I'll post my sightings here as I don't want to open a new thread. I started a fresh save file sometime after patch 2.0. This was on a fresh install, latest drivers and all that (I'm not some gonk who doesn't update everything when starting a new game).
I'm on last mission of PL, I've done all side missions up to this point and all gigs, except for 2 from Mr. Hands.
Here's are all the issues I've encountered. I hope someone at CDPR happens to read this or maybe not.
- The lighting is indeed still broken in certain places when using ray tracing. On the dam around the area Muamar is located, some areas of the badlands and even when one area in dogtown, all have this issue with glowing skin.
- Crafted Iconic weapons such as Breakthrough don't appear on the stash wall as before, leaving the wall half empty.
- Type 66 - "Cthulhu" is bugged and doesn't unlock. Claire killed Sampson in my game, yet the car never became available for purchase as it did before when Sampson dies. Has this been changed so that Sampson has to survive in order to get the car or is it a bug?
- Type 66 - "Wingate" never becomes available to use once purchased. I got the voucher, bought it from Autofixers, it charged me, yet the car never appears in the list of summonable vehicles.
- Some vehicles have the wrong picture on the list of summonable cars.
Colby "Vulture" has the same icon as Colby "Little Mule". Galena "Locust" has the same icon as Galena "Gecko". There might be other ones.
- The face implant "Behavioral Imprint-Synced Faceplate" can be upgraded to tier 5+ (not to 5++ like every other cyberware) and in doing so, it creates a duplicate in you inventory which can't be sold cause it's considered a "quest item".
- When meeting Mr. Hands in person he bugged out and had a holo conversation with me along with the conversation he should have had with me. It made the whole conversation awkward as he would constantly interrupt himself and say "Time is money, V" as if he's waiting for me to talk to him on the holo.
I tried reloading the save from before meeting him and same glitch would happen each time.
- The Cyberware capacity is very weird (probably glitchy). Adding and removing same implants and fast traveling to a new location might have you free up suddenly a lot of cyberware capacity. Sometimes the same implants require more capacity than before...
- This also brings us to Cyberware capacity shards. I did all the gigs in the base game's districts before moving on to Dogtown and I never found a single shard to increase Cyberware capacity. But during the first few hours exploring dogtown I fought over a dozen Cyberware capacity shards from random enemies I killed. Is this intended or a bug?
- The "skills" such as shinobi, solo, headhunter etc doesn't seem to work. Some people have claimed they don't work at all. I've not tested it extensively but, definitely noticed that most of what I've unlocked do nothing at all.
- Some of the vehicle missions given by Muamar Reyes have a time limit and the time limit is waaay too tight. I mainly did these missions from Dogtown so maybe it's easier from other districts but especially when driving the slower cars it was almost impossible to hit the time limit. (this isn't a bug, more of a balance issue).