When did you get fifth Panam’s message “I know I can trust you”? Considering it’s content, It should come in the time period after Basilisk delivery to Aldecaldo camp and before testing by V and Panam.so guys, I did an experiment with my latest playthrough, and I realized the secret to making sure you don't miss any of panam's text messages is to not skip time AT ALL between them, in any form. That means, not doing other side quests that skip time (like sitting and waiting for claire at the race point, for example.) I only stuck to side gigs and ncpd stuff between here quests, and I got all possible messages from her. I even got a text from mitch that i've never seen before too
I made 3 playthroughs and I could got all 6 Panam messages only in the first one, when I didn't track the chronology closely.