Patch 2.13

Now that I've read all this, especially from PC gamers, I think we should perhaps be grateful that the update didn't come to consoles. I don't understand why they didn't go with 3.1, which has been proven to produce significantly better results and is more flexible. Once again, CDPR is keeping quiet and leaving the supposedly important community in the lurch. If tests now show that there is hardly any benefit, then you really have to ask yourself why the whole thing was even there.
Correct, but we aren't talking a simple Git pull of the source code and then a whip-quick merge. There's a reason CDPR didn't go to 3.1, and it will be because the amount of effort required. They might patch it later, who knows, but if they do starting from a baseline of 3.0 (which is significantly refactored versus 2.x.y) will be far easier.
I've messed up all the mods again because of such nonsense? :D Some time ago, I read that you are ending all development on CP 2077 - then I thought to myself: hooray, finally there will be no messed up mods... well, now you will release a patch with complete SHIT and screw up the whole game to everyone who uses mods! I'm begging you - leave this game alone - let it breathe and live... and focus on your new witcher without geralt! thanks and goodbye!
@Vattier What about bug fixes? Including for the endings affected by doing the "Killing Moon" quest, which has been a reproducible bug since Phantom Liberty was released. Can you please confirm that this has been fixed in this patch? IMO, this is the most important bug that needs fixing. It's a critical moment in the entire story after all - arguably the most important - and it's supposed emotionally sign the audience out of the experience... but when the literal subject matter of the scene isn't working, then the audience is pulled out of that moment and the purpose of the scene is undermined.

Mirror Scenes:
I was very excited about the update news after many months, but this isn't mentioned at all in the patch note. While I'm glad CDPR is still supporting this game, I'm gonna be so, so disappointed if this bug remains in the final version of the game :cry: I certainly hope devs are well aware that the game isn't 'fixed' yet and Phantom Liberty introduced serious bugs like this one. Hopefully remaining bugs will still get fixed next time instead of getting silence for so long...
I was very excited about the update news after many months, but this isn't mentioned at all in the patch note. While I'm glad CDPR is still supporting this game, I'm gonna be so, so disappointed if this bug remains in the final version of the game :cry: I certainly hope devs are well aware that the game isn't 'fixed' yet and Phantom Liberty introduced serious bugs like this one. Hopefully remaining bugs will still get fixed next time instead of getting silence for so long...
They made a deliberate decision not to fix what they broke in the last update. I think we have our answer.

Guest 4719259

I'd like to emphasise two points:
1. It's not quite clear why the patch doesn't address in-game bugs - is this a conscious decision? Then I would like it to be voiced.
2. If we are talking about updates again (after a long period of silence), is it possible to find out whether this ‘graphical’ patch will be followed by other patches aimed at fixing bugs? If so, when can we expect them at least approximately, and will they be cumulative? In other words, maybe this patch should just be skipped for now? (I'm just scared to download it!)
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That's it? there are still many bugs INTRODUCED by the last "major" patch (in addition to other "historical" ones) and recognized by the CDP itself and they didn't even bother to fix them after ALL THIS TIME. Plus, FSR 3.0 not 3.1 ,which is a clear step forward. After an entire YEAR.
A politc is more reliable.
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I'd like to emphasise two points:
1. It's not quite clear why the patch doesn't address in-game bugs - is this a conscious decision? Then I would like it to be voiced.
2. If we are talking about updates again (after a long period of silence), is it possible to find out whether this ‘graphical’ patch will be followed by other patches aimed at fixing bugs? If so, when can we expect them at least approximately, and will they be cumulative? In other words, maybe this patch should just be skipped for now? (I'm just scared to download it!)
They have thus far declined to comment when asked specifically about bug fixes, either here or on X. One developer responded with a link to support and a suggestion to report bugs there. Given that we’re talking about issues that have been known and reported for months, it’s clearly a brush off.

As for a pending patch, the update activity is publicly available on SteamDB. They’ve been working on the latest patch for at least six months. Nothing else appears to be in the works. The available evidence plus CDPR’s stonewalling on the topic of bug fixes argues for not getting your hopes up.

It’s a shame, really, but there it is.
what are the other stability and visual fixes?
those that in Italian we call "supercazzole"
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Cyberpunk 2077 release date - 10 December 2020
AMD FSR 3.1 release date - March 2024
People complaining on the internet that a 4 year old game doesn't support newer, manufacturer specific, upscalng technologies - Timeless.
Strange, because every ... made by Nvidia is added in its best/complete version
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I have to say that I am disappointed.

I have 5600G and 4060Ti 16GB & 16GB RAM. On 2.12 I had been playing with comfortable 90FPS in 1080p with DLSS quality and Path Tracing. After this patch the framerate dropped down to 40 FPS without me even interfering with the settings. After tinkering a bit and moving to Ray Tracing I can only squeeze 50-80 FPS without significantly lowering the quality. Can someone explain to me how a patch that is supposed to improve performance can so massively hinder it?

