Patch 2.01 coming soon (known issues)

My endings complete but I don’t retain iconics I found there or the key card to ebunike.
I had this on 1.3 the first time I played through. I know how to get it.

also it does not keep the tarot card? (Not sure, thought it was fixed some time ago)

in one ending the radio sound is missing when driving which makes Panams commentary a bit useless

I still miss my pre Order bonus (thanks a lot)
Yeah and it seems more prone to immersion breaking bugs (like npcs havin a gun in the cutscene which looks odd when they drink a glass of stuff with a gun stuck through it) since 2.0

Adding to that:
Still no tier 5++ weapons (stay at 5+) and downgrade 5++ cyberware.
Some iconics get a quest marker like johnnys gun. Which prevents them from being stashed
Certain attachments seem to downgrade if they're on a weapon when being put into the stash. So far I've noticed: Hyakume (downgrades to blue), GrandStand Mk.2x (downgrades to white), CS-1 Taipan (white), a few muzzles I can't remember the name of (blue). Haven't tried the others yet. Doesn't seem to affect the mods I've tried however it's best to carry them to be 100% safe.
Hey, chooms! We want to give you a heads-up that Patch 2.01 will be coming soon.

Here's a list of the most important fixes and improvements that will be included there:
  • The distorted effect caused by selecting a specific dialogue option when talking to Johnny at the end of Automatic Love will no longer persist on the screen.
  • V will no longer die in The Heist by falling through the elevator when riding to the 42nd floor with low FPS.
  • Fixed an issue where the UI could show controller inputs when playing with keyboard and mouse.
  • Made it possible to properly switch to arms cyberware by cycling through weapons.
  • Gig: Breaking News will be properly triggered after approaching the quest area.
  • Vehicle radio volume will be adjusted so it's not too quiet when compared to other sounds in the game.
  • Addressed the issue of corrupted saves on PlayStation by increasing the maximum save file size limit.
    Note: this won't fix the saves corrupted before the update. If you're experiencing the issue, keep a working save (e.g. resave it as manual save) till 2.01 arrives.
  • Performance improvements for both PC and consoles, especially in the Dogtown area.
Remember that these are just the highlights, so stay tuned for more details!
Please Please add Mouse and Keyboard on PS5
2.0 all was fine with cyberware. Now in update 2.01 all the iconic cyberware has disappeared from dog town ripper docks... Only the ones I purchased are there. The eyes are all gone from the first ripper doc in dog town... Anyone else experiencing this? No new cyberware available that's supposed to, running xbox series x. Patch 2.01 and PL installed all updated.
2.0 all was fine with cyberware. Now in update 2.01 all the iconic cyberware has disappeared from dog town ripper docks... Only the ones I purchased are there. The eyes are all gone from the first ripper doc in dog town... Anyone else experiencing this? No new cyberware available that's supposed to, running xbox series x. Patch 2.01 and PL installed all updated.
Nope, I'm on Series X too, I'm currently in my second playthrough on Phantom Liberty in 2.01 and no issue of this kind for me (for now).
The only thing you can do, it's to clear the cache and if it doesn't work, send a ticket to the support ("contact us" button). Great chance they'll ask you to share a save, so don't delete or overwrite it.
Nope, I'm on Series X too, I'm currently in my second playthrough on Phantom Liberty in 2.01 and no issue of this kind for me (for now).
The only thing you can do, it's to clear the cache and if it doesn't work, send a ticket to the support ("contact us" button). Great chance they'll ask you to share a save, so don't delete or overwrite it.

Thank you so much for all of your help! That was actually quite insightful and appreciated! I will definitely keep the save!
You're welcome, I wouldn't have been very helpful if clearing the cache don't fix your issue. But there is not much you can do on console :(
This is very sadly true not much we can do at all on consoles. I wonder if CD projekt Red can actually mess with the save if I send it to them and give it back? Or would they just use it for fodder?
This is very sadly true not much we can do at all on consoles. I wonder if CD projekt Red can actually mess with the save if I send it to them and give it back? Or would they just use it for fodder?
They will probably look into your save to figure out why it happened and try to fix it with an update (finding "why" is often the most difficult^^)
I hope you'll still keep an eye on the forum, just in case they do get their act together over the next patch(es). I don't think I was alone in appreciating your graphics insight and knowledge.
I'll stop by now and then, as I am now. I just don't have the time or energy to come in here daily, especially when the developer insist the game is being improved or fixed and it's simply not. I still stand by my 9/10 score and if it weren't for 2.01 being a pile of shit, I would recommend the game to my friends. I wouldn't be nearly as frustrated with them otherwise.

