Padre Bugs + Missing Achievements

Hey, I'm missing the achievements for completing all the side quests and NCPD scanner missions in Watson and Heywood. The only quests left on my map are four cars and meeting Hanako at Embers.

There's one quest in particular for Padre that is stuck in my journal even though I already completed it and dropped the item at the drop box. His calls were all messed up. At the start I just wasn't getting calls but then when I reached an area for a new quest I'd get a call telling me what a good job I did on the last one instead of telling me what I was supposed to do now.

Really frustrating trying to 100% the game when achievements are blocked and quests remain in my log.

Running on PC. I'll write up my specs if you need them.
I have the exact same issue with Padre, it all started with the Fifth Column gig/quest, after stealing the data (Padre acknowledged, that he got it) , when leaving the place the gig did not update.
Loaded a previous save, same thing, even tried killing everyone in the bar. Same result, leaving the bar did not update.

Reloaded a previous save again, left the quest alone, however, now whenever regardless of which "Padre" quest, upon nearing the area Padre calls with some complete nonsense, not related to the quest about to begin. E.g. I am paraphrasing:
  1. Called that the guitar was in the right hands. (Did that quest approx 20. quests ago)
  2. Called and said He under stood I didn't want to get my hands dirty? As if I have declined a contract?
  3. Rods are in safe hands, and that the guys didn't know the true value.
You get the idea.
All other quest lines are fine form all the other fixers.

Alost need a tool, which cross-check, the messages V sends to the Fixers and virsa versa, so that the quests can be re-synched.
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