Is there a way to return to previous version?
Strange, because every [...] made by Nvidia is added in its best/complete version
I don't think so.. as far as I know, Nvidia seems more involved into the game than AMD. That's likely why Nvidia appear in the launch screen unlike AMD.
Is there a way to return to previous version?
On GOG, yep, pretty easy ;)
1. Go to your “Installed” section on GOG Galaxy.
2. Select Cyberpunk 2077 and select Manage Installation → Configure…
3. Disable the auto-updates option, choose your preferred version, and click OK.
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Guest 4719259

They have thus far declined to comment when asked specifically about bug fixes, either here or on X. One developer responded with a link to support and a suggestion to report bugs there. Given that we’re talking about issues that have been known and reported for months, it’s clearly a brush off.

As for a pending patch, the update activity is publicly available on SteamDB. They’ve been working on the latest patch for at least six months. Nothing else appears to be in the works. The available evidence plus CDPR’s stonewalling on the topic of bug fixes argues for not getting your hopes up.

It’s a shame, really, but there it is.
I, after reading the whole thread carefully, came to two main conclusions:
1. The patch is necessary to demonstrate the firmness of the CDPR on the issue of FSR 3 (y)
2. The patch is designed to kill a significant number of current popular mods :love:
Am I wrong in any way?
Sorry, I'm not very good at the guessing game. I'm more inclined to open conversation.
At this time, I will not be updating the game ))
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I don't think so.. as far as I know, Nvidia seems more involved into the game than AMD. That's likely why Nvidia appear in the launch screen unlike AMD.

On GOG, yep, pretty easy ;)

The money that CDP asks to AMD GPU owners are the same as the money that asks to nvidia GPU owners. IF you bring AMD technology for AMD gpu owners for CUSTOMER RESPECT or for they "commitment to quality" you do it by bringing the best that AMD offers you. They have NO excuse: it's a FREE technology and NOT hard to add. Plus you have nicely ignored the whole question of unsolved bugs despite the hundreds of reports.
[...] I would appreciate it if you would avoid answering me in the future, it's a waste of time for both of us, thank you.
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Are you telling me that I have to go and buy the GOG version to enjoy the game? :)
No, I'm telling you that GOG offer a quick and easy way to rollback your games, any games... Unlike Steam or Epic ;)
Well, just check site, there are 3 logos:
I know it's Ryzen, not Radeon, but this is really poor execution by AMD.
What I mean, it's Nvidia is clearly more involved in the game hence directly appear when you launch the game. So there is a kind of "partnership" between CDPR and Nvidia. So I have no doubt that Nvidia helped as much as possible CPDR to integrate all of their new techs into the game when they're released. Cyberpunk is a kind of a showcase for Nvidia's tech.
I don't think there is anything similar with AMD. I think it's just a "regular" relation between a studio and a GPU manufacturer.
it's a waste of time for both of us, thank you
Noted! :cool:
@CDPR : "Watch and learn" ... and while you're at it, seriously consider porting the FrameGen Ghosting 'Fix' mod and properly add to it using your own in-house tools for fine tuning.
Implementing a Dynamic Masking system like the mod does is not just one way to achieve the best possible results in the various gameplay scenarios, it's actually the only way to do it properly. (DLSS FG does exactly that btw, only automatically)
You absolutely have all the necessary means to do that, so just do it (along with upgrading to FSR 3.1 accross the board - consoles included as you still have a great opportunity in the upcoming PS5 pro release to show off cleverly implemented FG on all machines)
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We wait an year for this basicly an yers for FSR3.0 but in the time we wait there was mutch better version presedted FSR3.1 yet we got 3.0 in game my question is why really like why you dont want let people that have older gen GPUs like rtx 20 and 30 series nave more fun as well cuz whith 3.1 you can use amd frame gen on older rtx gpus as well damn this hurts a lot but thats not that huge issue cuz after long long time i said no more nvidia and switech to amd now with rx 7900gre and R7 5800x3D game runs like charm at 1440p ultra settings also RT works as well no problem but damn i wanted to try thiswith amd frame gen so i dit and game tell me i need to restart weird but ok i guess after i restart game glitches to maybe liek 640p resolution and nothing cant be changet back cool shit i guess even defaults dont wotk same stuff like this FSr was implemented soo late it dont matter really i already finish game several times even buy phantom liberty also upgradet ym whole pc to level that i can confortably play at 1440p native with RT on and yes its worked i used mod for FSR 3.1 and frame gen on my rtx 3070 and later on my RX 7900gre works great guess what i try preview driver from amd and also game worked great just very small tearing but well its preview driver those stuff is expected so i upgrade to new driver 24.8.1 which is lastest one, game worked great until i try to turn on frame gen after i dit it i have to restart and after that game is fucxked for good damn you take damn year to finally give us something we can use and when we got it its F-....ed beyond recognition, like good work cant with for new witcher how amazing that gonna work for my rtx 3070 and how poorly its gonna work for my AMD.
Look at ghost of tsushima how good AMD and nvidia gpus work there why we cant have that in CP, i hope nvidia pay good buck for this.
Im really dissapointed i wait very long time for this and there we go.
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The Launcher shows my driver is outdated, while I have 32.0.11037.4004 installed.
Yes i have try the game with rtx 3070 and also on RX 7900gre both gpus have shown this massage soo its just abug
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