 for 5, which is quite normal, and his ability is quite decent.
he can be part of an engine with that double boost card. He can save an engine too, or he can simply do damage.

You keep saying this, but Aglais doesn't work that way. You need artifacts/Francesca because Aglais is a deploy affect. Also that wouldnt even be an engine anyway, even if that combo were possible!

There's always just so much wrong with everything you say.

Your second sentence is weird too, engines are killed right after you play them. If it takes 2 hits then literally any boost card could save an engine. Peasant militia can do this for even cheaper, but that just reinforces rrc's claim that V officer is just a standard "wolf pack" card now.
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Forum veteran
I'd have to question the viability component of this statement. If memory serves Officer used to be 3/3 + 2 for 5p but was pushed to 6p at some point. At 5p the card was viable because it broke even on cost vs value, had the flexibility to damage/boost by 3 and, when used for damage, could knock 3 pt engines from the board. At 6p it became questionable to carry the card and most stopped doing so. There are better, more cost effective ways to knock 3 pt engines from a board. Basically, I wouldn't call 3/3 + 2 for 6p viable.
I said Viable because he had the ability to shut off a 3 point engine. He was the cheapest (yes, at 6 provisions, which is another slap for ST) card which can do 3 damage reliably. I had added him sometimes (and every time cursing the game for being unfair to ST) when I want to do a control or many-elf deck. Now, ST doesn't have a reliable 3 damage card. Beast is the only card now which can brick against ST and doesn't synergize with all-elf or all-dwarf decks.

The rest of your content pretty much sums up what I have been telling for a long time. Building a deck for ST is depressing as it has junkest of all bronze cards. And people add these 5 provision cards because there is no better alternative. DBArcher has some use to align units (or kill a Cow Carcas). Bowman sucks. Most ST cards can only break even or get less value because they have "flexibility".

Well, there are lots of options with Vrihedd Officer. I just told you, he can be part of an engine with that double boost card. He can save an engine too, or he can simply do damage.

He gives 5 for 5, which is quite normal, and his ability is quite decent.
Giving 5 for 5 with no chance to exceed or synergize well with other cards is a junk card. You keep saying about a Dwarf who gets boosted by 2 whenever he gets boosted. You would never see him getting played as he is junk and prone to removal, reset. Also mixed Dwarf/Elf is junk. You don't know much about ST and hence you are quoting "theoretically" good thing which is plain wrong. Which are 5 Provision cards you use in your deck? I am sure none of them are plain bad 5 for 5 (and if so, I feel sad for you). Which are 5 Provision cards every other factions use? None are as pathetic and junk as ST cards. Now, please don't come and say the same point again. he syngerzing with that Dwarf is junk. Doing 2 damage on deploy is plain junk and useless. If Vrihedd Officer breaks even at 5 for 5 with 3 damage, then he is a decent card. Or lets say if he does 2 damage or 4 boost, then he will be a good card. At his current state, he is the weakest junkest and biggest insult for ST and ST players.
Well, there are lots of options with Vrihedd Officer. I just told you, he can be part of an engine with that double boost card. He can save an engine too, or he can simply do damage.

He gives 5 for 5, which is quite normal, and his ability is quite decent.

By double boost card I assume you mean Xavier Moran. I wouldn't consider a single card a lot of options. Come to think of it, unless I am forgetting a card, Officer lacks direct synergy with everything beyond Xavier, Isengrim and Aelrinn. In the case of Xavier it's only because he has synergy with boost mechanics. Those last two only qualify because Officer is an elf.

The engine comment applies to, once again, any boost card. If the goal was to keep an engine alive there are better options available to do so. You could play a 4p bronze boost card, like Hawker Healer, and achieve the same goal. It's 1 fewer point for 1 less provision. The lower point value is offset by the ability to improve the rest of the deck due to the lower provision cost.

In any case, you may be missing the point. As I said, bronze deploy cards tend to fall into one of four categories. Three of those are reliant on a condition or synergy. If it's satisfied sufficiently enough they tend to output value above cost. Officer is more of a jack-of-all-trades. It has no condition it must satisfy to reach peak value. Incidentally, it can never output value above cost. Again, it's a filler card (category #4). Unless you don't feel confident you can satisfy the condition of the other types, they do not fit the deck goals or you have already added every reasonable option out of the applicable choices you don't play these filler cards. For the simple reason they're worth less value.

Previously, the difference was Officer could output 3 damage. Most damage oriented cards get a penalty if they do enough damage to remove opponent cards capable of gaining additional value. By removing these cards you deny this value, earning "hidden" points. Now it's 5p, which is an improvement. Unfortunately, it has lost the 3 damage potential in the process. It's now a filler card with no particular strength beyond it's flexibility. It's flexibility is the only unique characteristic it brings to the table.

The problem with this "flexibility" characteristic is it's frequently not very beneficial. Control decks tend to rely upon damage instead of boosting. This is not to say they may not incorporate positive value options, such as tempo plays to offset some of their weaknesses. "Slow" boost cards don't tend to be among them. Boost decks may do the inverse and carry some control/removal cards. It's highly unlikely they are going to care about a 2 pt damage option in those spots, however.

All of this brings us back to the original point made earlier. Flexibility is great but if it's going to be worth less points or efficiency it loses part of it's appeal. Personally, I'd prefer to build toward synergies or conditions and, by building and playing correctly, find a way to satisfy them. In doing so the cards chosen are worth more points. Put differently, conditional bronze deploy cards with higher upside > flexible, jack-of-all-trades bronze deploy cards with no upside.
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