Once things have been sorted I'll gladly give a thumbs up, and it is clear the devs do very much care about the game, but whatever team is responsible for the most recent patch simply isn't thorough or skilled enough to handle the job. It's worrisome. It's very worrisome when they touch up a few things and then say the job is done and dust their hands off after how much of this stuff, in terms of both fidelity and mechanics, simply worked before hand aside from minor nitpicks.
Before starting the DLC, I realized that my combat music had stopped playing. There is nothing when I'm engaging combat. Even loading earlier saves doesn't help.

PLEASE! Fix it! Do not want start DLC with this issue =(
I'll post my sightings here as I don't want to open a new thread. I started a fresh save file sometime after patch 2.0. This was on a fresh install, latest drivers and all that (I'm not some gonk who doesn't update everything when starting a new game).
I'm on last mission of PL, I've done all side missions up to this point and all gigs, except for 2 from Mr. Hands.

Here's are all the issues I've encountered. I hope someone at CDPR happens to read this or maybe not.

- The lighting is indeed still broken in certain places when using ray tracing. On the dam around the area Muamar is located, some areas of the badlands and even when one area in dogtown, all have this issue with glowing skin.

- Crafted Iconic weapons such as Breakthrough don't appear on the stash wall as before, leaving the wall half empty.

- Type 66 - "Cthulhu" is bugged and doesn't unlock. Claire killed Sampson in my game, yet the car never became available for purchase as it did before when Sampson dies. Has this been changed so that Sampson has to survive in order to get the car or is it a bug?

- Type 66 - "Wingate" never becomes available to use once purchased. I got the voucher, bought it from Autofixers, it charged me, yet the car never appears in the list of summonable vehicles.

- Some vehicles have the wrong picture on the list of summonable cars.
Colby "Vulture" has the same icon as Colby "Little Mule". Galena "Locust" has the same icon as Galena "Gecko". There might be other ones.

- The face implant "Behavioral Imprint-Synced Faceplate" can be upgraded to tier 5+ (not to 5++ like every other cyberware) and in doing so, it creates a duplicate in you inventory which can't be sold cause it's considered a "quest item".

- When meeting Mr. Hands in person he bugged out and had a holo conversation with me along with the conversation he should have had with me. It made the whole conversation awkward as he would constantly interrupt himself and say "Time is money, V" as if he's waiting for me to talk to him on the holo.
I tried reloading the save from before meeting him and same glitch would happen each time.

- The Cyberware capacity is very weird (probably glitchy). Adding and removing same implants and fast traveling to a new location might have you free up suddenly a lot of cyberware capacity. Sometimes the same implants require more capacity than before...

- This also brings us to Cyberware capacity shards. I did all the gigs in the base game's districts before moving on to Dogtown and I never found a single shard to increase Cyberware capacity. But during the first few hours exploring dogtown I fought over a dozen Cyberware capacity shards from random enemies I killed. Is this intended or a bug?

- The "skills" such as shinobi, solo, headhunter etc doesn't seem to work. Some people have claimed they don't work at all. I've not tested it extensively but, definitely noticed that most of what I've unlocked do nothing at all.

- Some of the vehicle missions given by Muamar Reyes have a time limit and the time limit is waaay too tight. I mainly did these missions from Dogtown so maybe it's easier from other districts but especially when driving the slower cars it was almost impossible to hit the time limit. (this isn't a bug, more of a balance issue).
Possible to add auto sprint? clicking in stick doesn't work perfectly. Would be better to sprint by default and to walk slow, slightly tilt stick in a direction. PS5
also fix Quadra Wingate spawn!
plz encrease Cyberware Capacity Shards drop chanse.
its stops at 325 level =\
How come this patch doesn't add anything new, but after updating my game folder grew more than 20 gb???
wdym? They add alot
They broke chippin in quest, people now stuck in combat, fast travel terminals now demand you to reload to work and many other bugs, that didn't exist in 2.0
Also they fixed stash wall, now weapons finally appear. They saying it though, my wall still doesn't work
Oh, they fixed the bug with eternal glitch, that was from 1.0, don't know if they really fix it ofcourse, cause i fixed it in 2.0 with mod
Traffic still needs tweaking, annoying as F... :)
Yeah, can we talk about the horrible traffic situation and how to fix it?
Cars stopping instantaneously in the middle of the road for no reason.
I would go so far to call the traffic much worse than before the 2.0 update.

PLEASE! Please CDPR, fix the traffic. CP2077 is a game where driving through NC can be so stunning.
But the traffic is absolutely breaking the immersion.

Have a good one and stay awesome!

Having problems with «gig: waiting for dodger»
I killed all enemys with the techrifle through the walls and after dealing with the last three enemies before dodger encounter Bill freezes and i cant interact with objects because the game thinks im holding a body.
loading save doesnt help.

[workaround] just kill on sight only. killing through walls with energy gun will break your game, if the room is not already open.
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Two things: One, I noticed that myself and other players experienced a glitch that we talk to either Panam or Judy (just Panam for me) about the events of Dogtown, their voices sound like they're on the phone, even when we're talking to them IN PERSON.

Two: I read that CDPR isn't done with Cyberpunk just yet. Not anything major like expansions or 2.0, but little things here and there, possibly future patches. I sure hope they add some romance things, like arriving at your romance partner's place and having the option to kiss them if you want to. Just something a little more interactive with them than just sleeping on the same bed.
You can sleep in the same bed?? I didn't even know you could do that all I can do is just talk to Panam. How do you sleep in the same bed?
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It really sucks people are having all these problems. 2.01 update fuckin sucked for me too but nothing game breaking. I had a problem all my weapons were tier 5+ which made sense because before 2.0 I worked hard collecting these weapons and upgrading them to max and after 2.0 they fucking scraped crafting being any good so it made sense that they would all be the highest tier + as they nerfed the system. After 2.01 they were all random lower tiers. I found a fix by selling them waiting a few minutes then buying them back. I lost like 50k since they were obviously a couple thousand more expensive to buy back and they all lost the extra mod slot they had and were only tier 5 not tier 5+. So it sucked but not game breaking.

But now I AM SCARED TO DEATH FOR THE NEXT UPDATE. With all these problems they have to fix for other people God knows what other bugs it will create for others. God damn this game is cursed. Why can't they just add shit like modders? That would be so great. The game still feels like a hollow empty shell after you complete everything. There should be some incentive to play end game with all the stuff you worked for. For christ's sake what do we have to do to get NG+?? PLEASE I know it's not going to happen but come on please I will literally give you my bank account. WE ARE ALL BEGGING YOU ADD NG+. How is it not possible to just start a new game with everything we had in the last game. AND WHY THE FUCK IS THERE ONLY 1 RESPEC? You figured out how to respec but we can't even pay to do it again? Just like old perk respec just make it more expensive each time.

IT'S LIKE CDPR REALLY DOESN'T WANT US TO ENJOY THE GAME TOO MUCH. If you figured out respec attributes you can figure out how to add NG+
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You can sleep in the same bed?? I didn't even know you could do that all I can do is just talk to Panam. How do you sleep in the same bed?
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It really sucks people are having all these problems. 2.01 update fuckin sucked for me too but nothing game breaking. I had a problem all my weapons were tier 5+ which made sense because before 2.0 I worked hard collecting these weapons and upgrading them to max and after 2.0 they fucking scraped crafting being any good so it made sense that they would all be the highest tier + as they nerfed the system. After 2.01 they were all random lower tiers. I found a fix by selling them waiting a few minutes then buying them back. I lost like 50k since they were obviously a couple thousand more expensive to buy back and they all lost the extra mod slot they had and were only tier 5 not tier 5+. So it sucked but not game breaking.

But now I AM SCARED TO DEATH FOR THE NEXT UPDATE. With all these problems they have to fix for other people God knows what other bugs it will create for others. God damn this game is cursed. Why can't they just add shit like modders? That would be so great. The game still feels like a hollow empty shell after you complete everything. There should be some incentive to play end game with all the stuff you worked for. For christ's sake what do we have to do to get NG+?? PLEASE I know it's not going to happen but come on please I will literally give you my bank account. WE ARE ALL BEGGING YOU ADD NG+. How is it not possible to just start a new game with everything we had in the last game. AND WHY THE FUCK IS THERE ONLY 1 RESPEC? You figured out how to respec but we can't even pay to do it again? Just like old perk respec just make it more expensive each time.

IT'S LIKE CDPR REALLY DOESN'T WANT US TO ENJOY THE GAME TOO MUCH. If you figured out respec attributes you can figure out how to add NG+
When you visit your romance partner (in my case, Panam, so I don't know how the others work), if you find her standing instead of sitting in the chair, you can talk to her and you'll hug her, and share a flirty dialogue. Then, you can head to the bed on Panam's tent and sleep just like you do at any apartment. Once you wake up, Panam will be sleeping beside you.
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